Chapter 2: Governance of the University
2.1 System and Other Authority
The University of Texas at El Paso (University) is governed by the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System for the Government of The University of Texas System and by this Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP). The University is also subject to all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
In addition, the University is subject to the minute orders of the Board of Regents and administrative policies and directives issued by appropriate officials of The University of Texas System. Further, certain authority and responsibility for the institution is held by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, as specified by the laws of the State of Texas.
In the remainder of this document, the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents for the Government of The University of Texas System shall be designated "Regents' Rules and Regulations."
2.2 Faculty Role in Educational Policy Formulation
Any member of the faculty desiring to present a proposal for a change in policies or procedures of the University may do so by presenting the proposal in writing to the President of the Faculty Senate one month before a regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate. The Senate President shall distribute copies of such a proposed change to the members of the Senate at least one week before the meeting at which it is to be considered. The Faculty Senate may refer the issue to one of the standing committees or to an ad hoc committee for study. The President of the Senate will communicate the substance of the proposed change to the University President and indicate whether the Senate's recommendation is favorable or unfavorable. In no event shall the Faculty Senate withhold its favorable or unfavorable recommendation on such a proposal beyond three regularly scheduled meetings.
Nothing stated in this section shall be construed as denying any member of the faculty direct access to the President of the University, subject only to the ordinary considerations of operation in the President's Office.
2.3 The Handbook of Operating Procedures
2.3.1 Policy
Rule 20201, Part 2, Subsection 4.9, requires that the President of each component institution develop and administer the rules and regulations for the governance of the institution and any related amendments. Such rules and regulations shall constitute the HOP for the institution.
No provision of the HOP may conflict with the Regents' Rules and Regulations. When such a conflict exists, the conflicting rule or regulation in the HOP is void and has no effect. Whenever a conflict with the Regents’ Rules and Regulations is detected, the President shall initiate procedures to timely revise or remove the conflicting HOP provision .
All rules and regulations or amendments in the HOP must be reviewed by the institution’s Chief Legal Officer, then submitted for final approval to the President.
2.3.2 Distribution
The President of the University shall cause the HOP and approved amendments to be available to all administrative offices in the University and to appropriate offices of The University of Texas System through electronic distribution, which is also available to the general public. The Office of Institutional Compliance shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the HOP, ensuring its availability electronically on the Internet at As promptly as possible after an amendment has been approved in accordance with Regents' Rules and Regulations, the revised version shall be posted electronically, and the Office of Institutional Compliance shall maintain a permanent record of all such amendments.
2.3.3 Amendments Approval Process Scope
This policy applies to any significant change to the institution’s HOP, including the addition or deletion of policies and procedures. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to set forth the procedure for amending the institution’s HOP, including obtaining input from faculty, staff, and student governance bodies that may be affected by changes in policies and procedures. Definitions Educational Policy: Sections of the HOP that pertain to the areas of faculty responsibility as set forth in Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 40101. Governance of the institution: Consists of the policies and procedures except medical procedures or protocols, affecting the way the institution directs, administers, and controls the institution. This includes policies and procedures:
(a) directing compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations, Regents’ Rules and Regulations, and UT System policies with System-wide application;
(b) addressing or affecting the responsibility and/or authority of the various offices and bodies that make up the institution; and
(c) addressing the relationships between administration, faculty, students, and staff and institutional values and goals. HOP Committee: The individuals appointed by the President to review and make recommendations regarding the HOP to the President. The HOP Committee includes the President or his or her designee, the Vice Presidents or their respective designees, the Faculty Senate President, Staff Council Chair, Student Government Association President, and other individuals, as appointed by the President. Policy Coordinator: The Director for the Office of Institutional Compliance, or his/her designee, to ensure institutional compliance with this policy. Responsible Executive: The President, or his or her designee, or Vice President, or his or her designee, who is responsible for the programmatic, functional, or administrative areas addressed by the policy and procedure. Significant change: A change that results in a substantive change in the rule including changes to essential principle(s), scope, or application of the HOP policy or procedure. Editorial changes, changes to reflect institutional organizational changes, paragraph and outline numbering, and reference citations are not considered significant changes and do not need to be approved in accordance with this policy. Committee Review Plan: A plan for obtaining advisory input from faculty, staff, and student governance bodies that may be affected by changes in HOP policies and procedures. Procedure Designations and Responsibilities.
The Policy Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating with the HOP Committee and have administrative oversight with regard to policy development and review. The HOP Committee will: review all HOP sections; designate a Responsible Executive for each section; determine a periodic review schedule; designate whether HOP sections pertain to the areas of faculty responsibility in educational policy formulation; and develop a Committee Review Plan. HOP Review Process.
(a) Policies Not Related to Educational Matters
(1) A University office proposing a new HOP section will draft the policy, in correct HOP format and prepare a statement of background and rationale for the new policy. (The Policy Coordinator will provide assistance upon request). A University office proposing a HOP amendment will prepare a draft in the correct HOP format along with a statement of background and rationale for the amendment. The proposing office will route the documents through the appropriate Responsible Executive or their designee.
(2) The Responsible Executive will submit the proposal to the Policy Coordinator who will distribute it to the HOP Committee for review and approval. The HOP Committee will confirm the Committee Review Plan and develop a committee review timeline that takes into consideration the best interests of the institution regarding timely implementation of the proposed HOP policy including but not limited to, legal or otherwise mandated deadlines for policy implementation.
(3) The Policy Coordinator will distribute the proposed HOP policy in accordance with the Committee Review Plan and timelines.
(4) Advisory input from Committee members returned timely to the Policy Coordinator will be provided to the Responsible Executive for consideration.
(5) The Responsible Executive will resubmit the proposed HOP policy with any incorporated changes to the HOP Committee.
(6) Once a majority of the HOP Committee has approved the proposed HOP policy, it will be submitted to the President for review and approval.
(b) Educational Policy
(1) New or amended Educational Policy will be reviewed in accordance with Section
(2) The Committee Review Plan must include review by the faculty governance body.
(3) The faculty governance review should occur within 60 calendar days or less, in accordance with Rule 20201, Section 4.9(b). Each policy in the HOP will be reviewed in accordance with the review schedule and timelines using the applicable process in Section The Policy Coordinator will submit the proposed HOP policy to the Office of Legal Affairs. The submission should include any changes shown in the correct HOP format and a brief background and rationale for the proposed policy. The Policy Coordinator will notify the HOP Committee and Responsible Executive regarding the resolution of any comments received from The Office of Legal Affairs and make conforming changes as needed. Recommendations and comments from University attorneys are legal advice provided to University administration and are to be treated as privileged and confidential attorney-client communications. The Policy Coordinator will submit the proposed policy for approval by the President. After approval by the President, the Policy Coordinator will notify the Responsible Executive by email and update the online HOP.
2.3.4 Interpretation
The President of the University shall have the ultimate authority to interpret the meaning of the provisions contained in the HOP, and may seek advice from The University of Texas System Office of Academic Affairs or the Office of General Counsel on questions of jurisdiction and interpretation.
2.4 Other Documents Pertaining to Governance, Policy, and Information
2.4.1 The Catalog
The University publishes official Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs prior to the start of each academic year, in an online format. Official changes to policies and degree programs are updated on this annual schedule, although error corrections may be published during an academic year.
The Catalog contains general information about the University, as well as information on admission, financial aid, tuition and fees, academic regulations, degree programs, degree plans, credit and non-credit courses, and student services. The current Catalogs are available online to all UTEP students, staff, and faculty, as well as to the public. In addition, archived versions of the catalogs are available online to serve the needs of alumni and former and returning students.
2.4.2 Procedural Manuals, Local Directives, and Bulletins
Upon approval of the President, other policy or procedural manuals, directives, and bulletins, which announce, describe, interpret, or explain University policy and administrative procedures will be issued for guidance of officers, faculty, staff, and students in the conduct of University business.
Such publications shall be consistent with the Regents' Rules and Regulations and the HOP and shall not amend, modify, or substitute for the official Regents’ Rules and Regulations of The University of Texas System or the HOP of the University.
These publications may include but are not limited to the following: Business Process Guidelines -- The Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs shall cause to be prepared official manuals of administrative procedures for departmental chairs, directors, and other supervisory administrative personnel. Business Process Guidelines shall be available at: Informational Manuals or Handbooks -- Each divisional Vice President may cause to be prepared informational manuals or handbooks which interpret or explain policies and procedures in practical terms to facilitate the conduct of University business by specific segments of the University Community. These publications shall not amend, modify, or substitute for official rules and regulations of the UT System or the University. Publications may include but are not limited to:
- Faculty Manual -- a reference to policies, administrative procedures, and services for faculty and academic administrators prepared by the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Faculty Welfare Committee of the Faculty Senate may advise the Vice President for Academic Affairs concerning the preparation and revision of the Faculty Manual.
- Student Handbook -- a reference to policies, administrative procedures, and services for students prepared by the Dean of Students.
- Research Manual -- a reference to policies, administrative procedures, and services pertaining to the procurement and conduct of research grants, contracts, or other sponsored activities and the administration of intellectual property for faculty or staff prepared by Research and Innovation.
- Standards of Conduct Guide – a reference to the necessity for and the responsibility of all employees of UTEP to be aware of and perform their duties and responsibilities in compliance with applicable provisions of federal and state laws, regulations and policies – to include the policies and the rules and regulations of The UT System Board of Regents and the policies and rules and regulations of UTEP. Bulletins, Newsletters, and Policy Memorandums may be issued to remind the University community of existing policy or procedures or to announce new or revised policies or procedures to be subsequently incorporated into the Regents’ Rules and Regulations, the HOP, or Procedural Manuals, as appropriate. Such announcements of new or revised policies or procedures are effective immediately upon publication and distribution by printed or electronic means.