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The Herbarium contains well over 82,000 catalogued plant specimens, the database for which is completely computerized. The present curator, Richard Worthington, took over the curatorial responsibilities in 1980; the prior curators were A. H. Harris (1971-76) and W. H. Reid (1976-80). The dry climate and relatively pest-free environs of the El Paso area make for excellent specimen preservation and color retention. Moreover, data standards are high, and many sheets representing material collected by LEB personnel are accompanied by a detailed locality map. Thus, although the collection is at present relatively small from the standpoint of a "typical" university herbarium, it is highly useful in terms of quality of specimens and data retrieval.

Kallstroemia grandiflora plant with flowers

Desert Poppy (Kallstroemia grandiflora); image by A.H. Harris.

Geographic coverage for southwestern North America is quite good. Overall geographic content of the Herbarium is approximately as follows: Texas, 24%; New Mexico, 22%; other USA, 32%; Mexico, 7%; other world, 15%. The most extensive coverage is in El Paso County, Texas, and Doña Ana County, New Mexico (represented by an excess of 8,000 and 3000 collections respectively). Depth from outside the New Mexico/West Texas area has been largely accrued through exchanges of specimens with other Southwestern herbaria, particularly those of the University of Arizona, Arizona State University, Oklahoma College of Arts & Letters, Northeastern Louisiana State University, and the University of California at Riverside, although Dr. Worthington also has collected outside of North America.

Herbarium materials at UTEP that are of special interest include:


Last Update: 11 Jan 2011