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National City SR54 West

San Diego Co.


Location of National City SR54 West

Age. Rancholabrean, age estimate 400 - 150 ka (Jefferson 2014).


Fulica americana—American Coot (Jefferson 2014)
Tyto alba—Barn Owl (Jefferson 2014)
Mammuthus sp.—Mammoths (Jefferson 2014)
Mammut americanum—American Mastodon (Jefferson 2014)
Chaetodipus/Perognathus—Spiny or Silky Pocket Mice (Jefferson 2014)
Thomomys sp.—Western Pocket Gophers (Jefferson 2014)
Microtus californicus—California Vole (Jefferson 2014)
Peromyscus sp.—Deer Mice (Jefferson 2014)
Reithrodontomys sp.—Harvest Mice (Jefferson 2014)
Lepus sp.—Jackrabbits (Jefferson 2014)
Sylvilagus sp.—Cottontails (Jefferson 2014)
Notiosorex sp.—Gray Shrews (Jefferson 2014)
Sorex sp.—Long-tailed Shrews (Jefferson 2014)
Canis dirus—Dire Wolf (Jefferson 2014)
Equus sp. (size E. scotti)—Horse size of Scott's Horse (Jefferson 2014)
Odocoileus sp.—Deer (Jefferson 2014)

Literature. Jefferson 2014.


Last Update: 18 May 2015