Apply to host a Community Work-Study Student
Active Organizations & Student Interns
Community and nonprofit organizations are invited to apply to become designated host sites for the program. As a designated CWS Site, organizations host and mentor a student who can contribute to the organization through tasks or project-oriented work. Students are matched with organizations based on skills, interests, and project goals.
For the 2024-2025 academic school year, a total of 35 positions are expected to be available. (The number of positions may vary from year to year depending on Federal Work-Study allocations).
The application is now closed, the 25/26 academic school year application will be available in June 2025.
Project duration: September 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025, at 15-19 hours per work week (some variations may apply)
In order to apply, a login needs to be created or you may log-in with an account that you may have already created through Give Pulse.
The application includes the following questions, and we recommend you complete the information in a separate word document and then copy/paste onto the form.
- Organization contact information
- Brief information of clientele served
- Mentor/Supervisor contact Information (should also be point of contact)
- Job description for the proposed CWS student intern position. Be sure to include goals and specific objectives to be completed or achieved by the student (250-400 words)
- List skills relevant for this position.
- How do you foresee the student impacting your organization and its mission?
- What kind of skills, knowledge, and abilities do you anticipate the student will gain from working with the organization?
- Indicate days available for student intern(s) work schedule
- Number of positions you would like to be considered for
- Any additional information you would like for us to consider while reviewing your application.
- Contact information of person completed application form.
If you have any other questions contact CCE,
- No political campaigns or faith-based organizations
- Consideration may be given to incorporated and (or in the process of incorporation and/or in the process of attaining tax-exempt status from the IRS
- Materials and supplies for job-related duties
- Working space with a telephone (if necessary for the project)
- Mileage reimbursement for project associated travel (does not pertain to travel associated with getting to and from host
- Other project-related expenses for the student to successfully complete (the student or UTEP should not have to pay for any project-related activities)
Community Partner Host Responsibilities and Guidelines
Organizations interested in applying must:
- Provide workspace, meaningful work, and a safe environment for the student
- Appoint a site supervisor/mentor for the student and complete associated paperwork as the supervisor
- Propose a project or set of tasks that provide a student with learning and professional skill-building opportunities
- Do not replace the work of a part-time or full-time employee
- Agree to attend a community organization orientation in late August (date to be determined)
- Complete a mid-semester and final evaluation of student work-study (material will be provided)
- Help strengthen and contribute to the organization mission and work
- Can be completed in the project duration time period, at 15 hours per week
- Participate in a 3-hour orientation at the beginning of the project period
- Participate at an end of year celebration where students and organizations showcase their collaborative work
- Communicate with the Center for Community Engagement if there are any issues or concerns with regard to student match via
Resuming Operations: For the 2024-2025 academic year, community partners may resume in-person internships with remote work as approved through case-by-case reviews.
Below is a list of safety guidelines that have been encouraged by UTEP:
- Face masks are highly recommended for people who are not vaccinated but are not required.
- High-touch surfaces are cleaned at least once a day
- Offices with high-traffic areas should plan for how to handle large numbers of individuals safely
- Social distancing is no longer required. However, if someone is wearing a face covering, you may assume that they would prefer people to maintain six feet of social distance from them.