Message from the Department Chair

Welcome to the Department of Counseling, Special Education. This information offers a glimpse into the volume and variety available to our graduate and undergraduate students. We believe these courses, taught by talented and passionate faculty, provides our graduates with a solid foundation from which to build professional success in a much needed and valuable career. I hope you will consider this as you decide your academic future.
We offer programs for students wanting master’s degrees in special education, educational diagnostics, school, rehabilitation, and/or mental health counseling. We also have an undergraduate program that leads to special education certification. We offer many courses that students find interesting such as the assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse learners, learners with special needs, effective reading strategies for low performing learners, trauma therapy for individuals, crisis management for schools and organizations, and marriage and family therapy, and specific to rehabilitation counseling.
While our degree options are plentiful, it is our faculty that makes the difference. Our instructors are student oriented and nationally recognized experts in their fields. We are here to help you achieve your educational goals.
Please stop by if you have questions. We are located on the seventh floor of the Education Building. You may contact the department chair, or 915-747-5266 or anyone of our faculty members for more information about our programs and courses.