Dr. Ted Cooper and Denise Rodriguez served as Co-Principal Investigators on the Paso Del Norte Health Foundation grant StopLite: A Smoking Cessation Intervention for Light Smokers. StopLite represents a continuation in a collaborative effort between the Prevention and Treatment in Clinical Health (PATCH) laboratory and the UTEP Student Health Center. The aim of StopLite was to create and implement a systematic brief tobacco cessation program that will be available to UTEP light smokers presenting at the Health Center and in the PATCH lab. The intervention included various motivators such as motivational enhancement to assist smokers in the earlier stages of change, along with action oriented motivators such as carbon monoxide feedback, education and social support for those participants in later stages of change. Follow-up evaluations were conducted at one and three month intervals to better assess the effectiveness of the smoking cessation program.
See the article published in UTEP's magazine NOVA related to StopLite in this link