Google at UTEP: Oct 2-4
Come learn the ins and outs of the technical interviews so you can nail your next one! Googlers will pull back the curtains on the interview process and give awesome tips & practice questions too.
- STEP Intern Info Session '24
Oct 2 | 4-5:30pm | UGLC 220
Are you a 1st or 2nd Year Computer Science student? Come by to learn the ins-and-outs of the STEP Internship where Googlers will go over the process and practice problems! Register
- Tabling
Oct 3 | 9am-12pm | CCSB first floor lobby (next to Starbucks)
Meet Googlers & ask questions
SWE Intern/FTE Interview Prep '24
Oct 3 | 4-5:30pm | UGLC 216
Join us to learn more about the SWE Full-Time and Internship process where we will also go over practice problems! Register
- Internship Application Party & Resume Prep/Review
Oct 4 | 10am-1pm | Templeton University- Union East 312
Come by to hear from Google engineers and recruiters on how to build your optimal resume! We will also hold time at the end for individual resume review from CIC and GDSC officers! Register