How to Install your Printer
  1. In Windows '95 go down to Start, Settings, and then Printers
  2. There will be an icon that says, "Add Printer,"  go ahead and double click on this to bring you to the Printer Wizard
  3. Follow the directions and make sure you know which printer you are going to add.  Note:  A local printer is one that is hooked up to the system you work on.  A network printer is one that is not located near you and is generally used by every one.
  4. If your printer came with software, go ahead and insert the installation disk and click "Have Disk."
  5. If you don't have it go ahead and click on the Make and the Model of the printer you want to install.
  6. Then go ahead and select Next.
  7. You might get an error saying that  Cannot locate the Windows '95 CD.  Then it will prompt you to find the files on your own.
  8. Depending on what version of Windows 95 you are using, it will be H:\users\public\Win95 (for older versions) or H:\users\public\Windows95 (for newer version)
  9. Follow the rest of the directions
  10. Your installation should be complete!  If you need assistance please feel free to send us a request at

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