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  • General Regulations

  • Student Grievance

  • Discimination Complains

  • Student Educational

  • General Regulations

    Detailed policies and procedures affecting student life are printed in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) .The handbook supplements the rules and regulations of the Board of Regents and covers student conduct and discipline, use of University facilities, student organizations, educational records and student publications. The Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas

    Student Conduct
    While enrolled at the University, a student neither loses the rights nor escapes the responsibilities of citizenship. Any student who engages in conduct that is prohibited by the Board of Regents' Rules and Regulations or University rules, or by federal, state, or local law is subject to discipline whether such conduct takes place on or off campus or whether civil or criminal penalties are also imposed for such conduct. All students are expected and required to obey the law, to show respect for properly constituted authority and to observe correct standards of conduct.

    The University of Texas at El Paso administers student discipline according to established procedures of due process. Procedures are defined and described in the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, and in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP).

    Students should check with appropriate departments whose policy or regulation is of concern. If necessary, students need to refer to the rules as contained in the Regents' Rules and the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP). The Office of the Dean of Students can assist on this matter. This set of rules is available in the Office of the Dean of Students, 102 W. Union, on reserve at the Library, and the homepage of The Dean of Students (DOS) at www.utep.edu.

    Scholastic Integrity
    The University of Texas at El Paso prides itself on its standards of academic excellence. In all matters of intellectual pursuit, UTEP faculty and students must strive to achieve excellence based on the quality of work produced by the individual. In the classroom and in all other academic activities, students are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. Any form of scholastic dishonesty is an affront to the pursuit of knowledge and jeopardizes the quality of the degree awarded to all graduates of UTEP. It is imperative, therefore, that the members of this academic community understand the regulations pertaining to academic integrity and that all faculty insist on adherence to these standards.

    Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Proven violations of the detailed regulations, as printed in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP), and available in the Office of the Dean of Students, and the homepage of The Dean of Students (DOS) at www.utep.edu. may result in sanctions ranging from disciplinary probation, to failing grade on the work in question, to a failing grade in the course, to suspension or dismissal, among others.

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    Illegal Substances Policy
    The use, possession, or sale of any illegal drugs or narcotics including any amount of marijuana on the campus of the University is a violation of Regents' Rules and Regulations and of University policies governing student conduct, as well as a violation of State Law. In addition to possible criminal prosecution, student offenders will be subject to disciplinary action by the University. The minimum disciplinary penalty which will be imposed is suspension from the University for a specified period of time and/or suspension of rights and privileges, although permanent expulsion from the University could result.

    Policy on Disruptive Acts
    The obstruction or disruption of any teaching, research, administrative, disciplinary, public service or other authorized activity on campus or on property owned or controlled by the University is prohibited and will subject the student or group of students to disciplinary action.

    An instructor may deny a student access to participate in class activity for up to two individual classes (or course related activity period) for behavior that is disruptive to the learning or teaching environment. Individuals so denied may be immediately referred to the Office of the Dean of Students for additional disciplinary intervention including withdrawal from the course. More restrictive policies and procedures may be implemented by professional programs where patient/client student relationships are involved.

    In general, solicitation is prohibited in any building, structure or facility of the UTEP campus. Certain university activities are permitted as defined in the HOP. This handbook is available for review in the Office of the Dean of Students, and the homepage of The Dean of Students (DOS) at www.utep.edu.

    Campus Facilities
    The property, buildings, or facilities owned or controlled by The University of Texas at El Paso are not open to the general public for assembly, speech, or other activities, and such use by students and employees are subject to reasonable regulation.

    No person, organization, group, association, or corporation may use property, buildings, or facilities owned or controlled by The University of Texas at El Paso for any purpose other than in the course of the regular programs or activities related to the role and mission of the University, unless authorized by the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of the University of Texas System. Any authorized use must be conducted in compliance with the provisions of the Regents Rules and Regulations, the rules and regulations of The University of Texas at El Paso, and applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

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    Policy on Hazing
    Under the law, individuals or organizations engaging in hazing could be subject to fines and charged with a criminal offense.

    According to the law, a person can commit a hazing offense not only by engaging in a hazing activity, but also by soliciting, directing, encouraging, aiding or attempting to aid another in hazing; by intentionally, knowingly or recklessly allowing hazing to occur; or by failing to report first-hand knowledge that a hazing incident is planned or has occurred in writing to the dean of students. The fact that a person consented to or acquiesced in a hazing activity is not a defense to prosecution for hazing under this law.

    In an effort to encourage reporting of hazing incidents, the law grants immunity from civil or criminal liability to any person who reports a specific hazing event to the Dean of Students; and immunizes a person from participation in any judicial proceeding resulting from that report.

    This law does not affect or in any way limit the right of the University to enforce its own rules against hazing. The University regards any form of hazing as a major violation, and any individual and/or registered student organization participating in such activities will be prosecuted.

    The law defines hazing as any intentional, knowing, or reckless act, occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization whose members are or include students at an educational institution. Hazing includes but is not limited to:

    1. Any type of physical brutality, such as whipping, beating, striking, branding, electronic shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or similar activity;
    2. Any type of physical activity, such as sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement in a small space, calisthenics, or other activity that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk or harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student;
    3. Any activity involving consumption of food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug, or other substance which subjects the student to an unreasonable risk or harm or which adversely affects the mental or physical health of the student;
    4. Any activity that intimidates or threatens the student with ostracism; that subjects the student to extreme mental stress, shame, or humiliation; or that adversely affects the mental health or dignity of the student or discourages the student from entering or remaining registered in an educational institution; or that may reasonably be expected to cause a student to leave the organization or the institution rather than submit to acts described in this subsection;
    5. Any activity that induces, causes, or requires the student to perform a duty or task which involves a violation of the Penal Code.

    Other Prohibited Conduct
    Computer usage violations, use of alcoholic beverages, dishonesty, gambling, defacing of property, endangering the health or safety of others, use of obscene and threatening language, altering of records, possession or use of firearms, failure to respond promptly to official notices, etc., will subject the student to disciplinary action.

    Penalties Which May Result
    Penalties which may be imposed by the Dean of Students in conjunction with the approved disciplinary procedures include the following: admonition, disciplinary probation, withholding of grades, withholding of official transcript or degree, restitution, failing grade, denial of degree, suspension and expulsion, or revocation of degree and withdrawal of diploma, other penalty as deemed appropriate under the circumstances. In addition, certain privileges may be withdrawn consistent with the severity of the offense and the rehabilitation of the student. These penalties may be imposed singularly or in any combination upon individuals, groups or organizations.

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    General Debts of Students or Organizations
    The University is not responsible for any debts contracted by individual students or by student organizations. The University will not assume the role of collection agency for any organization, firm or individual to which students may owe money, nor will the University adjudicate disputes between students and creditors over the existence or amounts of debts.

    Debts Owed To The University
    In the event of non-payment of debts owed to the University, one or more of the following actions may be taken by the University:

    1. bar against registration,
    2. withholding of the student's grades and official transcripts,
    3. withholding of a degree to which the student might otherwise be entitled
    4. Delinquent accounts will be referred to a Collection Agency and Credit bureau,
    5. other penalties and actions authorized by law.

    Returned Checks
    A student who pays the University a check, draft or moneyorder for services or goods which is not subsequently honored by payor's bank and the fault is not that of the bank, and who does not pay the University the amount due within ten class days after the receipt of written notice that the bank has refused payment, may be subject to disciplinary action. A student who pays tuition and fees with a check, draft or money order which is not subsequently honored by payor's bank, the fault not being that of the bank, may be withdrawn from the University for non-payment of tuition and fees if the student fails to pay the University the amount due within ten class days after receiving written notice.

    Students will be assessed a $25 fee for each check not honored by payor's bank. This assessment is subject to change without prior notice.

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    Immunization Requirement
    In order to protect the health of the University community, all students are required to submit proof of immunization, or to be immunized, for Tetanus-Diphtheria, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. Persons born after 1957 are encouraged to have an MMR booster to dispel any uncertainty about immunity to more than one of these diseases. In addition, international students must demonstrate clearance from Tuberculosis.

    In accordance with State law, the following immunizations are required for all students enrolled in health related courses which will involve direct patient contact in medical or dental care facilities or who come in contact with human biological fluids or tissue.* Students for whom these immunizations are not required are strongly urged to obtain them for their own protection.

    - Measles: proof of two doses of measles vaccine administered on or after the first birthday and at least 30 days apart or proof of immunity;

    - Mumps: proof of one dose of mumps vaccine administered on or after the first birthday or proof of immunity.

    - Rubella: proof of one dose administered on or after the first birthday or proof of immunity;

    - Tetanus/diphtheria: proof of one "booster" dose of tetanus/diphtheria (within 10 years).

    - Hepatitis B virus (HBV): proof of serologic immunity to HBV or certification of immunization with a complete series of Hepatitis B vaccine. Students will be required to present a letter or other suitable written certification. * Note: Certain exemptions are allowed from the immunization requirement; students should contact the Admissions Office or the University Health Service for information.

    Students enrolled at UT El Paso will assume the full cost of the HBV. All other immunization listed above are free of charge.

    Students may obtain information regarding the consequences of out dated immunizations for certain diseases; the age groups most vulnerable to these vaccine preventable diseases; and local providers of immunizations services from the University Health Service.

    A form on which the required immunizations can be documented is available from the Admissions Office or the University Health Service. Since most secondary schools are required by law to maintain similar records, a copy of the high school immunization record may be submitted.

    The University Health Service is responsible for maintaining a record of those students who comply with these requirements and may recommend the placement of an administrative hold on records if they have not been met. The Health Service provides the required immunizations with the exception of X-ray screening for Tuberculosis for which there is a modest charge. The HB vaccine is also available for a nominal charge, for students enrolled in medical-related programs.

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    Policy on AIDS, HIV, and Hepatitis B Infection
    The University of Texas at El Paso recognizes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) as serious public health threats and is committed to encouraging an informed and educated response to issues and questions concerning AIDS, HIV, and HBV. In furtherance of its commitment, UTEP has adopted a policy and procedural steps to protect both the rights and well-being of those students, employees, and patients who may be infected with HIV or HBV as well as to prevent the spread of infection. No individual with HIV or HBV infection will be discriminated against in employment, admission to academic programs, health benefits, or access to facilities. Students with HIV or HBV infection may attend all classes without restriction, as long as they are physically and mentally able to participate and perform assigned work and pose no health risks to others. All information regarding the medical status of UTEP, faculty, staff, and students is confidential.

    A complete copy of the "AIDS, HIV and Hepatitis B Infection" policy can be found in the institutional Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) available in the Dean of Students Office, the Library, and the University Health Service. This policy is applicable to all students of UTEP as they pursue their academic (and clinical) endeavors. An educational pamphlet on HIV infection developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Public Health Service will be made available to all students from the University Health Service.

    Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act
    In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act (the Act) 20 U.S.C. Sections 1092(a), (e) and (f), as amended, The University of Texas at El Paso collects specified information on campus crime statistics, campus security policies, and institutional completion or graduation rates.

    Pursuant to the federal law, alleged victims of violent crime are entitled to know the results of campus student disciplinary proceedings concerning the alleged perpetrators.

    UTEP will make timely reports to the campus community on crimes considered to be a threat to students and employees and reported to campus police or local police agencies.

    Every September, UTEP will publish and distribute an annual report of campus security policies and crime statistics to all current students and employees; provide copies of the report to applicants for enrollment or employment upon request; and submit a copy of the report to the Secretary of Education upon request. The annual campus crime statistics report will reference crimes which occur on property owned or controlled by UTEP and may be supplemented by listing crimes which occur off of the campus in buildings or on property owned or controlled by student organizations that are registered by the institution when such statistics are available from local police departments.

    UTEP will publish in the annual security report, its policy regarding sex-related offenses, including sexual assault prevention programs, education programs to promote awareness of sex offenses, administrative disciplinary procedures and sanctions for offenders, and counseling and student services for victims.

    UTEP will annually calculate and disclose institutional completion or graduation rates for undergraduate students to all prospective and current students. (The federal requirement for calculation of a completion or graduation rate applies only to institutions of higher education that admit undergraduate students who are enrolling for the first time at an institution of higher education and have not enrolled previously at any other institution of higher education.)

    Prior to the offer of athletically-related student aid to a potential student athlete, UTEP will provide certain information on graduation rates specified by the Act to the prospective student and to the student's parents, guidance counselor and coach.

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    The University of Texas at El Paso
    Developed by the UTEP Web Development Team
    Revised: January 20, 1999