Director's Message
On behalf of the students, staff, and faculty affiliated with CIDS, I invite you to collaborate with us! Our vision is for everyone in the world to have clean water, and our mission is to mentor and empower students to develop elegant and sustainable water treatment solutions through research and global service-learning projects. The Center for Inland Desalination Systems (CIDS) synergizes research by faculty members in the colleges of Engineering and Science at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP).
CIDS researchers primarily focus on inland desalination issues such as high recovery desalination processes, potable reuse, and recovering useful products from waste streams. We are one of the best-equipped desalination research facilities in the Southwest, especially for pilot testing novel desalination technologies.
The UTEP Center for Inland Desalination Systems and Center for Environmental Resource Management are collaboratively moving forward with a “One Water” vision and mission, taking a holistic approach to sustainable and resilient water management and treatment, especially for arid and semi-arid regions. Our research team benefits from decades of strong collaboration with El Paso Water, which has been a pioneer in water conservation, potable reuse, and brackish desalination. We are currently engaged in the Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Treatment (NEWT) NSF ERC and Sustainable Water USDA research center.
We are committed to high-quality research through education. The heart of the operation of CIDS is the students who work side-by-side with faculty and staff. We are always looking for new students to join our group.
We are also thankful to our governmental and private sponsors and to our collaborators from academia and industry for their support. Please feel free to contact us for information on any of our past or ongoing activities.
We look forward to being of service to you on relevant research projects.