The University of Texas at El Paso is one of the best institutions in the country for helping students realize the American Dream, as reported in multiple national media outlets.
The most recent example is a column in MarketWatch, which notes that UTEP is one of the 10 best U.S. colleges and universities for student upward mobility. The article is based on a study that lists UTEP among the most effective universities in helping graduates move from family incomes in the lowest 20% (less than $25,000 a year) to the top 20% (at least $110,000 a year).
The study refers to the ability to foster this ascent in income as a university’s “mobility rate.” At UTEP, almost 25 percent of graduates from the poorest backgrounds reach the uppermost income quintile, giving UTEP a 6.8% mobility rate – higher than all but eight universities in America.
“UTEP is a great education at a price families can afford,” UTEP President Heather Wilson said. “An education with us propels a family to the middle class and above.”
UTEP has been lauded for its ability to help students navigate financial challenges. Earlier this year, the campus’ comprehensive array of funding sources in support of its students received a major enhancement with the introduction of the PayDirt Promise, which covers tuition and mandatory fees for students whose families make $40,000 per year or less.
In 2017, a study released by the Brookings Institution ranked UTEP No. 1 for performing well in both research and social mobility. The study examined the performance of 342 public universities along two value dimensions that are commonly used to justify public investments in them: research productivity and student social mobility.
College or University | Location | Undergrad Enrollment | Bottom 20% - Top 20% Mobility Rate |
California State University | Los Angeles, CA | 24,002 | 9.9% |
Pace University | New York, NY | 8,960 | 8.4% |
State University of New York at Stony Brook | Long Island, NY | 17,522 | 8.4% |
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley* | Rio Grande Valley, TX | 24,578 | 7.6% |
City University of New York** | New York, NY | 244,951 | 7.2% |
Glendale Community College | Glendale, CA | 18,176 | 7.1% |
South Texas College | McAllen, TX | 31,321 | 6.9% |
Cal State Polytechnic | Pomona, CA | 26,443 | 6.8% |
UTEP | El Paso, TX | 25,151 | 6.8% |
St. John's University | Queens, NY | 16,766 | 6.8% |
*University of Texas--Pan American and UT at Brownsville merged into UTRGV.
**Includes full- & part-time undergraduate students at CUNY 4-year and 2-year colleges
Sources: Opportunityinsights.org/mobilityreportcards; Colleges; U.S. News & World Report College Rankings
Information is taken from MarketWatch article
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