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Devil Peak

NV: Clark Co.: 1098 m.


Location of Devil Peak

Age. Based on a radiocarbon date of 32,000 BP (Jefferson et al. 2015), the site is mid-Wisconsin.

The fauna is from the lower 12 ft of some 33 ft of sediments in a north-dipping vertical fracture (Reynolds, Reynolds, and Bell 1991).


Phrynosoma platyrhinos—Desert Horned Lizard (Reynolds, Reynolds, and Bell 1991: cf.)
Crotalus sp.—Rattlesnakes (Reynolds, Reynolds, and Bell 1991)
Coragyps atratus—Black Vulture (Reynolds, Reynolds, and Bell 1991)
Buteo sp.—Buteo Hawks (Reynolds, Reynolds, and Bell 1991)
Haliaeetus sp.—Bald Eagles (Reynolds, Reynolds, and Bell 1991: ? gen.)
Nothrotheriops shastensis—Shasta Ground Sloth (Reynolds, Reynolds, and Bell 1991)
Marmota sp.—Marmots (Reynolds, Reynolds, and Bell 1991)
Chaetodipus/Perognathus sp.—Spiny or Silky Pocket Mice (Reynolds, Reynolds, and Bell 1991)

Perognathus sp.

Dipodomys sp.—Kangaroo Rats (Reynolds, Reynolds, and Bell 1991)
Neotoma sp.—Woodrats (Reynolds, Reynolds, and Bell 1991)
Peromyscus sp.—Deer Mice (Reynolds, Reynolds, and Bell 1991)
Lepus sp.—Jack Rabbits (Jefferson et al. 2015)
Sylvilagus audubonii—Desert Cottontail (Jefferson et al. 2015)

Literature. Jefferson et al. 2015; Reynolds, Reynolds, and Bell 1991.


Last Update: 31 Mar 2015