Community Work-Study Mentorship and Internship Program
About the CWS Program
According to the University of Texas at El Paso’s Financial Aid website: Work-Study is a need-based program designed to provide employment opportunities for students who are in need of earnings to help pay their educational expenses.
What this means is that acceptance into the program is issued to students through the Office of Student Financial Aid due to need-based circumstances as determined by their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). To become eligible for Work-Study, a student must first submit their FAFSA for review, via the Federal Student Aid Website (located at They will then receive their student aid package through the UTEP Office of Financial Aid, and be informed if they were awarded Work-Study eligibility or not. Although prior approval through the Financial Aid Office is required to be admitted into a Work-Study position through our program, there are other factors that shall be defined in this packet that need to be satisfied in order for a student to maintain work-study eligibility.
How is the “Community Work-Study” program operated?
The Community Work-Study Program is managed by the UTEP Center for Community Engagement, aimed at connecting students with their community through service and learning. Work-Study eligible students are matched with community organizations based on skills and interests. Organizations are enlisted to serve as mentor host sites that also benefit from the student’s service to the organization and its mission.
The goal of this program is to form a mutually beneficial partnership between students and the community- one that offers meaningful service to the community organizations, as well as professional development, experience, and a deeper commitment to and understanding of their community for students. Both students and organizations are invited to apply on an annual basis to participate in this program.