Steering Committee
Leanne F. Alarid, Ph.D.
Department of Criminal JusticeResearch focus:
Evaluation of supervision strategies and treatment programs within community corrections and institutional correction facilities; Youth and adult offender behavior; Gender, crime, and victimization.
Theodore R. Curry, Ph.D.
Department of Criminal JusticeResearch focus:
Relationships between immigration and crime in the U.S. both at the individual level and neighborhood level; theories of crime and criminal justice with a focus on gender and race/ethnicity.
Gaspare M. Genna, Ph.D.
Department of Political ScienceResearch focus:
Explaining the success and failure of regional integration in both economic and political dimensions. His work to date involves analyzing state incentives for integration as well as domestic public support.
Jennifer Eno Louden, Ph.D.
Department of PsychologyResearch focus:
Criminal justice and mental health; community corrections; stigma of mental disorder and criminal justice involvement.
Maria C. Morales, Ph.D
Department of SociologyResearch focus:
Race, ethnicity, citizenship/nationality, and class; U.S. Latinos; migration; labor markets; informal economies; demography and research methods.
Egbert Zavala, Ph.D.
Department of Criminal JusticeResearch focus:
Intimate partner violence, testing criminological theories, homicide, gangs, and criminal behavior by police officers.
Rebecca Reid, Ph.D
Department of Political ScienceResearch focus:
Rule of law, international law, human rights, judicial decision-making, judicial independence, separation of powers, and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Judicial politics; American judicial system.
Jeff Rojek, Ph.D
Department of Criminal JusticeResearch focus:
Police officer and organization behavior; use of force; officer injuries; racial bias in traffic stops; officer decision-making in tactical events, police practitioner partnerships, and officer misconduct.