The Green Fund is a student-approved fee referendum that assessess $3 per student per semester, raising up to $200,000 per year for campus sustainability projects.
Pick the change and lead campus to a more sustainable environment. Green Fund has provided seven areas of focus in which you can pick from. These areas are Energy Conservation, Food Recovery, Sustainability Education & Awareness, E-Waste, CO2 Emission Reduction, Water Conservation, and Recycling.
Funds were allocated to purchase solar panels for Cottonwood Building in Miner Heights. Energy savings realized will be used for additional panels.
Bike kiosks are strategically located throughout campus where bikes can be rented on an hourly basis. Green Fund match funded a total of 75K to the project
Recycling stations where bought and set across campus with the objective to highlight on the awareness of recycling and to recycle more efficient.
You can be part of a successfull change on campus and in your community, and it's all starts with a bright idea. Fill out our idea form here and a Green Fund member will personally reach out to you.