C.A. Terrazas-Nájera, A. Fernández, R. Felice, R. Wicker, “On the thermal emissive behavior of four common alloys processed via powder bed fusion additive manufacturing,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 82, 2024.
J. Singh, J.P. Oliveira, H. Taylor, J. Mireles, R. Wicker, “A holistic approach for evaluation of Gaussian versus ring beam processing on structure and properties in laser powder bed fusion,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 325, 2024.
- S.E. Whitman, G. Hu, H.C. Taylor, R.B. Wicker, M.I. Latypov, “Automated segmentation and chord length distribution of melt pools in complex 3D printed metal artifacts,” Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Motivation, Volume 13, Pages 229-243, 2024.
S.P. Narra, A.D. Rollett, A. Ngo, D. Scannapieco, M. Shahabi, T. Reddy, J. Pauza, H. Taylor, C. Gobert, E. Diewald, F.X. Dugast, A. To, R. Wicker, J. Beuth, “Process qualification of laser powder bed fusion based on processing-defect structure-fatigue properties in Ti-6Al-4V,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 311, 2023.
- Sepulveda-Navarrete, P.S. Gutierrez, A. Lopes, J.I. Rome, V.K. Goyal, D. Espalin, “Ultrasonically embedded wires in multi-material parts produced by hybrid additive manufacturing,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 73, 2023.
- Marquez, J.J. Mata, A. Renteria, D. Gonzalez, S.G. Gomez, A. Lopez, A.N. Baca, A. Nuñez, M.S. Hassan, V. Burke, D. Perlasca, Y. Wang, Y. Xiong, J.N. Kruichak, D. Espalin, Y. Lin, “Direct ink-write printing of ceramic clay with an embedded wireless temperature and relative humidity sensor,” Sensors, Volume 23, Issue 6, 2023.
- C. J. Elkins, J. Mireles, H. H. Estrada, D. W. Morgan, H. C. Taylor, R. B. Wicker, “Resolving the three-dimensional flow field within commercial metal additive manufacturing machines: Application of experimental magnetic resonance velocimetry,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 37, 2023.
- V. A. Medrano, E. Arrieta, J. Merino, B. Ruvalcaba, K. Caballero, B. Ramirez, J. Diemann, L. E. Murr, R. B. Wicker, D. Godfrey, M. Benedict, F. Medina, “A comprehensive and comparative study of microstructure and mechanical properties for post-process heat treatment of AlSi7Mg alloy components fabricated in different laser powder bed fusion systems,” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 24, Pages 6820-6842, 2023.
- C. A. Terrazas-Najera, A. Romero, R. Felice, R. B. Wicker, “Multi-wavelength pyrometry as an in situ diagnostic tool in metal additive manufacturing: Detecting sintering and liquid phase transitions in electron beam powder bed fusion,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 63, 2023.
- V. Luna, L. Trujillo, A. Gamon, E. Arrieta, L. E. Murr, R. B. Wicker, C. Katsarelis, P. R. Gradl, F. Medina, “Comprehensive and comparative heat treatment of additively manufactured Inconel 625 alloy and corresponding microstructures and mechanical properties,” Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, Volume 6, Issue 5, 2022.
- J. C. Diaz, K. Watanabe, A. Rubio, A. De La Cruz, D. Godinez, S. T. Nabil, L. E. Murr, R. B. Wicker, E. Arrieta, F. Medina, “Effect of layer thickness and heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of alloy 625 manufactured by electron beam powder bed fusion,” Materials, Volume 15, Issue 21, 2022.
- H. C. Taylor, R. B. Wicker, “Impacts of microsecond control in laser powder bed fusion processing,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 60, 2022.
- N. Derimow, A. Romero, A. Rubio, C. Terrazas, N. Moser, O. L. Kafka, J. T. Benzing, F. Medina, R. B. Wicker, N. Hrabe, “Assessment of intra-build variations in tensile strength in electron beam powder-bed fusion Ti–6AL–4V part 1: Effects of build height,” Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 849, 2022.
- P. R. Gradl, C. S. Protz, M. Le Corre, O. R. Mireles, F. Medina, M. Kottman, M. Norfolk, L. Ajdelsztajn, P. Allison, A. Elliott, Y. Bandari, “Metal additive manufacturing processes and selection” Metal Additive Manufacturing for Propulsion Applications, Pages 49-186, 2022.
- A. Renteria, V. H. Balcorta, C. Marquez, A. A. Rodriguez, I. Renteria-Marquez, J. Regis, B. Wilburn, S. Patterson, D. Espalin, T. B. Tseng, Y. Lin, “Direct ink write multi-material printing of PDMS-BTO composites with MWCNT electrodes for flexible force sensors,” Flexible and Printed Electronics, Volume 7, Issue 1, 2022.
- Luis. A. Chavez, P. Ibave, Md. S. Hassan, S. E. Hall-Sanchez, K. Md. M. Billah, A. Leyva, C. Marquez, D. Espalin, S. Torres, T. Robison, Y. Lin, “Low‐temperature selective laser sintering 3D printing of PEEK‐Nylon blends: Impact of thermal post‐processing on mechanical properties and thermal stability” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume 139, Issue 23, 2022.
- A. Gamon, E. Arrieta, P. R. Gradl, C. Katsarelis, L. E. Murr, R. B. Wicker, F. Medina, “Microstructure and hardness comparison of as-built Inconel 625 alloy following various additive manufacturing processes,” Results in Materials, Volume 12, 2021.
- H. C. Taylor, E. A. Garibay, R. B. Wicker, “Toward a common laser powder bed fusion qualification test artifact,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 39, 2021.
- J. Merino, B. Ruvalcaba, J. Varela, E. Arrieta, L. E. Murr, R. B. Wicker, M. Benedict, F. Medina, “Multiple, comparative heat treatment and aging schedules for controlling the microstructures and mechanical properties of laser powder bed fusion fabricated AlSi10Mg alloy,” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 13, pages 669-685, 2021.
- J. Varela, E. Arrieta, M. Paliwal, M. Marucci, J. H Sandoval, J. A. Gonzalez, B. McWilliams, L.E. Murr, R.B. Wicker, F. Medina, “Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties for Ti-6Al-4V alloy parts produced using non-spherical precursor powder by laser powder bed fusion,” Materials, Volume 14, Issue 11, 2021.
- C. A. Terrazas-Najera, F. L. Mayoral, O. F. Garcia, M. S. Hossain, D. Espalin, A. Fernandez, L. E. Murr, R. B. Wicker, “Effects of process interruptions on microstructure and mechanical properties of three face centered cubic alloys processed by laser powder bed fusion,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Volume 66, pages 397-406, 2021.
- J. Urbina, S. M. Monks, L. Ochoa, R. F. Stump, R. B. Wicker, C. Danek, V. I. Torres, S. B. Crawford, “Development and evaluation of an automated manual resuscitator-based emergency ventilator-alternative,” Cureus, Volume 13, Issue 3, 2021.
- C. A. Terrazas, M. S. Hossain, Y. Lin, R. B. Wicker, “Multicomponent and multimaterials printing: A case study of embedded ceramic sensors in metallic pipes,” 3D Printing for Energy Applications, Chapter 5, 2021.
- A. Fernandez, R. Felice, C. A. Najera-Terrazas, R. B. Wicker, “Implications for accurate surface temperature monitoring in powder bed fusion: Using multi-wavelength pyrometry to characterize spectral emissivity during processing,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 46, 2021.
- N. Derimow, A. Romero, A. Rubio, C. Terrazas, F. Medina, R. B. Wicker, N. Hrabe, “Sintered powder oxidation variation as a function of build height for titanium alloy produced by electron beam powder-bed fusion,” Additive Manufacturing Letters, Volume 1, 2021.
- P.A. Morton, H.C. Taylor, L.E. Murr, O.G. Delgado, C.A. Terrazas, R.B. Wicker, “In situ selective laser gas nitriding for composite TiN/Ti-6Al-4V fabrication via laser powder bed fusion,” Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Volume 45, pages 98-107, 2020.
- L. Chavez, P. Ibave, B. Wilburn, D. Alexander, C. Stewart, R.B. Wicker, Y. Lin, “The influence of printing parameters, post-processing, and testing conditions on the properties of binder jetting additive manufacturing functional ceramics,” Ceramics, Volume 3, Issue 1, pages 65-77, 2020.
- E.M. Trejo, X. Jimenez, K.M. Masum Billah, J. Seppala, R. Wicker, D. Espalin, “Compressive deformation analysis of large area pellet-fed material extrusion 3D printed parts in relation to in situ thermal imaging.” Additive Manufacturing, In press, 2020.
- K. M. M. Billah, F. A. R. Lorenzana, N. L. Martinez, R. B. Wicker, D. Espalin, “Thermomechanical characterization of short carbon fiber and short glass fiber-reinforced ABS used in large format additive manufacturing,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 35, 2020.
- A. Abu-Issa, M. Lopez, C. Pickett, A. Escarcega, E. Arrieta, L. E. Murr, R. B. Wicker, M. Ahlfors, D. Godfrey, F. Medina, “Effects of altered hot isostatic pressing treatments on the microstructures and mechanical performance of electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V,” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 4, pages 8735-8743, 2020.
- A. J. Lopes, M. A. Perez, D. Espalin, R. B. Wicker, “Comparison of ranking models to evaluate desktop 3D printers in a growing market,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 35, 2020.
- J. Varela, J. Merino, C. Pickett, A. Abu-Issa, E. Arrieta, L. E. Murr, R. B. Wicker, M. Ahlfors, D. Godfrey, F. Medina, “Performance characterization of laser powder bed fusion fabricated Inconel 718 treated with experimental hot isostatic processing cycles,” Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, Volume 4, Issue 3, page 73, 2020.
- M. Lopez, C. Pickett, E. Arrieta, L. E. Murr, R. B. Wicker, M. Ahlfors, D. Godfrey, F. Medina, “Effects of postprocess hot isostatic pressing treatments on the mechanical performance of EBM fabricated TI-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo,” Materials, Volume 11, Issue 11, 2020.
- C. Acosta Carrasco, V. Krull, A. Dittberner, R. Wicker, “3D Printed pinna embedded in circumaural hearing devices for spectral cue preservation,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 145, Issue 3, 2019.
- A. C. Aguilar, C. A. Diaz-Moreno, A. D. Price, R. K. Goutam, C. E. Botez, Y. Lin, R. B. Wicker, C. Li, “Non-destructive optical second harmonic generation imaging of 3D printed aluminum nitride ceramics,” Ceramics International, Volume 145, Issue 15, pages 18871-18875, 2019.
- M. N. Jahangir, K. M. M. Billah, Y. Lin, D. A. Roberson, R. B. Wicker, D. Espalin, “Reinforcement of material extrusion 3D printed polycarbonate using continuous carbon fiber,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 28, pages 354-364, 2019.
- C. A. Garcia Rosales, H. Kim, M. F. Garcia Duarte, L. Chavez, T. B. Tseng, Y. Lin, “Toughness-based recovery efficiency of shape memory parts fabricated using material extrusion 3D printing technique,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 25, Number 1, pages 30-37, 2019.
- C. A. Garcia Rosales, H. Kim, M. F. Garcia Duarte, L. Chavez, M. Castañeda, T. B. Tseng, Y. Lin, “Characterization of shape memory polymer parts fabricated using material extrusion 3D printing technique,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 25, Number 2, pages 322-331, 2019.
- M. T. Islam, J. Rosales, R. Saenz-Arana, R. Arrieta, H. Kim, K. A. Sultana, Y. Lin, D. Villagran, J. C. Noveron, “Synthesis of high surface area transition metal sponges and their catalytic properties,” New Journal of Chemistry, volume 43, pages 10045-10055, 2019.
- K. Billah, J.L. Coronel, M.C. Halbig, R.B. Wicker, D. Espalin, “Electrical and thermal characterization of 3D printed thermoplastic parts with embedded wires for high current-carrying applications,” IEEE Access, Volume 7, pages 18799-18810, 2019.
- I.A. Segura, L.E. Murr, C.A. Terrazas, D. Bermudez, J. Mireles, V.S.V. Injeti, K. Li, B. Yu, R.D.K. Misra, R.B. Wicker, “Grain boundary and microstructure engineering of Inconel 690 cladding on stainless-steel 316L using electron-beam powder bed fusion additive manufacturing,” Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Volume 35, pages 351-367, 2019.
- L.E. Murr, “Strategies for creating living, additively manufactured, open-cellular metal and alloy implants by promoting osseointegration, osteoinduction and vascularization: An overview,” Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Volume 35, pages 231-241, 2019.
- C.A. Diaz- Moreno, Y. Lin, A. Hurtado-Macias, D. Espalin, C.A. Terrazas, L.E. Murr, R.B. Wicker, “Binder jetting additive manufacturing of aluminum nitride components,” Ceramics International, 2019.
- K. Schnittker, E. Arrieta, X. Jimenez, D. Espalin, R.B. Wicker, D.A. Roberson, “Integrating digital image correlation in mechanical testing for the materials characterization of big area additive manufacturing feedstock,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 26, pages 129-137, 2019.
- J.A. Gonzalez, J. Mireles, S.W. Stafford, M.A. Perez, C.A. Terrazas, R.B. Wicker, “Characterization of Inconel 625 fabricated using powder-bed-based additive manufacturing technologies,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 264, pages 200-210, 2019.
- C.A. Terrazas, L.E. Murr, D. Bermudez, E. Arrieta, D.A. Roberson, R.B. Wicker, “Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V-5% hydroxyapatite composite fabricated using electron beam powder bed fusion,” Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Volume 35, Issue 2, pages 309-321, 2019.
- E. Arrieta, M. Haque, J. Mireles, C. Stewart, C. Carrasco, R.B. Wicker, ”Mechanical behavior of differently oriented electron beam melting Ti–6Al–4V components using digital image correlation,” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Volume 141, Issue 1, 2019.
- H. Kim, Y. Lin, T. B. Tseng, “A review on quality control in additive manufacturing,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 24, Number 3, pages 645-669, 2018.
- M. A. Ahsan, M. T. Islam, C. Hernandez, H. Kim, Y. Lin, M. L. Curry, J. Gardea-Torresdey, J. C. Noveron, “Adsorptive removal of sulfamethoxazole and bisphenol A from contaminated water using functionalized carbonaceous material derived from tea leaves,” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 6, Number 4, pages 4215-4225, 2018.
- N. Dominguez, B. Torres, L. A. Barrera, J. E. Rincon, Y. Lin, R. R. Chianelli, M. A. Ahsan, J. C. Noveron, “Bimetallic CoMoS composite anchored to biocarbon fibers as a high-capacity anode for Li-ion batteries,” ACS Omega, Volume 3, pages 10243-10249, 2018.
- M. A. Ahsan, M. T. Islam, C. Hernandez, E. Castro, S. K. Katla, H. Kim, Y. Lin, M. L. Curry, J. Gardea-Torresdey, J. C. Noveron, “Biomass conversion of saw dust to a functionalized carbonaceous material for the removal of Tetracycline, Sulfamethoxazole and Bisphenol A from water,” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 4, pages 4329-4338, 2018.
- H. Kim, B. R. Wilburn, E. Castro, C. A. Garcia Rosales, L. A. Chavez, T. B. Tseng, Y. Lin, “Multifunctional SENSING using 3D printed CNTs/BaTiO3/PVDF nanocomposites,” Journal of Composite Materials, Volume 53, Issue 10, pages 1319 - 1328, 2018.
- C. A. Garcia Rosales, M. F. Garcia Duarte, H. Kim, L. Chavez, D. Hodges, P. Mandal, Y. Lin, T. B. Tseng, “3D Printing of shape memory polymer (SMP)/carbon black (CB) nanocomposites with electro-responsive toughness enhancement,” Materials Research Express, Volume 5, Number 6, 2018.
- H. Kim, J. Johnson, L. A. Chavez, C. A. Garcia Rosales, T. B. Tseng, Y. Lin, “Enhanced dielectric properties of three phase dielectric MWCNTs/BaTiO3/PVDF nanocomposites for energy storage using fused deposition modeling 3D printing,” Ceramics International, Volume 44, Issue 8, pages 9037-9044, 2018.
- H. Kim, F. Torres, M. Li, Y. Lin, T. B. Tseng, “Fabrication and characterization of 3D printed BaTiO3/PVDF nanocomposites,” Journal of Composite Materials, Volume 52, Issue 2, pages 197-206, 2018.
- M. A. Ahsan, V. Jabbari, M. T. Islam, H. Kim, J. A. Hernandez-Viezcas, Y. Lin, C. A. Diaz-Moreno, J. Lopez, J. Gardea-Torresdey, J. C. Noveron, “Green synthesis of a highly efficient biosorbent for organic, pharmaceutical, and heavy metal pollutants removal: Engineering surface chemistry of polymeric biomass of spent coffee waste,” Journal of Water Process Engineering, Volume 25, pages 309-319, 2018.
- I.A. Segura, J. Mireles, D. Bermudez, C.A. Terrazas, L.E. Murr, K. Li, V.S.V. Injeti, R.D.K. Misra, R.B. Wicker, “Characterization and mechanical properties of cladded stainless steel 316L with nuclear applications fabricated using electron beam melting,” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 507, pages 164-176, 2018.
- L.E. Murr, “A metallographic review of 3D printing/additive manufacturing of metal and alloy products and components,” Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, Volume 7, pages 103-132, 2018.
- L. Chavez, V. Elicerio, J. Regis, H. Kim, C. Garcia Rosales, N. Love, Y. Lin, “Thermal and mechanical energy harvesting using piezoelectric ceramics, Materials Research Express, Volume 6, Number 2, 2018.
- C. Kim, D. Espalin, A. Cuaron, M. A. Perez, E. MacDonald, R. B. Wicker, “Unobtrusive in situ diagnostics of filament-fed material extrusion additive manufacturing,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Volume 8, Issue 8, pages 1469-1476, 2018.
- S. Z. Uddin, L. E. Mur, C. A. Terrazas, P. Morton, D. A Roberson, R. B. Wicker, “Processing and characterization of crack-free aluminum 6061 using high-temperature heating in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 22, pages 405-415, 2018.
- E. MacDonald, D. Espalin, D. Doyle, J. Muñoz, S. Ambriz, J. Coronel, A. Williams, R.B. Wicker, “Fabricating patch antennas within complex dielectric structures through multi-process 3D printing,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Volume 34, Part A, pages 197-203, 2018.
- C.A. Díaz-Moreno, J.A. Lopez, Y. Ding, A.H. Macias, C. Li, R.B. Wicker, “Multiferroic and optical properties of La0.05Li0.85NbO3 and LiNbO3 Nanocrystals,” Journal of Nanotechnology, 2018.
- X. Yu, M. Liang, C. Shemelya, D.A. Roberson, R.B. Wicker, E. MacDonald, H. Xin, “3-D printed parts for a multilayer phased array antenna system,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume 17, Issue 11, pages 2150-2154, 2018.
- C. Balderrama-Armendariz, E. MacDonald, D. Espalin, D. Cortes-Saenz, R. Wicker, A. Maldonado-Macias "Torsion analysis of the anisotropic behavior of FDM technology," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018.
M.S. Hossain, J. Mireles, P. Morton, Y. Lin, C.A. Terrazas, R. B. Wicker, "Part re-registration during process interruption of electron beam melting additive manufacturing," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 96, Issue 1-4, pages 337-344, 2018.
C. Bailey, E. Aguilera, D. Espalin, J. Motta, A. Fernandez, M. Perez, C. Di Biasio, D. Pryputniewicz, E. MacDonald, R. Wicker, "Augmenting computer-aided design software with multi-functional capabilities to automate multi-process additive manufacturing," IEEE Access, 2018.
C.A. Diaz-Moreno, Y. Ding. J. Portelles, J. Heiras, A.H. Macias, A. Syeed, A. Paez, C. Li, J. Lopez, R. Wicker, “Optical properties of ferroelectric lanthanum lithium niobate,” Ceramics International, Volume 44, Issue 5, pages 4727-4733, 2018.
- S. Ambriz, J. Coronel, B. Zinniel, R. Schloesser, C. Kim, M. Perez, D. Espalin, R. Wicker, "Material handling and registration for an additive manufacturing-based hybrid system," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Volume 45, pages 17-27, 2017.
- C. Kim, D. Espalin, M. Liang, H. Xin, A. Cuaron, I. Varela, E. MacDonald, R. Wicker, “3D printed electronics with high performance, multi-layered electrical interconnect,” IEEE Access, Volume 5, pages 25286 – 25294, 2017.
- C. Shemelya, A. De la Rosa, A. Torrado, K. Yu, J. Domanoswski, P. J. Bonacuse, R. Martin, M. Juhasz, F. Hurwitz, R. B. Wicker, B. Conner, E. MacDonald, D. Roberson, "Anisotropy of thermal conductivity in 3D printed polymer matrix composites for space based cube satellites," Additive Manufacturing, Volume 16, pages 186-196, 2017.
- B. Fisher, J. Mireles, S. Ridwan, R. B. Wicker, J. Beuth, "Consequences of part temperature variability in electron beam melting of Ti-6Al-4V," The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Volume 69, Issue 12, pages 2745-2750, 2017.
- J. G. Siqueiros and D. A. Roberson, “In Situ Wire Drawing of Phosphate Glass in Polymer Matrices for Material Extrusion 3D Printing,” International Journal of Polymer Science, Volume 2017, 2017.
- P. Cordero, J. Mireles, S. Ridwan, R.B. Wicker, "Evaluation of monitoring methods for electron beam melting powder bed fusion additive manufacturing technology," Progress in Additive Manufacturing, p. 1-10, 2017.
- A. Torrado, D. Roberson, "Failure Analysis and Anisotropy Evaluation of 3D-Printed Tensile Test Specimens of Different Geometries and Print Raster Patterns," Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, Volume 16, Issue 1, p. 154-164, 2016.
- J. G. Siqueiros, K. Schnittker & D. A. Roberson, "ABS-maleated SEBS blend as a 3D printable material," Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 2016.
- C.A. Terrazas, J. Mireles, S.M. Gaytan, P.A. Morton, A. Hinojos, P. Frigola, R.B. Wicker, "Fabrication and characterization of high-purity niobium using electron beam melting additive manufacturing technology," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 84, Issue 5, p. 1115-1126, 2016.
- E. MacDonald, R. Wicker, "Multiprocess 3D printing for increasing component functionality," Science, Volume 353, Issue 6307, 2016.
- C. Shemelya, M. Zemba, M. Liang, X. Yu, D. Espalin, R. Wicker, H. Xin, E. MacDonald, "Multi-layer archimedean spiral antenna fabricated using polymer extrusion 3D printing" Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume 57, Issue 7, p. 1662-1666, 2016.
- J. Gonzalez, Mireles, Y. Lin, R. Wicker, “Characterization of Ceramic Components Fabricated Using Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing Technology,” Ceramics International, Volume 42, Issue 9, 2016, pages 10559-10564. doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2016.03.079
- M. Hossain, J. Gonzalez, R. Martinez, M. Arif, I. Shuvo, J. Mireles, A. Choudhuri, Y. Lin, R. Wicker, “Fabrication of Smart Parts Using Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Technology,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 10, 2016, pages 58-66. doi: 10.1016/j.addma.2016.01.001.
- A. Hinojos, J. Mireles, A. Reichardt, P. Frigola, P. Hosemann, L. Murr, R. Wicker, “Joining of Inconel 718 and 316 Stainless Steel using Electron Beam Melting Additive Manufacturing Technology,” Materials & Design, Volume 94, 2016, pages 17-27. doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2016.01.041
- C. Kim, D. Espalin, E. MacDonald, R. Wicker, D. Kim, J. Sung, J. Lee, "A study on manufacturing system integration with a 3D printer based on the cloud network," Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, Volume 14, Issue 3, 2015, P. 15-20.
- C. Shemelya, A. Rivera, A. Torrado Perez, C. Rocha, M. Liang, X. Yu, C Kief, D. Alexander, J. Stegeman, H. Xin, R. Wicker, E. MacDonald, D. Roberson, “Mechanical, Electromagnetic, and X-ray Shielding Characterization of a 3D Printable Tungsten–Polycarbonate Polymer Matrix Composite for Space-Based Applications,” Journal of Electronic Materials, Volume 44, Issue 8, 2015, pages 2598-2607. doi: 10.1007/s11664-015-3687-7. (W).
- M. Liang, C. Shemelya, E. MacDonald, R. Wicker, H. Xin, “3-D Printed Microwave Patch Antenna via Fused Deposition Method and Ultrasonic Wire Mesh Embedding Technique,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume 14, 2015, pages 1346-1349. doi: 10.1109/LAWP.2015.2405054. (W).
- Y. Lu, S.N. Mantha, D.C. Crowder, S. Chinchilla, Y.H. Yun, R.B. Wicker, J.W. Choi, “Microstereolithography and Characterization of Poly(propylene fumarate)-based Drug-loaded Microneedle Arrays,” Biofabrication, Volume 7, Number 4, 2015, pages 0045001.
- P.A. Morton, J. Mireles, H. Mendoza, P. Cordero, M. Benedict, R.B. Wicker, “Enhancement of Low-Cycle Fatigue Performance From Tailored Microstructures Enabled by Electron Beam Melting Additive Manufacturing Technology,” Journal of Mechanical Design, to appear, 2015. doi:10.1115/1.4031057. (W).
- J. Mireles, S. Ridwan, P.A. Morton, A. Hinojos, R.B. Wicker, “Analysis and Correction of Defects Within Parts Fabricated Using Powder Bed Fusion Technology,” Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, Volume 3, Number 3, 034002, 2015, doi:10.1088/2051-672X/3/3/034002. (W).
- C.A. Terrazas, J. Mireles, S.M. Gaytan, P.A. Morton, A. Hinojos, P. Frigola, R.B. Wicker, “Fabrication and Characterization of High Purity Niobium Using Electron Beam Melting Additive Manufacturing Technology,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, to appear, 2015. doi: 10.1007/s00170-015-7767-x. (W).
- J. Mireles, C. Terrazas, S.M. Gaytan, D.A. Roberson, R.B. Wicker, “Closed-Loop Automatic Feedback Control in Electron Beam Melting,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 78, Issue 5, 2015, pages 1193-1199. doi: 10.1007/s00170-014-6708-4. (W).
- C. Kim, D. Espalin, A. Cuaron, M. Perez, M. Lee, E. MacDonald, R. Wicker, “Cooperative Tool Path Planning for Wire Embedding on Additively Manufactured Curved Surfaces Using Robot Kinematics,” Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Volume 7, Issue 2, 021003 (10 pages, Paper No: JMR-14-1218), 2015. doi: 10.1115/1.4029473. (W).
- A.R. Torrado, C.M. Shemelya, J.D. English, Y. Lin, R.B. Wicker, D.A. Roberson, “Characterizing the Effect of Additives to ABS on the Mechanical Property Anisotropy of Specimens Fabricated by Material Extrusion 3D Printing,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 6, 2015, pages 16-29. doi: 10.1016/j.addma.2015.02.001. (W).
- S.M. Gaytan, M.A. Cadena, H. Karim, D. Delfin, Y. Lin, D. Espalin, E. MacDonald, R.B. Wicker, “Fabrication of Barium Titanate by Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing Technology,” Ceramics International, Volume 41, Issue 5, Part A, 2015, pages 6610-6619. doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2015.01.108. (W).
- M. Evangelista, M. Perez, J. Hassan, A. Salibian, S. Darcy, G. Wirth, K. Paydar, R. Wicker, K. Arcaute, B. Mann, G. Evans, “Single-Lumen and Multi-Lumen Poly(ethylene glycol) Nerve Conduits Fabricated by Stereolithography for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration In Vivo,” Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, Volume 31, Issue 5, 2015, pages 327-335. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1395415. (W).
- H. Karim, D. Delfin, M.A.I. Shuvo, L.A. Chavez, C.R. Garcia, J.H. Barton, S.M. Gaytan, M.A. Cadena, R.C. Rumpf, R.B. Wicker, Y. Lin, A. Choudhuri, “Concept and Model of a Metamaterial-Based Passive Wireless Temperature Sensor for Harsh Environment Applications,” IEEE Sensors, Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, pages 1445-1452. doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2014.2363095. (W).
- E. Rodriguez, J. Mireles, , C.A. Terrazas, D. Espalin, M.A. Perez, R.B. Wicker, “Approximation of Absolute Surface Temperature Measurements of Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Technology using In Situ Infrared Thermography,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 5, 2015, pages 31-39. doi: 10.1016/j.addma.2014.12.001. (W).
- D.A. Roberson, C.M. Shemelya, E. MacDonald, R.B. Wicker, “Expanding the Applicability of FDM-Type Technologies through Materials Development,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 21 Issue 2, 2015, pages 137-143. doi: 10.1108/RPJ-12-2014-0165 (W).
- D. Roberson, A. Torrado Perez, C. Shemelya, A. Rivera, E. MacDonald, R. Wicker, “Comparison of Stress Concentrator Fabrication for 3D Printed Polymeric Izod Impact Test Specimens,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 7, 2015, pages 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.addma.2015.05.002. (W).
- J. Mireles, E. Rodriguez, C. Terrazas, D. Espalin, M. Perez, R. Wicker, “Approximation of Absolute Temperature Measurements of Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Technology Using In Situ Infrared Thermography,” Additive Manufacturing, Volume 5, 2015, pages 31-39. doi:10.1016/j.addma.2014.12.001. (W).
- D. Roberson, R. Wicker, E. MacDonald, “Ohmic Curing of 3D Printed Silver Interconnects for Structural Electronics,” Journal of Electronic Packaging, Volume 137, Issue 3, 2015, pages. doi:10.1115/1.4030286. (W).
- C. Kim, M.C. Lee, R. Wicker, and S. Yoon, “Dynamic Modeling of Coupled Tendon-Driven System for Surgical Robot Instrument,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Volume 15, Issue 10, 2014, pages 2077-2084. doi: 10.1007/s12541-014-0566-8. (W).
- C. Rocha, A. Torrado Perez, D. Roberson, C. Shemelya, E. MacDonald, R. Wicker, “Novel ABS-Based Binary and Ternary Polymer Blends for Material Extrusion 3D Printing,” Journal of Materials Research, Volume 29, Issue 17, 2014, pages 1859-1866. doi: 10.1557/jmr.2014.158. (W).
- M. Hossain, D. Espalin, J. Ramos, M. Perez, R. Wicker, “Improved Mechanical Properties of FDM-Manufactured Parts through Build Parameter Modification,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Volume 136, Issue 6, 2014. doi: 10.1115/1.4028538. (W).
- C. Shemelya, D. Muse, E. MacDonald, D. Espalin, R. Wicker, F. Cedillos, E. Aguilera, “Encapsulated Copper Wire and Copper Mesh Capacitive Sensing for 3D Printing Applications,” IEEE Sensors, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2014, pages 1280-1286. doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2014.2356973. (W).
- D. Espalin, D. Muse, F. Medina, E. MacDonald, R. Wicker, “3D Printing Multi-Functionality: Structures with Electronics,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 72, Issues 5-8, 2014, pages 963-978. doi: 10.1007/s00170-014-5717-7. (W).
- D. Espalin, J. Ramirez, F. Medina, R. Wicker, “Multi-Material, Multi-Technology FDM: Exploring Build Process Variations,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 20, Issue 3, 2014. doi: 10.1108/RPJ-12-2012-0112. (W).
- A. Torrado, D. Roberson, R. Wicker, “Fracture Surface Analysis of 3D Printed Tensile Specimens of Novel ABS-Based Materials,” Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, pages 343-353. doi: 10.1007/s11668-014-9803-9. (W).
- E. MacDonald, R. Salas, D. Espalin, M. Perez, E. Aguilera, D. Muse, R.B. Wicker, “3D Printing for the Rapid Prototyping of Structural Electronics,” IEEE Access, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, pages 234-242. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2014.2311810. (W).
- A. Lopes, I. Lee, E. MacDonald, R. Quintana, R. Wicker, “Laser Curing of Silver-Based Conductive Inks for In Situ 3D Structural Electronics Fabrication in Stereolithography,” Journal of Material Processing Technology, Volume 214, Issue 9, 2014, pages 1935-1945. doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2014.04.009. (W).
- C.A. Terrazas, S.M. Gaytan, E. Rodriguez, D. Espalin, L.E. Murr, F. Medina, and R.B. Wicker, “Multi-material Metallic Structure Fabrication using Electron Beam Melting,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 71, Issue 1-4, 2014, pages 33-45 (doi: 10.1007/s00170-013-5449-0).
- L.E. Murr, E. Martinez, X. Pan, C. Meng, J. Yang, S. Li, F. Yang, Q. Xu, J. Hernandez, W. Zhu, S.M. Gaytan, F. Medina, R.B. Wicker, “Microstructures and Properties of Solid and Reticulated Mesh Components of Pure Iron Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting,” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 2, Issue 4, 2013, pages 376-385 (doi: 10.1016/j.jmrt.2013.10.002).
- J. Hernandez, S.J. Li, E. Martinez, L.E. Murr, X.M. Pan, K.N. Amato, X.Y. Cheng, F. Yang, C.A. Terrazas, S.M. Gaytan, Y.L. Hao, R. Yang, F. Medina, and R.B. Wicker, “Microstructures and Hardness Properties for β-Phase Ti-24Nb-4Zr-7.9Sn Alloy Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting,” Journal of Materials Science Technology, Volume 29, Issue 11, 2013, pages 1011-1017.
- R.C. Rumpf, J. Pazos, C.R. Garcia, L. Ochoa, R.B. Wicker, "3D Printed Lattices with Spatially Variant Self-Collimation," Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Volume 139, 2013, pages 1-14.
- D. Roberson, D. Espalin, R.B. Wicker, “3D Printer Selection: A Decision-making Evaluation and Ranking Model,” Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Volume 8, Issue 3, 2013, pages 201-212.
- E. Martinez, L.E. Murr, J. Hernandez, X. Pan, K. Amato, P. Frigola, C. Terrazas, S. Gaytan, E. Rodriguez, F. Medina, R.B. Wicker, “Microstructures of Niobium Components Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting,” Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, Volume 2, 2013, pages 183-189 (doi: 10.1007/s13632-013-0073-9).
- L.E. Murr, E. Martinez, X.M. Pan, S.M. Gaytan, J.A. Castro, C.A. Terrazas, F. Medina, R.B. Wicker, D.H. Abbott, “Microstructures of Rene 142 Nickel-based Superalloy Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting,” Acta Materialia, Volume 61, Issue 11, 2013, pages 4289-4296.
- J. Mireles, H.C. Kim, I.H. Lee, D. Espalin, F. Medina, E. MacDonald, and R.B. Wicker, “Development of a Fused Deposition Modeling System for Low Melting Temperature Metal Alloys,” Journal of Electronic Packaging, Volume 135, Issue 1, (011008), 2013, 6 pages, (doi:10.1115/1.4007160).
- Recognized by Emerald Group Publishing as Outstanding Paper and received the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013.
- L.E. Murr, S. Gaytan, E. Martinez, F. Medina, and R.B. Wicker, “Next Generation Orthopaedic Implants by Additive Manufacturing Using Electron Beam Melting,” International Journal of Biomaterials, Volume 2012, Article ID 245727, 14 pages (doi:10.1155/2012/245727), 2012.
- X.Y. Cheng, S.J. Li, L.E. Murr, Z.B. Zhang, Y.L. Hao, R. Yang, F. Medina, and R.B. Wicker, “Compression Deformation Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy with Cellular Structures Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Volume 16, 2012, pages 153-162.
- D. Roberson, R.B. Wicker, E. MacDonald, Ohmic Curing of Printed Silver Conductive Traces,” Journal of Electronic Materials, Volume 41, Issue 9, pages 2553-2566 (doi: 10.1007/s11664-012-2140-4).
- A. Chavan, P. Palakurthi, E. MacDonald, J. Neff, E. Bozeman, “Heavy Ion Characterization of a Radiation Hardened Flip-Flop Optimized for Subthreshold Operation,” Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, March 2012.
- L.E. Murr, S.M. Gaytan, D.A. Ramirez, E. Martinez, J. Hernandez, K.N. Amato, P.W. Shindo, F. Medina and R.B. Wicker, “Metal Fabrication by Additive Manufacturing Using Laser and Electron Beam Melting Technologies,” Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Volume 28, Issue 1, 2012, pages 1-14.
- R.B. Wicker and E.W. MacDonald, “Multi-Material, Multi-Technology Stereolithography,” Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Volume 7, Number 3, 2012, pages 181-194.
- K. Puebla, K. Arcaute, R. Quintana, and R.B. Wicker, “Effects of Environmental Conditions, Aging, and Build Orientations on the Mechanical Properties of ASTM Type I Specimens Manufactured via Stereolithography,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 18, Issue 5, 2012, pages 374-388.
- J. Hernandez, L.E. Murr, K.N. Amato, E. Martinez, P.W. Shindo, F. Medina, R.B. Wicker, S.J. Li, and X-Y. Cheng, “Microstructures and Properties for a Superalloy Powder Mixture Processed by Electron Beam Melting,” Journal of Materials Science Research, Volume 1, Number 3, 2012, pages 124-144.
- K. Puebla, L.E. Murr, S.M. Gaytan, E. Martinez, F. Medina, and R.B. Wicker, “Effect of Melt Scan Rate on Microstructure and Macrostructure for Electron Beam Melting of Ti-6Al-4V,” Materials Sciences and Applications, Volume 3, 2012, pages 259-264.
- L.E. Murr, S.M. Gaytan, E. Martinez, F. Medina, and R.B. Wicker, “Fabricating Functional Ti-Alloy Biomedical Implants by Additive Manufacturing using Electron Beam Melting,” Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials, Volume 2, Issue 3, 1000131, 2012, 11 pages.
- D.A. Roberson, R.B. Wicker, and E. MacDonald, “Microstructural Characterization of Electrically Failed Conductive Traces Printed from Ag Nanoparticle Inks,” Materials Letters, Volume 76, 2012, pages 51-54.
- A. Lopes, E. MacDonald, and R.B. Wicker, “Integrating Stereolithography and Direct Print Technologies for 3D Structural Electronics Fabrication,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012, pages 129-143.
* Recognized by Emerald Group Publishing as Outstanding Paper and received the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013 - S.J. Li, L.E. Murr, X.Y. Cheng, Z.B. Zhang, Y.L. Hao, R. Yang, F. Medina, R.B. Wicker, “Compression Fatigue Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Mesh Arrays Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting,” Acta Materialia, Volume 60, Issue 3, 2012, pages 793-802.
- M.D. Irwin, D.A. Roberson, R.I. Olivas, R.B. Wicker and E. MacDonald, “Conductive Polymer-Coated Threads as Electrical Interconnects in e-Textiles,” Fibers and Polymers, Volume 12, Number 7, 2011, pages 904-910 (doi: 10.1007/s12221-011-0904-8).
- D.A. Roberson, R.B. Wicker, L.E. Murr, K. Church, and E. MacDonald, “Microstructural and Process Characterization of Conductive Traces Printed from Ag Particulate Inks,” Materials, Volume 4, Issue 6, 2011, pages 963-979 (doi:10.3390/ma4060963).
- L.E. Murr, E. Martinez, S.M. Gaytan, D.A. Ramirez, B.I. Machado, P.W. Shindo, J.L. Martinez, F. Medina, J. Wooten, D. Ciscel, U. Ackelid, and R.B. Wicker, “Microstructural Architecture, Microstructures, and Mechanical Properties for a Nickel-Base Superalloy Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Volume 42, Issue 11, 2011, pages 3491-3508 (doi: 10.1007/s11661-011-0748-22011) (chosen by the Editors of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions to appear on Springer's website, SpringerLink, as a “Free Access” article).
- L.E. Murr, K.N. Amato, S.J. Li, Y.X. Tian, X.Y. Cheng, S.M. Gaytan, E. Martinez, P.W. Shindo, F. Medina, and R.B. Wicker, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Open-Cellular Biomaterials Prototypes for Total Knee Replacement Implants Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Volume 4, Issue 7, 2011, pages 1396-1411.
- J.W. Choi, R. Quintana, R.B. Wicker, “Fabrication and Characterization of Embedded Horizontal Micro-channels using Line-scan Stereolithography,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 17, Issue 5, 2011, pages 351-361.
- M.S. Nuzzo, M. Posner, W.J. Warme, F. Medina, R.B. Wicker, and B.D. Owens, “Compression Force and Pullout Strength Comparison of Bioabsorbable Implants for Osteochondral Lesion Fixation,” The American Journal of Orthopedics, Volume 40, Number 4, 2011, E61-63.
- D.A. Ramirez, L.E. Murr, S.J. Li, Y.X. Tian, E. Martinez, J.L. Martinez, B.I. Machado, S.M. Gaytan, F. Medina, and R. B. Wicker, “Open-Cellular Copper Structures Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing using Electron Beam Melting,” Materials Science and Engineering A, Volume 528, 2011, pages 5379-5386 (doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2011.03.053).
- S.M. Gaytan, L.E. Murr, D.A. Ramirez, B.I. Machado, E. Martinez, D.H. Hernandez, J.L. Martinez, F. Medina, and R.B. Wicker, “A TEM Study of Cobalt-Base Alloy Prototypes Fabricated by EBM,” Materials Sciences and Applications, Volume 2, 2011, pages 355-363 (doi: 10.4236/msa.2011.25046).
- D.A. Ramirez, L.E. Murr, E. Martinez, D.H. Hernandez, J.L. Martinez, B.I. Machado, F. Medina, P. Frigola, and R.B. Wicker, “Novel Precipitate-Microstructural Architecture Developed in the Fabrication of Solid Copper Components by Additive Manufacturing Using Electron Beam Melting,” Acta Materiala, Volume 59, Issue 10, June 2011, pages 4088-4099.
- E.O. Kung, A.S. Les, F. Medina, R.B. Wicker, M.V. McConnell, C.A. Taylor, “In Vitro Validation of Finite-Element Model of AAA Hemodynamics Incorporating Realistic Outflow Boundary Conditions,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Volume 133, Issue 4, 041003 (11 pages), 2011 doi:10.1115/1.4003526.
- E.O. Kung, A.S. Les, C.A. Figueroa, F. Medina, K. Arcaute, R.B. Wicker, M.V. McConnell, C.A. Taylor, “In Vitro Validation of Finite Element Analysis of Blood Flow in Deformable Models,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 39, Number 7, 2011, pages 1947-1960 (doi: 10.1007/s10439-011-0284-7).
- A.J. Onstad, C.J. Elkins, F. Medina, R.B. Wicker, J.K. Eaton, “Full-field Measurements of Flow through a Scaled Metal Foam Replica,” Experiments in Fluids, Volume 50, 2011, pages 1571-1585 (doi: 10.1007/s00348-010-1008-8).
- R.F. Neville, C.J. Elkins, M.T. Alley, and R.B. Wicker, “Hemodynamic Comparison of Differing Anastomotic Geometries Using Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry,” Journal of Surgical Research, Volume 169, Issue 2, August 2011, pages 311-318 (doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2009.12.008).
- K. Arcaute, B.K. Mann, and R.B. Wicker, “Fabrication of Off-the-Shelf Multi-Lumen Poly(ethylene glycol) Nerve Guidance Conduits using Stereolithography,” Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, Volume 17, Number 1, 2011, pages 27-38 (doi:10.1089/ten.TEC.2010.0011).
- J.W. Choi, F. Medina, C. Kim, D. Espalin, D. Rodriguez, B. Stucker, and R.B. Wicker, “Development of a Mobile Fused Deposition Modeling System with Enhanced Manufacturing Flexibility,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 211, 2011, pages 424-432. (2010; doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2010.10.019).
- J.W. Choi, H.C. Kim, and R.B. Wicker, “Multi-Material Stereolithography,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 211, 2011, pages 318-328. (2010; doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2010.10.003).
- S.M. Gaytan, L.E. Murr, E. Martinez, J.L. Martinez, B.I. Machado, D.A. Ramirez, F. Medina, S. Collins, and R.B. Wicker, “Comparison of Microstructures and Mechanical Properties for Solid and Mesh Cobalt-Base Alloy Prototypes Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Volume 41, Number 12, pages 3216-3227, 2010, doi: 10.1007/s11661-010-0388-y.
- D.A. Roberson, E. MacDonald, K. Church, and R.B. Wicker, “Failure Investigation of Direct Write Pen Tips,” Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, Volume 10, Number 6, 2010, pages 504-507 (doi: 10.1007/s11668-010-9387-y).
- J.W. Choi, M. Yamashita, J. Sakakibara, Y. Kaji, T. Oshika, and R.B. Wicker, “Combined Micro and Macro Additive Manufacturing of a Swirling Flow Coaxial Phacoemulsifier Sleeve with Internal Micro-Vanes,” Biomedical Microdevices, Volume 12, Number 5, 2010, pages 875-886 (doi: 10.1007/s10544-010-9442-1).
- H.C. Kim, J.W. Choi, R.B. Wicker, “Development of a Multi-material Stereolithography System,” Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, Volume 27, Number 3, 2010, pages 135-141 (In Korean).
- D. Espalin, K. Arcaute, D. Rodriguez, F. Medina, M. Posner, and R.B. Wicker, “Fused Deposition Modeling of Patient-Specific Polymethylmethacrylate Implants,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 16, Issue 3, 2010, pages 164-173.
- L.E. Murr, S.M. Gaytan, F. Medina, H. Lopez, E. Martinez, B.I. Machado, D.H. Hernandez, L. Martinez, M.I. Lopez, R.B. Wicker, J. Bracke, “Next Generation Biomedical Implants Using Additive Layered Manufacturing of Complex, Cellular and Functional Mesh Arrays,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Royal Society of London, Volume 368, Number 1917, 2010, pages 1999-2032 (doi:10.1098/rsta.2010.0010).
- H. Kim, J.W. Choi, and R.B. Wicker, “Scheduling and Process Planning for Multi-Material Stereolithography,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 16, Issue 4, 2010, pages 232-240.
- H. Kim, J.W. Choi, E. MacDonald, and R.B. Wicker, “Slice Overlap Detection Algorithm for Process Planning in Multiple Material Stereolithography,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 46, Issue 9, 2010, pages 1161-1170 (DOI: 10.1007/s00170-009-2181-x).
- L.E. Murr, S.M. Gaytan, A. Ceylan, E. Martinez, J.L. Martinez, D.H. Hernandez, B.I. Machado, D.A. Ramirez, F. Medina, S. Collins, and R.B. Wicker, “Characterization of Titanium Aluminide Alloy Components Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing Using Electron Beam Melting,” Acta Materialia, Volume 58, 2010, pages 1887-1894.
- L.E. Murr, S.M. Gaytan, F. Medina, E. Martinez, J.L. Martinez, D.H. Hernandez, B.I. Machado, D.A. Ramirez, R.B. Wicker, “Characterization of Ti-6Al-4V Open Cellular Foams Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing Using Electron Beam Melting,” Materials Science and Engineering A, Volume 527, 2010, pages 1861-1868.
- K. Arcaute, B.K. Mann, and R.B. Wicker, “Stereolithography of Spatially-Controlled Multi-Material Bioactive Poly(ethylene glycol) Scaffolds,” Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 6, 2010, pages 1047-1054. (DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2009.08.017).
- R. Quintana, J.W. Choi, K. Puebla, and R.B. Wicker, “Effects of Build Orientation on Tensile Strength for Stereolithography Manufactured ASTM D-638 Type I Specimens,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 46, Numbers 1-4, 2010, pages 201-215 (DOI: 10.1007/s00170-009-2066-z).
- J.W. Choi, E. MacDonald, R.B. Wicker, “Multi-Material Microstereolithography,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 49, Issue 5, 2010, pages 543-551 (DOI: 10.1007/s00170-009-2434-8).
- S.M. Gaytan, L.E. Murr, F. Medina, E. Martinez, M.I. Lopez and R.B. Wicker, “Advanced Metal Powder Based Manufacturing of Complex Components by Electron Beam Melting,” Materials Technology, Volume 24, Number 3, 2009, pages 180-190 (DOI: 10.1179/106678509x12475882446133).
- J.W. Choi, R.B. Wicker, S.H. Lee, K.H. Choi, I.D. Jung, C.S. Ha, and I. Chung, “Fabrication of 3D Biocompatible/Biodegradable Micro-Scaffolds using Dynamic Mask Projection Microstereolithography,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 209, 2009, pages 5494-5503 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2009.05.004).
- L.E. Murr, S.M. Gaytan, M.I. Lopez, E. Martinez, F. Medina, R.B. Wicker, “Metallographic Characterization of Additive-Layer Manufactured Products by Electron Beam Melting of Ti-6Al-4V Powder,” Practical Metallography (invited paper for issue dedicated to George Vander Voort for his 65th birthday), Volume 46, September 2009, pages 442-453. (in English and German)
- J.W. Choi, R.B. Wicker, C.S. Ha, and S.H. Lee, “Cure Depth Control for Complex 3D Microstructure Fabrication in Dynamic Mask Projection Microstereolithography,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2009, pages 59-70.
- L.E. Murr, S.A. Quinones, S.M. Gaytan, M.I. Lopez, A. Rodela, E.Y. Martinez, D.H. Hernandez, E. Martinez, F. Medina, and R.B. Wicker, “Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Produced by Rapid-Layer Manufacturing, for Biomedical Applications” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2009, pages 20-32 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2008.05.004).
- L.E. Murr, E.V. Esquivel, S.A. Quinones, S.M. Gaytan, M.I. Lopez, E.Y. Martinez, F. Medina, D.H. Hernandez, E. Martinez, J.L. Martinez, S.W. Stafford, D.K. Brown, T. Hoppe, W. Meyers, U. Lindhe, and R.B. Wicker, “Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Electron Beam-Rapid Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Biomedical Prototypes Compared to Wrought Ti-6Al-4V,” Materials Characterization, Volume 60, 2009, pages 96-105 (DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2008.07.006).
- K. Arcaute and R.B. Wicker, “Patient-Specific Compliant Vessel Manufacturing Using Dip-Spin Coating of Rapid Prototyped Molds,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2008, Volume 130, Issue 5, 051008, 13 pages (DOI: 10.1115/1.2898839).
- J.H. Sandoval, L.E. Murr, K.F. Soto, and R.B. Wicker, “Nanotailoring Photocrosslinkable Epoxy Resins with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Stereolithography Layered Manufacturing,” Journal of Materials Science, 2007, Volume 42, Number 1, pages 156-165 (DOI: 10.1007/s10853-006-1035-2).
- M.A. Cortez, R. Quintana, and R.B. Wicker, “Multi-Step Dip Spin Coating Manufacturing System for Silicone Cardiovascular Membrane Fabrication with Prescribed Compliance,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2007, Volume 34, pages 667-679 (DOI: 10.1007/s00170-006-0649-5).
- Recognized by Emerald Group Publishing as Outstanding Paper and received the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2007
- K. Arcaute, B.K. Mann, and R.B. Wicker, “Stereolithography of Three-Dimensional Bioactive Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Constructs with Encapsulated Cells,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 34, Number 9, 2006, pages 1429-1441 (DOI: 10.1007/s10439-006-9156-y).
- J.H. Sandoval and R.B. Wicker, “Functionalizing Stereolithography Resins: Effects of Dispersed Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Physical Properties,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 12, Issue 5, 2006, pages 292-303.
- E. MacDonald, N. Touba, “Delay Testing of Partially-Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator Integrated Circuits,” IEEE Transactions on VLSI, Oct, 2006.
- J.A. Palmer, B. Jokiel, C.D. Nordquist, B.A. Kast, C.J. Atwood, E. Grant, F.J. Livingston, F. Medina, and R.B. Wicker, “Mesoscale RF Relay Enabled by Integrated Rapid Manufacturing,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2006, pages 148-155.