Action Networks
Early Matters El Paso
Early Matters El Paso is an action network of the El Paso Collaborative for Academic Excellence. The group is composed of cross-sector partners who recognize the role of quality early childhood experiences on future academic and life outcomes. Utilizing local and regional data, aligned goals, and consolidated resources, the group is charged with outlining key metrics to gauge and impact the progress of early childhood education in the El Paso region. Such efforts align to larger regional goals documented in the Regional Scorecard. El Paso will join other state efforts in cities like Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio.
El Paso Opportunity Youth
On January 28, 2022, the EPCAE Board approved the creation of an action network (work group) to serve Opportunity Youth in El Paso County. Workforce Solutions Borderplex, The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso Community College, the Paso del Norte Health Foundation, the City of El Paso and Emergence Health Network - the City's mental health authority - currently make up the local core team for the El Paso Opportunity Youth action network. The group is working to align county-wide efforts in a way that helps re-engage the large population of young people ages 16 to 24 not found in work and school.
Click HERE to access the El Paso Opportunity Youth Dashboard.
Early Childhood Education Data Dashboard
Early Childhood Education data for El Paso County. Click HERE for full access.
Borderplex Connect
The County of El Paso partnered with the El Paso Community Foundation (EPCF) and commissioned two research centers at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) - the Hunt Institute for Global Competitiveness and the Mike Loya Center for Innovation and Commerce - to examine the current condition of broadband access and infrastructure in El Paso and present options for converting that network into cutting-edge technology that is widely accessible by all county residents. The results of that research are now available to the public to review. These studies are part of a larger effort by the County, EPCF and other public-private partnerships to promote digital inclusion through a regional coalition called Borderplex Connect.
El Paso Teachers’ Preparation Workgroup
The El Paso Teacher Preparation Working Group is made up of members representing ESC19, regional ISDs, UTEP, EPCC, local/national foundations, and other community-based organizations. Its focus is on improving high-quality teaching in K-12 settings across the region by strategically addressing the teacher pipeline- recruitment into the profession, access to high-quality teacher preparation programs, and critical coaching and support for new teachers.
Region 19 College and Career Readiness Committee
Education Service Center- Region 19 and the College, Career, and Military Preparation Department headed by Angie Haro, Director, convenes the Regional College & Career Readiness Committee on a quarterly basis. This Committee has representation from all Region 19 ISD and charter school leaders in Career & Technical (CTE) Programs, Counseling & Advising, Advanced Academics as well as both district and campus leadership. Vertical alignment through the PK-16 spectrum and workforce is a primary goal of the Committee with membership from El Paso Community College (EPCC), The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), Workforce Solutions Borderplex, Borderplex Alliance and other local government and community organizations. The Committee focuses on College, Career & Military Preparation for all Region 19 students, aligning to regional pathways and career opportunities.