4.14 Alleged Student Scholastic Dishonesty
Under the Regents' Rules and Regulations, the Dean of Students has authority and responsibility for student discipline. Specific provisions and requirements regarding student conduct at the University are contained in Section II, Student Affairs, of this Handbook, available at https://admin.utep.edu/hoop/. In most instances, the distinction between academic and disciplinary matters is clear. However, this may not always be the case when possible scholastic dishonesty is involved. Accordingly, the following guidelines are provided:
- All alleged acts of scholastic dishonesty must be reported to the Dean of Students for disposition. It is the Dean of Students' responsibility to investigate each allegation and dismiss the allegation, or proceed with disciplinary action that provides the accused student due process.
- It is a violation of the Regents' Rules and Regulations for a faculty member to withdraw a student or to assign a grade such as an "F" or "zero" to an assignment, test, examination, or other course work as a sanction for admitted or suspected dishonesty in lieu of reporting the alleged violation to the Dean of Students. Such action is a disciplinary penalty that violates the student's right to due process and leaves the faculty member vulnerable to a student grievance petition, a civil lawsuit, and possible disciplinary action by the University. Similarly, students are prohibited from proposing an arrangement with a faculty member to receive any reduced grade in lieu of being reported to the Dean of Students for suspected scholastic dishonesty.