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Microorganisms and Disease

MICR 3220

Quiz 1- A

1.  Microorganisms are important in all of the following except

a.  Food production	        b. Spontaneous generation     c.  Degradation of dead material

d.  Source of antibiotics	e. Genetic engineering
2.  The use of cowpox virus as a vaccine for smallpox was first demonstrated by

a.  Louis Pasteur     	        b.Robert Lister 	      c.Edward Jenner

d.  Robert Koch         	e.Paul Ehrlich
3.The organism first shown by Alexander Fleming to produce an antibiotic was	

a.  Legionella pneumophila       b.  Staphlococcus epidermidis 	    c.Eschericha coli

d.  Staphlococcus aureus         e.  Penicillium notatum
4. Which of the following is in correct order for viewing objects through a light microscope where

(1) is objective lens, (2)  condenser, (3) illumination source, (4) ocular, (5) specimen, and (6) prism.

a.  3, 2, 5, 1, 6, 4  b.  2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 4  c.  3, 1, 2, 5, 6, 4  d. 3, 5, 2, 1, 6, 4      e. 3, 4, 5, 1, 6, 4
For numbers 5 through 9 match the items in the left column with items in the right column.

5._____  Meter			a.  This is equal to 0.000000001 of a meter

6._____  Centimeter		b.  This is equal to 0.000001 of a meter.

7._____  Millimeter		c.  39.37 inches

8._____  Micrometer		d.  Is the equivalent to 10-3 meters

9._____  Nanometer		e.  There are 100 of these in one meter
10.The magnification obtained with a compound microscope with an oil emersion lens is

a.  10X	     b.  40X     	 c.   50X    	     d.  100X       	e.   1000X
For numbers 11 through 14 match the items in the left column with items in the right column.

11._____  Spiral			a.  corkscrew

12._____ Bacillus			b.  spherical

13._____ Coccus				c.  rod-like

14._____  Staphylococcus 		d.  star-like

					e.  shapeless

For numbers 15 through 30 mark a if the match is correct  or b if the match is wrong.

15. Normal flora: invasive microorganisms which normally cause disease

16. DDT:  Its use following World War II controlled the disease caused by Plasmodium vivax.

17. Emerging diseases:  diseases that were recently recognized.

18. Prion:  An infectious protein, and the cause of Mad cow disease.

19. Eucaryote:   Do not have a nuclear membrane.

20. Genus:   the first name of the scientific name.

21. E. coli:   Strain O157:H7 is a pathogenic strain which causes a bloody diarrhea.

22. Theory of Biogenesis:  living cells arise from dead cells

23. Ebola hemorrhagic fever:  caused an epidemic among hospital workers in Zaire.

24. Hanta virus:  cause of upper respiratory tract infection, and present in deer mouse droppings.

25. Virus: obligate parasite

26. Fluorescence microscopy:  the light source is a mercury lamp.

27. Smear: a thin film preparation of microorganism on a slide for observation.

28. Stain:  a salt composed of positive and negative ions in solutions.

29. Basic stain:  the positive ion is the chromophore.

30. Negative staining:  Bacteria are colorless, the background is stained.