Dr. Joshua Fan
Associate Professor of History
I received a Ph.D. in history from the University of Hawaii in 2006 and has a M.A. in international studies with a focus on China from the University of Washington. I specialize in the history of Modern China, with a particular interest in the history of ordinary men and women during the Chinese Civil War of the mid-20th century. My first book, China’s Homeless Generation: Voices from the Veterans of the Chinese Civil War, 1940s – 1990s was published by Routledge Press in 2010 in hardcover and reissued in paperback in 2015. I regularly teaches following courses at the undergraduate level: World History to 1500 (HIST 2301), History of Premodern East Asia (HIST 3334), History of Modern East Asia (HIST 3335), History of Modern China (HIST 3338), and 20th Century China via Film and Fiction (HIST 3390). I also teach two graduate courses: Studies in World History–Modern China (HIST 5306) & Literature and Methodology of World/Transnational History (HIST 6354).
Curriculum Vitae
Faculty profile
Contact Info:
Liberal Arts 337
(915) 747-8948
Email: jfan@utep.edu