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Mountain View Country Club

Ca: Riverside Co.


Location of Mountain View Country Club

Age. Late Wisconsin, with an estimated age of 12,300 BP (Jefferson 2014). However, Jefferson (2014) footnoted the account as "Note: Reynolds (2008) [source of faunal list] also list invertebrate taxa; taxa suggest Holocene age"


Gila sp.—Chubs (Jefferson 2014)
Sauromalus sp.—Chuckwalla (Jefferson 2014: ?)
Ambystoma mavortium—Barred Tiger Salamander (Jefferson 2014)
Phrynosoma sp.—Horned Lizard (Jefferson 2014)
Sceloporus sp.—Spiny Lizard (Jefferson 2014)
Lampropeltis sp.‐Kingsnakes (Jefferson 2014)
Pituophis sp.—Gopher Snakes (Jefferson 2014)
Crotalus sp.—Rattlesnakes (Jefferson 2014)
Thamnophis sp.—Garter Snakes (Jefferson 2014)
Anas sp. (small)—Small Dabbling Duck (Jefferson 2014: cf.)
Megascops sp.—Screech Owls (Jefferson 2014)

Otus sp.

Ammospermophilus leucurus—White-tailed Antelope Squirrel (Jefferson 2014)
Otospermophilus beecheyi—California Ground Squirrel (Jefferson 2014: cf.)

Spermophilus beecheyi

Xerospermophilus tereticaudus—Round-tailed Ground Squirrel (Jefferson 2014: cf.)

Citellus tereticaudus

Dipodomys deserti—Desert Kangaroo Rat (Jefferson 2014: cf.)
Dipodomys merriami—Merriam's Kangaroo Rat (Jefferson 2014: cf.)
Chaetodipus penicillatus—Desert Pocket Mouse (Jefferson 2014: cf.)

Perognathus penicillatus

Thomomys bottae—Botta's Pocket Gopher (Jefferson 2014)
Microtus sp.—Voles (Jefferson 2014)
Ondatra zibethicus—Common Muskrat (Jefferson 2014)
Neotoma fuscipes—Dusky-footed Woodrat (Jefferson 2014: cf.)
Neotoma lepida—Desert Woodrat (Jefferson 2014: cf.)
Peromyscus eremicus—Cactus Mouse (Jefferson 2014: cf.)
Lepus californicus—Black-tailed Jackrabbit (Jefferson 2014)
Sylvilagus audubonii—Desert Cottontail (Jefferson 2014: cf.)
Notiosorex crawfordi—Gray Shrews (Jefferson 2014)
Canis latrans—Coyote (Jefferson 2014)
Taxidea sp.—American Badgers (Jefferson 2014)

Literature. Jefferson 2014.


Last Update: 11 May 2015