Symposium #4
What can street gangs tell us about radicalization and extremist groups? This symposium examines the important similarities and differences across criminal, deviant, and extremist groups. Drawing from research on street gangs, Dr. Scott Decker discusses issues such as levels of explanation,organizational structure, group process, and the increasingly important role of technology and the internet in the context of radicalization. There are points of convergences across these groups, but it is important to understand the differences between these groups.
This presentation will review the current state of research on investigative interviewing methods. Rapport based interviewing will be discussed, particularly the effective use of rapport-building skills and how to measure rapport in an investigative interview. The presenter will also discuss the limitations of research on investigative interviewing and the importance of collaborations between scientists and practitioners in improving the use of evidence-based interviewing.
Scott H. Decker, Ph.D. - Arizona State University
Scott Decker earned his PhD in Criminology from Florida State University. He is Foundation Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University. His main research interests are in the areas of gangs, violence, and criminal justice policy. He is a Fellow in both the American Society of Criminology and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. He is the author of seventeen books and over 120 scientific articles. His books include, Life in the Gang: Family, Friends and Violence (Cambridge, 1996), Confronting Gangs: Crime and Community (Oxford, 2015), and Policing Immigrants: Local Law Enforcement on the Front Lines (University of Chicago, 2016). Decker recently completed a study funded by the National Institute of Justice that examines the role of race/ethnicity, gender and a prison sentence on employment chances. He is engaged in a study of the use of technology by offenders funded by Google Ideas. He served as an adviser or consultant to the National Institute of Justice, National Science Foundation, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and Office of National Drug Control Policy. Professor Decker served as a Member of the Missouri Sentencing Commission for ten years and as a member of the Arizona POST Board for five years. He is an active and contributing member of the Eurogang Research Group. He testified before the President’s Task Force on 20th Century Policing.