M.S. in Electrical Engineering
As an engineer for General Motors, Juan Carlos is using the skills and knowledge he gained at UTEP to help electrify sports cars, including the Corvette. While studying at UTEP, Juan Carlos focused his work on solar cell and power systems research, learning the ins and outs of working with semiconductors – all skills that have prepared him for his career.
With encouragement from his professors, Juan Carlos studied abroad in Australia, China and Brazil, and participated in student organizations. Through these experiences, he gained the confidence and connections to relocate to Michigan for his current role.
“Attending UTEP was the best decision I made to continue my studies,” Juan Carlos said. “UTEP faculty and staff pushed me forward to participate in venture competitions, study abroad programs on various continents, internships in both academia and industry, to present research at student conferences and get involved in student organizations.”
Now, his work on vehicle batteries is helping to rewrite the future of cars. From finding sustainable solutions to turning flashy sports cars into electric vehicles, his contributions will impact the automobile market and the environment for years to come.