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Mutual Respect.

For Leslie Avila ’01, her experience at UTEP expanded her horizons. “Today, when I think about Department of Communications,” said Leslie, “I think about learning in fun and creative ways.” She added, “While at UTEP, I never felt like a number but felt like I was seen as an individual and was shown a mutual respect.” Thanks to dedicated professors, such as Carolyn Mitchell, who taught Leslie advertising and public relations, Leslie established lifelong skills that allowed her to help others.

She parlayed these skills into establishing Rush Enterprises, which advises and develops women for leadership roles. Since its founding in 2016, her company has grown to over 150 employees dedicated to providing career advice that empowers participants to meet the challenges of the twenty-first-century workplace. Through their participation, women build networks that not only aid their careers but also build a level of mutual respect that Leslie cherished while at UTEP.

Leslie’s mother, Olga, put her and her two siblings through college. Though she never attended college herself, Olga saw the value of a college education for her children. This devotion allowed Leslie to graduate debt-free and inspired Leslie to, in her words, “pay it forward.” In 2017, Leslie established the Olga Avila Annual Scholarship, giving UTEP students the opportunity to graduate debt-free as well.


Lessons from History

Meet Dick and Elsie


Paying It Forward

Meet Martha


All In The Family

Meet John and Helen 


Honoring Mom

Meet Edgar