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  • General Information
  • Services
  • TLC Courses

    The Tutoring and
    Learning Center
    300 Library
    FAX - 747-5486
    DIRECTOR: Gladys
    R. Shaw

  • Tutoring Learning Center (TLC)

    0001 College Reading and Study Skills

      Provides help with goal setting, time management, note-taking, TASP preparation and other basic techniques needed for academic success. No prerequisites; required of beginning START students. Highly recommended for all beginning students; returning adults; students wanting to study more efficiently; probationary students; and students experiencing motivational, organizational, time management, and/or learning difficulty. (Eight weeks of class instruction plus six hours of lab.)
    0002 Extended START TASP Lab
      Provides extended START students instruction in study skills and preparation for a specific section of the TASP. Prerequisite: Department Approval. (Sixteen hours of instruction over six weeks.)
    0003 College Reading and Critical Thinking
      Emphasizes the active reading skills necessary for the TASP and college reading assignments. No prerequisites. Open to all UTEP students; required of students scoring 15-16 on the Placement Assessment. Recommended for all students experiencing difficulty in completing and comprehending reading assignments. (Eight weeks of instruction and six hours of lab.)
    0004 TASP MATH Preparation
      Provides practice, specific instruction and test-taking strategies for the math portion of the TASP. No prerequisites; open to all UTEP students. (Eight weeks of instruction.)
    0005 TASP Writing Preparation
      Provides practice, specific instruction and test-taking strategies for the writing portion of the TASP. No prerequisites; open to all UTEP students. (Eight weeks of instruction.)

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    0006 TASP Reading Preparation

      Provides practice, specific instruction and test-taking strategies for the reading portion of the TASP. No prerequisites; open to all UTEP students. (Eight weeks of instruction.)
    0007 TASP Composition Lab
      Prepares students for the "issue style" of writing called for on the TASP and other styles commonly demanded in college courses such as informative, persuasive, narrative, and data-based or research-oriented writing. Prerequisite: department approval. Open to all UTEP students. Required of students in English 3110 who score 30-31 on the TSWE.
    0011 Bilingual College Reading and Study Skills
      Same as TLC 0001 but for ESOL students only. Prerequisite: Department approval.
    0013 Bilingual College Reading and Thinking
      Same as TLC 0003 but for ESOL students only. Prerequisite: Department approval.
    0017 Bilingual TASP Composition Lab
      Same as TLC 0007 but for ESOL students only. Prerequisite: Department approval.
    0021 SSSP Study Skills
      For students in the Student Support Services Program only. Prerequisite: Department approval.
    0023 SSSP College Reading and Critical Thinking
      For students in the Student Support Services Program only. Prerequisite: Department approval.

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    The University of Texas at El Paso
    Developed by the UTEP Web Development Team
    Revised: January 20, 1999