Bulk Faxing Procedure

This is a procedure to get the fax numbers from the database, Contact Manager and fax it to all the numbers at the stroke of a button. This involves importing and exporting the data that is contained in the database but it is as simple as shown below.

1.Open Contact Manager. This is located H:/users/Public/FileMaker Pro Win95/Contact.FP3

2.On the top right hand corner you see a button labelled Bulk Fax. Click on it and a new page will open up.

3.The cursor is shown blinking at the Number Type field. Here go ahead and type "FAX" and hitContinue at the left margin. This confirms your selection criterion that you want all the fax numbers. You can also give multiple selection criterio, Say you want all the PDNG association members' Fax numbers. then you type FAX in the Number Type and select PDNG from the drop down listing of the Association box. This gives a combined selection of the all the members of PDNG and their FAX Numbers.

4.Now the Hard part.

As you see in the above figure, select Export Records. This will prompt you for a file name and choose the file type as TAB seperated text. On clicking on Save Button(having given a name) another window will pop up asking as which fields have to be in the exported set of records.

You may want FirstName,Last Name and PhoneNumber (Fax). Then choose the respective fields and then hit Move to get these field names on the right side box. If not select move all and all the fields are moved to the right side box. Then Click on Export button. This will get you back to the original window. The FileMaker part is over for now.

5.Now open Microsoft Access. It will ask for a database name just let it be the default db1. Then choose the file menu and select Get External Data --> Import. This will ask for the file name from which the data is to be got. Then select the file in which we exported the records from the File maker Pro. This uses a import wizard to get all the data and just keep hitting Next on the Wizard. At the point where it asks the field names give some names which make sense. Like the first name to be first name instead of field1. Now you have a table in Access which contains all the fax numbers.

6.Now select the Table and Choose File --> Save As/Export. Check "To an External File of Database". Hit OK and it asks for the name. Now we have to be careful. After giving some name we have to choose DbaseIII from the Save As Type. Hit Export and after it is saved we can close the Access and open the WinFax Pro software.

7.Open WinFax Pro and click on the AddressBook Icon. Here choose File and chose Import. In the Format chose DbaseIII+. Click on Select and chose the .dbf file that you saved from Access. This will prompt to link the fields.

Select the right hand side field name which corresponds to the left hand side name and then hit "Link". This will get the data from the table and populate the address book. After all linking is done hit OK. It will import all the records from the database.

8.Now with these records or Fax numbers we can create different groups or a single group comprising of all the fax numbers. To create a Group.. Select File and then New and Group from this. It asks you for a group name and then in the Potential Group Members window we see all the folders. If all the fax numbers are under a specific folder on which we want to group then select that folder and we see all the members in that folder in the window below. Now to include selected members into the group select them and then click Add to get them in the group.

9. Now to send a Fax to all the members of that group select the left most icon which is Send Fax and this invokes a Faxsending wizard. This asks the group name and then asks to attach the file that you want to fax. And it then faxes all the members listed in the group...That all Folks...

10.If you just want to call on this address book from Mocrosoft Word, You select print and then select WinFax as your printer. This again invokes the Wizard and asks for the group name to be sent to and you can send it from here too.

I hope all the things above made sense. If not contact me at (915)747-6268 or e-mail me :sanjeev@utep.edu