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Cadiz, Fenner Valley

San Bernardino Co.


Location of Cadiz, Fenner Valley

Age. Late Irvingtonian/Early Rancholabrean.


Anaxyrus sp.—Nearctic Toads (Jefferson 2014)

Bufo sp.

Hesperotestudo sp.—Hesperotestudo Tortoises (Jefferson 2014)

Geochelone sp.

Crotaphytus sp.—Collard Lizards (Jefferson 2014 cf.)
Phrynosoma sp.—Horned Lizards (Jefferson 2014)
Sceloporus sp. (large)—Large Spiny Lizard (Jefferson 2014)
Uta stansburiana—Side-blotched Lizard (Jefferson 2014: cf.)
Aspidoscelis tigris—Western Whiptail Lizard (Jefferson 2014)

Cnemidophorus tigris

Xantusia vigilis—Desert Night Lizard (Jefferson 2014)
Coluber/Masticophis sp.—Racer/Coachwhip (Jefferson 2014)
Pituophis catenifer—Gopher Snake (Jefferson 2014)

Pituophis melanoleucus

Crotalus sp.—Rattlesnakes (Jefferson 2014)
Tamias sp.—Chipmunks (Jefferson 2014: Cf.)

Eutamias sp.

Ictidomys/Xerospermophilus sp.—Ictidomys or Xerospermophilus Ground Squirrels (Jefferson 2014)

Spermophilus (Xerospermophilus) sp. or Spermophilus (Ictidomys) sp.

Chaetodipus/Perognathus spp. (small and large)—Spiny or Silky Pocket Mice (Jefferson 2014)
Dipodomys sp. (small, ?medium, and large)—Kangaroo Rats (Jefferson 2014)
Thomomys bottae sp.—Botta's Pocket Gopher (Jefferson 2014)
Neotoma spp. (small and large)—Woodrats (Jefferson 2014)
Peromyscus spp. (small and large)—Deer Mice (Jefferson 2014)
Lepus sp.—Jackrabbit (Jefferson 2014: Cf.)
Sylvilagus sp.—Cottontails (Jefferson 2014: Cf.)
Canis sp. (large)—Large Wolf (Jefferson 2014)
Camelops sp.—American Camels (Jefferson 2014: Cf.)
Capromeryx sp.—Miniature Pronghorns (Jefferson 2014: ?)
Tetrameryx sp.—Four-horned Pronghorn (Jefferson 2014: ?)

Literature. Jefferson 2014.


Last Update: 14 May 2015