Frequently Asked Questions
UTEP Prep will help you get a head start on college. You will begin to earn college credit at UTEP before the start of the fall semester, begin building relationships with professors, administrators, staff, and peer mentors; learn about university life and campus resources; and build a community with other UTEP Prep students. If you are required to take calculus as a part of your degree program, but you place into Pre-calc, UTEP Prep is a great place to start your journey at UTEP!
UTEP Prep is scheduled to take place during the summer. For Summer 2024, courses will run from June 24 - August 5.
Students who meet the following requirements are eligible to participate in the UTEP Prep program:
1. Are admitted to UTEP.
2. Required to take calculus as a part of their degree program but place into Pre-calculus.
If you have questions regarding eligibility, please contact the Program Manager.
Yes! If you are interested in participating in UTEP Prep and you meet the eligibility requirements, we encourage you to apply to participate, or contact the Program Manager for more information.
Qualified students will register for 6 credit hours, including MATH 1508 and MATH 0108 at little to no cost with their filed FAFSA. Books and class supplies will be provided. On-campus housing is available at a cost to the student. Any balance not covered fully by financial aid is the responsibility of the student.
UTEP Prep students are required to attend New Student Orientation. Once students confirm thier participation in the UTEP PREP program, UTEP PREP Staff will ensure that students are registered for or have already completed NSO.
UTEP has computer labs with internet that you can use, and high schools and public libraries also have internet. The UTEP library also offers various services to students including laptops and hotspot devices.
Unfortunately, missing classes for other obligations will invalidate your participation for the program. Students must commit to attend all classes and programed events from the start to the end of the program. For more information on required dates and time commitments, please contact the Program Manager.
Preguntas más frecuentes
¿Por qué debo inscribirme a UTEP Prep?
UTEP Prep te ayudará a tener una ventaja al iniciar la universidad. Obtendrás hasta seis horas de crédito en UTEP antes del semestre de otoño; Crearas relaciones con los profesores, administradores, y mentores; aprenderás sobre la vida universitaria y los recursos disponibles para los estudiantes en el campus; y crearas una comunidad con otros estudiantes de UTEP Prep.
UTEP Prep será de lunes a viernes.
Has sido invitado a ser parte de UTEP Prep porque has sido identificado como un estudiante que se beneficiaría de una comunidad de aprendizaje pequeña y del pronto inicio de su carrera académica.
Desafortunadamente no, para participar en UTEP Prep se requiere de invitación. Dicho esto, hay una serie de programas que ayudan a los estudiantes de primer año de UTEP. Envíanos un correo electrónico con tu nombre y número de UTEP ID, y podremos encontrar otros programas que podrían estar disponibles para ti.
Los estudiantes que califiquen podrán recibir dos clases a un bajo costo o sin costo alguno con su FAFSA. Los libros, y el estacionamiento serán gratuitos. Su ayuda financiera de FAFSA cubrirá el costo de la inscripción. UTEP Prep incluye alojamiento dentro del campus.
Se requiere que los estudiantes participantes de UTEP Prep asistan a la orientación para nuevos estudiantes.
Sí. No importa la carrera en la que estés, los dos cursos que se enseñan en UTEP Prep son requisitos para todos los programas.
UTEP tiene laboratorios de computadoras con acceso a internet que se pueden utilizar. También las escuelas secundarias y bibliotecas públicas tienen internet.
Desafortunadamente, faltar a clases invalidaran la participación del estudiante en el programa. Los estudiantes deben comprometerse a las 6 semanas completas de UTEP Prep.