Warning Signs of Suicide and Responding to Suicidal Concerns
Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students. There are basically four types of warning signs:
Situational: stressful or traumatic experience.
Depressive: changes in usual behavior, inability to concentrate, socially withdrawn, easily agitated, apathy, crying, sense of worthlessness, appears sad, abusing substances
Verbal: direct or indirect, verbally or in written material (i.e. assignments, papers, etc.)
Behavioral: giving away possessions, writing a suicide note, acquiring means to commit suicide, organizing business and personal matters, suddenly resigning from organizations or clubs
To save a life, remember QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer)
Question the person about suicide
Persuade the person to get help
Refer for help
Look for a cluster of clues. A suicidal person who give warning signs will most often present more than one clue. Suicide attempts are first and foremost a medical emergency. If danger or suicidal behavior appears imminent: 1) Stay calm and 2) Contact UTEP Police Department at 915-747-5611 or dial 911.
UTEP utilizes the QPR training model to support staff through these situations, but referring a student to a mental health professional is always the best option.
Are you interested in being QPR trained? We are always looking for partners at UTEP to help us prevent suicide and/or becoming an RUOK Ambassador? Visit RUOK (Suicide Prevention) to learn more.
You can also schedule also schedule a group training session through our CAPS department for QPR training by emailing caps@utep.edu.
REFER A STUDENT, 24-7, for Counseling Support
Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
Union West 202
(915) 747-5302
During normal business hours, the full-time staff at UTEP Counseling & Psychological Services answer this number, can provide in-person crisis support, and can schedule in-take appointments with the student.
In the evening and overnight, the line rings directly to the Miners Crisis Talk Line call center with a licensed mental health professional available to assist.