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Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy


Scientific Name


Common Name(s)


Part(s) Used


Form of Use




Achillea millefolium

Milenrama, Yarrow

Stems, leaves, and flowers


May induce uterine contractions.

Actaea racemosa Cohosh negro, Black cohosh


Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Adiantum capillus-veneris

Maidenhair fern, Culantrilllo de pozo

Fronds (leaves)


May induce uterine contractions

Aloe vera

Sábila, zábila, Aloe, babosa

Gel and latex

Cremas, Preparaciones, Hoja entera, Bebidas

Gel used topically is considered safe. Avoid ingesting whole leaf preparations as they may induce uterine contractions.

Alchemilla, xanthochlora

Lady’s mantle


Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions

Angelica archangelica



Tea, capsules May induce uterine contractions.
Angelica sinensis

Angélica china, Dong Quai, Dang gui, Chinese angelica


Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Anthemis nobilis

Manzanilla romana, Roman chamomile


Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Artemisia spp.

Estafiate, Istafiate, Ajenjo, Wormwood

Leaves and stems


Various species of wormwood contain potentially neurotoxic ingredient known as thujone.

Capsella bursa-pastoris

Shepherd’s purse, Bolsa de pastor

Leaves, stems and flowers

Tea, tinctures

May induce uterine contractions.

Cascara sagrada

Cáscara sagrada, Sacred bark

Tree bark

Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Caulophyllum thalictroides

Cohosh azul, Blue cohosh, squaw root


Tea, capsules

May be toxic to fetus and induce uterine contractions.

Centella asiatica

Gotu kola, Centela

Steams, leaves

Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Cinnamomum cassia

Canelón, Cassia

Tree bark


Occasional use as a condiment considered safe. Taken as tea may induce uterine contractions.

Claviceps purpurea

Ergot, Cornezuelo del centeno

Fungus (sclerotium)

Grows in various species of infected cereal grains (rare in industrialized countries)

May induce uterine contractions.

Cinnamomum verum

Canela, Cinnamon, true cinnamon

Tree bark


Occasional use as a condiment considered safe. Taken as tea may induce uterine contractions.

Datura spp

Estramonio, toloache Jimsonweed, stramonium, moonflower

Planta entera


Various species of Datura are toxic and hallucinogenic. Avoid use.

Dioscorea villosa

Wild yam, Cabeza de negro

Root and rhizomes

Tea, tinctures, capsules

Uterine stimulant

Dryopteris filix-mas

Male fern, Helecho macho, Dentabrón


Tea, extracts, pills

May induce uterine contractions.

Dysphania spp

Wormseed, Mexican tea, Epazote, Paico

Leaves and stems


Occasional use as a condiment considered safe. Contains a toxic compound known as ascaridol; may induce uterine contractions. Avoid ingesting oil, as it is neurotoxic.

Foeniculum vulgare

Fennel, Hinojo

Seeds, root, leaves

Tea, pills, capsules, essential oil

High doses should be avoided, as they may induce uterine contractions

Harpagophytum procumbens

Devil’s claw, Garra del diablo


Tea, pills, capsules

May induce uterine contractions

Humulus lupulus

Lúpulo, Hops


Tea, pills, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Hydrastis canadensis

Sello dorado, Golden Seal


Tea, pills, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Hypericum perforatum

Hierba de San Juan, corazoncillo, hipérico, St. John´s Wort

Flowers, Steams

Tea, pills, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Hypericum perforatum

Hierba de San Juan, corazoncillo, hipérico, St. John´s Wort

Flowers, Steams

Tea, pills, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Juniperus spp.

Sabino, Juniper berry



May induce uterine contractions.

Leonorus cardiaca

Motherwort, Agripalma

Stem, leaves, and flowers

Tea, tinctures, syrups

May induce uterine contractions.

Lycopus virginicus

Bugleweed, Menta de lobo

Stem, leaves, and flowers

Tea, tinctures

May induce uterine contractions.

Matricaria recutita

Manzanilla alemana, German chamomille


Tea, capsules, Enema

May induce uterine contractions.

Mentha pulegium

Poleo, Pennyroyal

leaves, Steams and Flowers

Te, Aceite esencial

 Essential oil should not be used internally; abortifacient and liver toxic.

Montanoa tomentosa

Zoapatle. Cihuapatli

Leaves and stems


May induce uterine contractions.

Nicotiana tabacum

Tabaco, Tobacco


Smoked, chewed

Castor oil used as laxative may stimulate uterine contractions. The seeds are very poisonous.

Ocimum basilicum

Basil, Albahaca, Albacar

Leaves and stems

Tea, essential oil

Safe as a condiment. Avoid essential oil during pregnancy.

Origanum spp


Leaves and stems

Tea, essential oil

Occasional use as a condiment considered safe. Taken as tea may induce uterine contractions. Avoid topical use of essential oil during pregnancy; avoid ingestion of essential oil.

Panax ginseng

Ginseng coreano, Korean ginseng


Tea, capsules

Safety for use during pregnancy not established.

Panax quinquefolius

Ginseng americano, American ginseng


Tea, capsules

Safety for use during pregnancy not established.

Passiflora incarnata

Flor de la pasión, Passion flower


Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Pausinystalia yohimbe


Tree Bark

Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Peumus boldus




Contains a toxic compound known as ascaridol and a hypnotic alkaloid, boldine.

Piper methysticum

Kava kava

Rhizomes, root

Liquid extracts, capsules

Safety for use during pregnancy not established.

Rhamnus purshiana

Espino cerval, Buckthorn


Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Rheum spp

Ruibarbo, Rhubarb


Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Ricinus communis

Ricino, Castor oil, palma Christi



Castor oil used as laxative may stimulate uterine contractions. The seeds are very poisonous.

Rosmarinus officinalis

Romero, Rosemary

Steams and leaves

Tea, essential oil

Occasional use as a condiment considered safe. Taken as tea may induce uterine contractions. Avoid topical use of essential oil during pregnancy; avoid ingestion of essential oil.

Ruta graveolens

Rue, Ruda

Leaves and stems


Toxic internally, may induce uterine contractions.

Serenoa repens

Palma sabal, Saw palmetto


Pills, capsules

Bark may induce uterine contractions. Unripe berries are toxic.

Symphytum officinale


Planta entera

Tea, capsules

Avoid prolonged use internally; can be liver toxic.

Tabebuia spp

Palo de arco, lapacho Pau d´ arco

Flowers, Arbol, Corteza

Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Tanacetum vulgare

Tanaceto, Feverfew

Flowers, Steams

Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Tanacetum vulgare

Tanaceto, Feverfew

Flowers, Steams

Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Trifolium pratense

Trébol, Clover

Flowers, Steams

Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Trigonella foenum-graecum

Alholva, fenogreco, Fenugreek

leaves, Semillas

Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Turnera diffusa

Damiana, hierba de la pastora

Flowers, Steams

Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Uncaria tomentosa

Uña de gato, Cat´s claw


Tea, capsules

May induce uterine contractions.

Ustilago maydis

Corn smut, Cuitlacoche, Huitlacoche



Safety for ingestion during pregnancy not established. Avoid especially during the first trimester of pregnancy.



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