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5 Reasons to Get Involved in College

Being involved on campus to meet responsibilities other than those required by your courses is very rewarding and highly recommended by the Healthy Miners.

Being a part of something special makes you special! Here are 5 reasons for becoming involved on campus:

  1. It allows students to become connected to their school: Colleges are full of resources, but the responsibility is on the student to seek them out. Being involved helps them do that.
  2. It helps them build community: Since they're leaving their family and sometimes their friends behind, getting involved helps them discover new friends with similar interests.
  3. It allows them to discover their passions and strengths: These will follow them all through life. It allows them to discover what they don't like, too.
  4. It's a résumé builder: Freshman year is not too soon to begin thinking about positioning yourself for future employment.
  5. Sometimes, busier students do better in all areas: This will vary a lot by the student, of course, but more free time does not always equal better grades. Being involved will require some organization and time management on the part of the student—and that's a good thing.

Becoming involved on campus has a great deal of benefits to your personal, and professional life. Feel connected to a greater purpose on campus and network with those on campus who are also in the pursuit of meeting the common goal to make our campus a community better places!

By: Peer Educator Geneva Nieto