Bylaws of the Faculty Government of UTEP
1.1 Order of Business
The order of business of the Senate, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution or Bylaws, shall be as follows:
- Call to Order
- Determination of a Quorum and the Seating of Alternates
- Approval of the Minutes
- Acceptance or Modification of the Agenda
- Announcements
- Reports of Standing or Special Committees
- Old or Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
2.1 General Faculty Meetings
2.1.1 The General Faculty shall meet at the beginning of the Fall semester on such date as published in an announcement disseminated to all members.
2.1.2 A quorum for a meeting of the General Faculty shall be a majority of the membership of the General Faculty, but shall not be required when the only purpose of the meeting is to provide information to the Faculty.
2.1.3 A simple majority will decide all issues put to a vote except as otherwise provided in the Constitution or Bylaws.
2.1.4 The Minutes of all General Faculty meetings shall be distributed to each organization unit, at or above the department level within 30 days of the meeting. One copy of all Minutes will be placed in the appropriate section of the University Library.
2.2 Faculty Senate Meetings
2.2.1 Regular meetings of the Faculty Senate shall normally be held on the second Tuesday of all months in which meetings are scheduled by the Constitution.
2.2.2 The Secretary of the Faculty Senate shall provide the members of the Faculty Senate with the Agenda at least three working days in advance of each regular meeting. Regular meetings shall be held in a place that is accessible to all Faculty members and will accommodate the Senate members and a reasonable number of visitors. Any member of the General Faculty and other employees or officers of the University may attend meetings of the Faculty Senate as non-voters. The President and Vice Presidents of the Student Association may attend all meetings of the Faculty Senate as observers only. When, by simple majority vote, the Senate goes into Executive Session, only duly elected Senators and Alternates and Officers may be present.
2.2.3 Proposals for Faculty Senate consideration may be submitted to the President of the Faculty Senate by the President of the University, the Provost, or by any other member of the General Faculty. All proposals, except those made by the President in person or by members of the Faculty Senate shall be made in writing, and include the sponsor's signature. These proposals must be received in the Faculty Senate Office at least 10 days prior to the scheduled meeting.
2.2.4 Special or emergency meetings may be called whenever the President of the Faculty Senate or any other individual having authority to convene the Senate determines that the press of pending business and/or circumstances demand it. Only that business included in the call for a special meeting may be taken up at such a meeting. The requirement that the Agenda be distributed three days in advance is waived for special meetings.
3.1 Officers and Duties
3.1.1 The President of the Faculty Senate shall preside at meetings of the Faculty Senate. The President shall appoint all special or ad hoc committees and shall appoint Faculty to ad hoc committees involving joint student-faculty action desired by the Faculty Senate and the Student Association. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees with the right to participate and vote. The President may, however, delegate this function, in whole or part, and for varying periods, to the members of the Executive Council of the Faculty Senate. The President is a member of the Senate and may vote whenever that action would determine the fate of the question before the House; otherwise the President will not vote on matters before the Senate.
3.1.2 The Vice President shall act as President of the meetings in the absence of the President. He/she shall act as the coordinator of the work of all the Standing Committees and functions as prescribed in 5.1.3 below. The Vice President shall also serve as a liaison with the Student Government through the President of the Student Association, and he/she shall receive all communications from the Student Government. The Vice President is a member of the Senate with the right to participate and vote.
3.1.3 The Secretary/Treasurer shall: (1) keep the Minutes of all meetings; (2) keep a current list of the elected members of the Faculty Senate, with a record of attendance at all meetings; (3) read the Minutes of any previous meeting at the request of the Chairperson; (4) read at regular meetings all correspondence that may be directed or be of special concern to the members of the Faculty Senate; (5) perform such other secretarial duties as the President may prescribe; (6) upload to Faculty Senate website the Agenda and the Minutes of the meetings; (7) perform the normal duties of the Treasurer when the occasion so demands. The Secretary/Treasurer is a member of the Senate with the right to vote, but will not take part in discussion while recording the proceedings of the Senate.
4.1 Election of Officers
4.1.1 Nominations - At the December regular meeting, the President of the Faculty Senate shall appoint a three-member Nominating Committee. The Committee will normally be comprised of the last three former Presidents of the Senate, if they are available and willing to serve. This Committee shall submit a slate of candidates for each office to be distributed with the May Agenda. Further nominations may be made from the floor.
4.1.2 Voting - If only one candidate has been nominated for an office, election may be by acclamation. When more than one candidate has been nominated, voting shall take place by secret ballot. Any candidate receiving a majority of all votes cast shall be declared elected to the office for which nominated. In case no candidate receives a majority of all votes cast, a run-off vote shall be taken on the two (or more) candidates required to make a total of fifty percent (50%) of the number of votes cast on the first ballot.
4.2 Election of Faculty Senate Members and Alternates
4.2.1 Elections of Senators and Alternates to the Faculty Senate shall be conducted at departmental meetings with at least seven days' notice of such meeting and election and using the customary methods of calling such a meeting.
4.2.2 Oral nominations shall be received, no second being required, and any eligible Faculty member may self-nominate. Nominations shall not be closed so long as any Faculty member wishes to offer nominations.
4.2.3 Nominations shall be confined to eligible members of the department wherein the election is being conducted. Eligibility is defined in the Constitution of the Faculty Government.
4.2.4 If only one candidate has been nominated per vacant position, election may be by acclamation; otherwise, election shall be by written ballot with reasonable effort being made that the ballots be of uniform external appearance.
4.2.5 Where no nominee receives a majority vote, a run-off election shall be conducted between the two nominees with the greatest number of votes.
4.2.6 The votes shall be counted in a fashion permitting each nominee, or authorized agent thereof, to view the procedure clearly.
4.2.7 The results of each counting of the votes shall be announced immediately.
4.2.8 Each department shall elect an Alternate for each Faculty Senate seat. Alternates shall have the same qualification and shall be elected in the same manner as Senators.
4.2.9 Such elected alternates are encouraged to attend Faculty Senate meetings. They may participate as a representative, however, only when they are attending in lieu of the elected representative.
4.2.10 When more than one seat is to be filled by departmental action, the procedures set forth above shall be repeated for each seat, but it shall not be necessary to call separate meetings for each such election.
4.2.11 Immediately upon conclusion of an election, the departmental chairperson shall send a written certificate of election to the President of the Faculty Senate. This certificate shall include the name and rank of each person elected, assurance of constitutional eligibility, and assurance of the election's having been conducted in compliance with these Bylaws. The Senate is prohibited from seating any Member or Alternate who is not so certified.
4.3 Term of Office, Faculty Senate Members
4.3.1 Faculty Senate members will serve for two years commencing with the first Faculty Senate meeting of the Fall term following their election.
5.1 The Executive Council of the Faculty Senate
5.1.1 The Executive Council shall advise the President of the Faculty Senate on matters concerning the Faculty Senate and the General Faculty. It shall consist of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary/Treasurer of the Faculty Senate, and a member from each college not represented by the Senate Officers.
5.1.2 The Executive Council shall assist the President in preparing the Agenda for each meeting of the Faculty Senate, and in executing the decisions and instructions of the Senate.
5.1.3 The Executive Council shall assist the Vice President of the Faculty Senate in coordinating the work of the Standing Committees.
5.1.4 The Executive Council shall verify the eligibility and election of all Senators and Alternates.
5.1.5 The Executive Council shall meet each month with the President and the Provost of the University to consult with and advise them on matters affecting the University.
5.2 Appointment of the Executive Council of the Faculty Senate
5.2.1 With the exception of the Chairperson of the Graduate Assembly, who is an ex-officio member of the Executive Council, members of the Executive Council shall be appointed by the President of the Faculty Senate with the consent of the Senate. The President of the Faculty Senate shall make these appointments as soon as possible after assuming office. Members so appointed shall serve until the first Senate meeting of the Fall semester following confirmation and shall be eligible for reappointment.
5.2.2 At that time, the Senate shall vote to confirm each of the nominated candidates, and the results shall be announced immediately. A majority of votes cast shall be sufficient to confirm the candidates.
5.2.3 If a vacancy occurs on the Executive Council, the President of the Faculty Senate shall nominate a candidate to fill the unexpired term at the next regular meeting of the Senate. The nominee shall be confirmed in the manner described above.
5.3 Meetings, Executive Council
5.3.1 The Executive Council may be convened by the President or the Vice President of the Faculty Senate, the President of the University, or the Provost.
6.1 Voting
6.1.1 Votes in the Senate shall be taken by acclamation. When the outcome is uncertain, however, the President or any member may request an enumeration, a secret ballot, or a roll call vote. When either of these methods is requested, that question of voting method shall be put to the Council, without debate.
6.1.2 Section 6.1.1 above notwithstanding, voting in all elections shall be by secret ballot except when unexpired term vacancies are being filled or when one candidate is nominated for each position, in which case voting may be by acclamation.
7.1 Removal Procedure
7.1.1 Any officer of the Faculty Senate or any Chairperson of a Standing Committee may be removed for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance by a two-thirds vote of the membership. Charges may be brought by Resolution in the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate shall direct the Chairperson of the Committee on Academic Responsibility, Privilege, and Ethics to form an Investigative Committee. The Faculty member involved shall be informed of the charges against him/her in writing. The hearing must be held within 20 working days following the passage of the Resolution stating the charges. The accused shall have the right to appear in person and to be represented by counsel of his/her choice and to confront and cross-examine witnesses. He/she shall have the right to testify but may not be required to do so, and he/she may introduce witnesses and written or oral evidence, that may be relevant and material. The Investigative Committee shall hold its proceedings in closed session unless the accused Faculty member requests a public hearing in writing. An electronic record of the proceedings shall be taken and be made accessible to the accused. By a majority vote of its total membership, the Investigative Committee shall make written findings on the material facts and recommend the continuance or termination of the accused. To remove an officer of the Faculty Senate or a Chairperson of a Standing Committee from office, the findings of fact and the recommendation made by the Investigative Committee must be sustained by a two-thirds vote of the Faculty Senate membership and only after the accused Faculty member has been given an opportunity to appear before the Faculty Senate to make a voluntary statement, or answering questions, or both.
7.1.2 The President of the Faculty Senate may replace, at the request of the Chairperson of a Standing or Special Committee, any member of the Committee who has excessive unexcused absences from Committee meetings.
8.1 Presidential Approval of Faculty Senate Action
8.1.1 All action of the Faculty Senate, as reported in the Minutes or in Action Reports, shall be submitted to the President of the University. Should the President disapprove any action, appointment, or decision, the report or minutes shall be returned to the Faculty Senate, with concerns noted in writing. If the Faculty Senate concurs with the concerns of the President, the action, appointment, or decision shall stand as altered by the President. If the Faculty Senate does not concur with the concerns of the President, then the report or minutes may be resubmitted to the President with the reasons for non-concurrence given in writing. The President shall then make the final decision on the matters in controversy.
9.1 Standing Committees
9.1.1 Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate shall be grouped into the following general areas: Academic Affairs, Faculty Affairs, Student Affairs, and University Affairs. Work within each area shall be coordinated as prescribed in Section 5.1.3. The grouping into areas is as follows:
Academic Affairs
Academic Policy
Graduate Scholarship
Undergraduate Curricula
Undergraduate Scholarship
Faculty Affairs
Teaching Effectiveness and Development
Faculty Welfare, Responsibility and Ethics
Student Affairs
Student Conduct
Student Welfare
Student Publications
Student Grievance
University Affairs
Committee on Committees
Library Committee
Museum Committee
Information Technology Committee
9.2 General Rules
9.2.1 A quorum for a meeting of any Committee shall be a majority of the voting members of the Committee.
9.2.2 The Faculty member component of all Standing Committees shall be comprised of members elected by the Faculty Senate at the May meeting, to take office September 1. A report of the members elected to each Committee shall be forwarded to the President of the University as part of the Minutes of the meeting in which the election took place.
9.2.3 Prior to the annual election of members of any Standing Committee, the Committee on Committees shall announce in writing to all members of the General Faculty the specific vacancies to permit the Faculty to indicate interest in serving on specific Committees.
9.2.4 Upon adoption of these Bylaws, and at the time of the creation of a new Standing Committee, each Committee shall hold an election among its members to provide staggered terms.
9.2.5 All vacancies shall be filled by election, as soon as practicable.
9.2.6 During the fall semester, each Committee shall elect a Chair-Elect and report the results of the election to the President and Vice President of the Faculty Senate before the regular December meeting of the Senate. The Chair-Elect must be elected from the voting Committee members whose terms extend beyond the current academic year. The Chair-Elect shall take office as Committee Chairperson on September 1. Student members are not eligible to serve as Committee Chairpersons or Chairs-Elect.
9.2.7 At the first meeting of the year each Committee shall elect its own Vice Chairperson and Secretary from among voting members. Election results shall be immediately reported to the President and the Vice President of the Faculty Senate. Student members are not eligible to be the Vice Chairperson of a Faculty Senate Committee, but may serve as Secretary.
9.2.8 All ex officio Committee members shall be without vote unless they are stipulated as voting members in the Bylaws or Constitution.
9.2.9 Should the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson be unable to or fail to call a meeting of a Committee, a majority of the members of the Committee may petition the Chairperson of the Faculty Senate to convene the Committee.
9.2.10 By majority vote, each Standing Committee may form and dissolve ad hoc subcommittees to carry out specific tasks and fill specific roles relevant to the Committee’s charge. Such subcommittees may include faculty or staff members who are not Committee members.
9.2.11 All students appointed to the Faculty Senate Committees shall be appointed in accordance with the Student Association Constitution and Bylaws, the names of those selected being submitted to the Dean of Students, who shall certify, when true, that the selections have been made in conformity with student government procedures and who shall forward the name, local address, and pertinent Faculty Senate committee of each student so certified to the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees, with a copy to the President of the Faculty Senate.
9.2.12 All committee meetings shall be open to members of the General Faculty except when the Committee is in Executive Session.
9.2.13 Each Standing Committee Chairperson shall deliver a calendar to the Secretary of the Faculty Senate during the month of October. This calendar shall detail the time and place of regularly scheduled meetings throughout the Academic year as well as proposed topics to be addressed during the term of office. Additionally, at least seven days prior to regularly scheduled meetings an Agenda for the meeting shall be delivered to the Faculty Senate Office. Emergency meetings of any Standing Committee may be called at any time on three days' notice by the Chairperson of the Committee or by the President of the Faculty Senate. An Agenda must be presented to the Senate Office prior to the meeting.
9.2.14 The Secretary of the Faculty Senate shall make available copies of all Committee calendars to all members of the Faculty, all officers of the administration of the University and also to such staff administrators as may request such calendars.
9.2.15 Within seven days after each Committee meeting, the Secretary of each Faculty Committee shall submit to the Secretary of the Faculty Senate minutes of the Committee meeting.
9.2.16 Acceptance of a Committee assignment presumes a willingness to participate fully in that Committee's duties. Therefore, whenever a Committee member's unexcused or unexplained absences are excessive, the Chairperson of that Committee will request that the Committee member resign if the member does not intend to discharge his/her Committee duties. If the member does not resign, the Chairperson of the Committee will inform the President of the Faculty Senate of the facts (with a copy to the member). The Chairperson will request that the President of the Faculty Senate declare the position vacant and cause it to be filled in the usual manner.
9.2.17 The Chairperson of each Ad Hoc Committee, upon the discharge of that Committee, and the Chairperson of each Standing Committee, at the last scheduled Faculty Senate meeting of each Academic year, shall submit, in duplicate, to the President of the Faculty Senate, a statement commending Committee members whose service was especially meritorious, as well as a report of the dates of members' unexcused absences from Committee meetings, and statements concerning Committee members who were conspicuously negligent. The Vice Chair- person shall prepare reports on the performance of Committee Chairpersons. The President of the Faculty Senate shall deliver copies of these reports to the appropriate department chairpersons.
9.3 Academic Affairs Committees
9.3.1 Academic Policy Committee Membership
- One Faculty member from each undergraduate college, one Faculty members at large, and two full-time undergraduate students.
- Ex-officio - All Academic Deans, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies, Director of Admissions and Recruitment, and Registrar. Duties
To recommend policies for:
- Undergraduate admission and readmission to the University
- Determining good standing, academic probation, and academic suspension
- Awarding honors
- Awarding of degrees and other University credentials
- Publication of the official University calendar, course schedule, and catalog
- Registration
- Orientation of entering students
- Advising of all students
9.3.2 Graduate Scholarship Committee Membership
- One Faculty member from each undergraduate college, one representative of the Graduate Council, one Faculty member at large, and two graduate students. The Faculty members must be members of the Graduate Faculty.
- Ex officio – the Dean of the Graduate School Duties
Recommend policy to the Dean of the Graduate School for the awarding of all University-administered Graduate scholarships and fellowships.
9.3.3 Undergraduate Curricula Committee Membership
- One Faculty member from each college and school, three Faculty members at large, and two Students
- Ex officio - All undergraduate Deans and the Provost Duties
- Recommend policies and procedures related to curricula, degree requirements, new programs, course changes, additions and deletions; review those proposals for adherence to prescribed form; resolve any college jurisdictional conflicts arising in the development of courses, programs, and curricula.
- Recommend policies and procedures related to the core curriculum, monitor core curriculum courses as to objectives and outcomes, and recommend changes in the core curriculum requirements. In the case of substantial recommended changes, a review by all colleges shall be reported to the Senate.
9.3.4 Undergraduate Scholarship Committee Membership
- One Faculty member from each undergraduate college and school and three undergraduate students
- Ex officio - Director of the Office of Scholarships, Financial Aid Officer, Vice President for Business Affairs, Athletic Department Representative, Development Office Representative, Music Department Representative, and NCAA Faculty Representative. Duties
- Recommend criteria, policies, and procedures for administering all University undergraduate scholarships; make these available for public information; review the administration of these policies at least annually
- Award all University undergraduate scholarships
- Serve as an Appellate Committee for issues involving undergraduate scholarships, except for athletic scholarships
9.4 Faculty Affairs
9.4.1 Faculty Welfare, Responsibility and Ethics Committee Membership
One tenured Faculty member from each undergraduate college and school and one Faculty member at large. Duties
- Develop and express Faculty viewpoints with respect to academic freedom, responsibility, and ethics
- Upon the request of the President, to advise in the selection of Hearing Tribunals and/or to conduct such hearings or inquiries in accordance with the provision of this Handbook
- Conciliate complaints and make recommendations to the President in matters of academic freedom, responsibility, and ethics
- Hear impeachment charges and make recommendations to the Senate in cases arising under these Bylaws
- Develop and express Faculty viewpoints with respect to matters concerning the welfare of individual Faculty members and their immediate families, including, but not limited to, adequacy of physical facilities, working conditions, compensation, and fringe benefits
- Maintain and promote the Faculty Lounge as a comfortable and collegial environment for faculty interaction and exchange of ideas
- Maintain continuing scrutiny of the Faculty Section of this Handbook Complaints from Faculty Members
- Faculty members may raise any University connected grievance before the Committee for consideration and possible resolution, by informal negotiations, persuasion, or other means within the resources of the Committee.
- The Committee shall attempt to resolve the issue by conciliatory processes. If conciliation efforts fail, despite major efforts for its success, then the Committee shall so notify the President for any further disposition of the matter.
9.4.2 Teaching Effectiveness and Development Committee Membership
- One Faculty member from each undergraduate college and school and one at large member
- Ex officio: (Voting) Three of the most recent recipients of the University Distinguished Achievement Award for Teaching, if available to serve Ex officio
- Ex officio: (Non-voting) The Director of the Center for Effective Teaching and Learning Duties
- Advise the Provost on all aspects of Faculty development, including such areas as: methods of improving teaching effectiveness, allocation of funds for Faculty development, assistance in the evaluation of proposals for teaching and/or research improvement, and on-going evaluation of Faculty development progress
- Advise the Director of the Center for Effective Teaching and Learning as to the development of policies and procedures
9.4.3 Research Committee Membership
- One Faculty member from each undergraduate College, one representative of the Graduate Council, one Faculty member at large, and two graduate students. Faculty members must be members of the Graduate Faculty
- Ex officio: Dean of the Graduate School and Vice President for Research Duties
- Receive and evaluate applications for funding from the University Research Institute, and to make pertinent recommendations
- Develop and express Faculty opinion concerning the operations of administrative units directly concerning Faculty research, such as Research and Innovation and University research centers and institutes
9.5 Student Affairs
9.5.1 Student Conduct Committee Membership
- One Faculty member from each undergraduate college, one Faculty member at large, and four students
- Ex officio: Assistant Director for Judicial Affairs Duties
- Consult regularly with the Assistant Director for Judicial Affairs on disciplinary policies
- Recommend to the Assistant Director for Judicial Affairs and to the University changes in student disciplinary policies, rules and practices
- Recommend to the University President a Standing Panel of available Hearing Officers
- Upon referral by the President, review appeals of disciplinary action and make recommendations to the President
9.5.2 Student Welfare Committee Membership
- Seven Faculty members at large and five students
- Ex officio - One representative from the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Bookstore Director, the Director of the Student Health Center, and the General Manager of Food Services Duties
- Propose, review, and evaluate the administrative policies for the recognition and registration of student organizations; and to mediate any dispute arising from the denial of recognition of a student group's petition for recognition
- At the request of the President, review appeals from decisions of the Hearing Officer and the Dean of Students regarding student organizations and make Recommendations to the President
- Advice the Vice President for Student Affairs on policies related to student organizations, social activities, student government, student recreation facilities, disabled student services, international programs, union services, residence life, and student support and counseling
- Advise the Bookstore Director, the Director of the Student Health Center and the General Manager of Food Services on the development of policies and procedures
- Work with the respective faculties of the various colleges to promote, support, and encourage student development through involvement and participation in the activities and programs offered by the University
9.5.3 Student Publications Committee Membership
- One Faculty member from each undergraduate college and school, one Faculty member from Communications and five students
- Ex officio: Director of Student Publications, one representative from the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs, Editor of the Prospector, and a maximum of three consultants Duties
- Determine policy, operating procedures and guidelines for all student publications
- Implement and enforce the pertinent provisions of Regents' rules and Regulations and the Handbook of Operating Procedures
- Impose sanctions, including removal, upon staff members of student publications as may be required
- Establish, and if necessary waive, requirements and qualifications for appointees to student publications staffs
- Appoint all student staff members of student publications, including editor-in-chief, associate editors, business managers, and advertising managers
- Approve budgets for all student publications
- Maintain a close working relation with, and seek the counsel and advice of, the Director of Student Publications
- Consider complaints involving libel, obscenity, or violations of policies
- Resolve disputes pertaining to publications
- Approve petitions for recognition of new student publications
9.5.4 Student Grievance Committee Membership
- One tenured Faculty member from each undergraduate college and school and seven tenured Faculty members at large
- Ex officio: Vice President for Student Affairs Duties
Hear student grievances, to include, but not limited to, certain questions of grades and grade changes, challenges to the accuracy of student records or the maintenance of privacy of such records, and questions of student rights as provided for in the Handbook of Operating Procedures.
9.6 University Affairs
9.6.1 Committee on Committees Membership
- One tenured Faculty member from each undergraduate college and school, two tenured Faculty members at large, the Faculty Senate President and Vice President. All replacements to this Committee shall be elected by the Faculty Senate upon nomination of the Nominating Committee for Officers of the Faculty Senate
- Ex officio: (Voting) A representative of the Graduate Council, elected by that body Duties
- Make nominations for Faculty positions on Standing Committees, except the Committee on Committees, the Executive Council of the Faculty Senate, and college representative to the Undergraduate Curricula Committee
- Annually inform members of the General Faculty and members of the Faculty Senate of existing and pending vacancies of Standing Committees and to solicit the interest of Faculty members in filling such vacancies
- Maintain records of the interests of individual Faculty members in filling vacancies on various committees
- Maintain records of the service given by individual Faculty members when named to particular committees
- Insure that rotation of membership is followed for all Standing Committees
9.6.2 Library Committee Membership
- One Faculty member from each undergraduate college and school, and one Faculty member at large, two undergraduate students, and one graduate student
- Ex officio: Director of the Library Duties
- Recommend policies pertaining to Faculty and student library needs
- In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Director of the Library, assist in the search for a new Director
9.6.3 Museum Committee Membership
- Five Faculty members at large, one undergraduate student, and one graduate student
- Ex officio: Museum Director Duties
- Act as a forum by which the Faculty and the student government may have interaction and exchange of information with the Museum Director
- Assist the Museum Director with University, professionals and community connections
- In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Director of the Museum, assist in the search for a new Director
9.6.4 Information Technology Committee Membership
- One Faculty member from each undergraduate college and school, two Faculty members at large, one undergraduate student, and one graduate student
- Ex Officio: Vice President for Information Resources and Planning, Director of the Library, and Associate Provost – Enrollment Services Duties
- Recommend policies pertaining to University, Faculty, and Student needs in information technology
- Provide liaison among Faculty, Students, and Administration concerning information technology
10.1 Standing Panel of Procedural Advisor
Upon the approval of this Bylaw by the President of The University of Texas at El Paso, the President of the Faculty Senate shall recommend to the President a Standing Panel of Procedural Advisors, chosen with the approval of the Senate, from the tenured Faculty (clearly possessed of the appropriate aptitude, knowledge and experience). Nominees for this Panel who are approved by the President shall hold office for a term of three years and be eligible for repeated re-appointment. The President of the Faculty Senate, with the approval of the Senate, shall make nominations to fill vacancies on this Panel and, when the President deems it necessary and proper, to augment its numbers.
Individual members of the Standing Panel of Procedural Advisors shall serve as advisors to presiding officers of Hearing Committees and to Committees of Preliminary Inquiry by whatever title, created under the authority of the Faculty Senate. In no event shall any person who has served with a Committee of Preliminary Inquiry also serve with a Hearing Committee or Committee of Preliminary Inquiry when his/her participation would constitute a conflict of interest or when he/she has been previously involved in the proceedings.
11.1 Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended by a simple majority vote in two consecutive meetings of the Faculty Senate and approved by the President and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.