Team Mission and Goals
Team Mission
The UTEP Student Behavior Intervention Team (SBIT) is dedicated to a proactive, coordinated and planned approach to the identification, prevention, assessment, management, and reduction of interpersonal and behavioral threats to the safety and wellbeing of the UTEP campus community.
Team Goals
• Provide a safe physical environment for members of the university community
• Provide a safe emotional environment for the university community, and
• Promote peace of mind for friends and family of the university community.
Our Purpose
The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) places a high value on the health and safety of the overall campus community and strives to be the leader for the UT System in providing the requisite programs and resources to facilitate student health, safety and success. Although the faculty and staff of UTEP work to forge close relationships with students, it can be difficult to identify the early warning signs of concerning behavior.
The role of the Student Behavior Intervention Team (SBIT) is to address and manage multi-faceted situations affecting students and determine the best mechanism for assistance and intervention, all in an effort to support a student’s academic and professional aspirations.
Upon identifying a Student of Concern (SoC), the UTEP SBIT assesses the specific student, determines a plan of action, and provides support to assist the student with successful assimilation into the UTEP community.
The UTEP SBIT is designed to meet the current and emerging needs of a growing student body and robust campus community.
UTEP is a proud member of NABITA. More information about NABITA can be found at