Facilities Services
The Facilities Services department provides cost effective services to meet the needs of the University and its community, maintaining a physical environment that promotes learning, research and growth.
Our campus and facilities are serviced by approximately 180 employees working as a team to operate, maintain, repair, renovate and clean over 5.39 million square feet of space encompassed by 86+ structures located on 421 acres.
We provide a multitude of services in support of excellence in teaching, research, administration and public activities, including maintenance, custodial, landscaping and motor pool services.
Work Control
The Work Control team serves as the liaison between The University community and the different shops providing service. As such, they are responsible for the handling of work requests and dispatching of personnel as needed.
You can submit your service request electronically, through our Service Desk. For emergencies, call us at (915)747-PETE for assistance.