Alumni Association Board of Directors
Last Updated on August 26, 2020 at 12:00 AM
Originally published August 26, 2020
By Office of Alumni Relations
UTEP Communications
The University of Texas at El Paso Alumni Association traces its roots to 1923, nine years after the founding of the State School of Mines and Metallurgy.
That year, the school’s first “Alumni Club” was created for its 42 graduates. That club would eventually become the “Ex-Students Association” and later the UTEP Alumni Association. Today, the UTEP Alumni Association celebrates the more than 100,000 alumni who share their Miner Pride throughout the globe.
The Alumni Association could not do what it does for Miner alumni without the support of a dedicated group of volunteers – the Board of Directors. These proud graduates represent their alma mater in their respective careers and in their daily lives. Their work on behalf of the board translates to better engagement opportunities for alumni, as well as increased outreach opportunities with our students.
This month, we celebrate our esteemed board members and thank them for their time, talent and Miner passion. We also bid adieu to those board members whose term expires and extend a heartfelt welcome to the new board members who will embark on this journey starting Sept. 1.
We are: “Miners Forever. Stronger Together!”
Current Board Members
The UTEP Alumni Association welcomes its new board Sept. 1. Board members include: Top row, from left, Laura E. Biggs, Bernardino Olague, Martha I. Aguayo, Anthony Martinez, Helen Castillo, Ph.D., and Rebecca Ramos Birch.
Middle row, from left, Sergio M. Estrada, Brandy L. Peterson Maddox, James, Jones, Ph.D., Florida Simon Dotson, Manuel Castruita and Rudy Gutierrez Jr.
Bottom row, from left, Maria Zampini, Elizabeth Reyes, John Mack, Pilar Herrera, Ed.D., Fred Lopez and Monica Thomas.
Incoming Board Members
UTEP Alumni Association incoming board members include, clockwise from top left:
• Michelle Esparza
• George K. Farah
• Javier Aguilar
• Rick Acevedo, Ph.D.
• Venkateswara Kolli, M.D.
• Arturo Barrio
• Daniel R. Valdez
Outgoing Board Members
Outgoing board members of the UTEP Alumni Association are, clockwise from top left:
• Bonny Schulenburg, Immediate Past President
• Philip Stickler
• A. Robert Fischer, J.D.
• Sandra Martinez-Perez
• Paulina Lopez