Government Documents
The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Library has been a member of the Federal Depository Library Program since 1966 and serves the 16th Congressional District of Texas. The UTEP Library selects 73% of the government documents that are available through the Depository Program. Government materials from GPO come in a variety of formats (paper, microfiche, microfilm, CD-ROM, DVD, video) and all formats are represented in the collection.
The Federal Government Documents collection is located on the first floor of the library building. The materials are shelved according to the Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) numbering system. Texas State Documents are shelved before the Federal Documents on the Southern end of the first floor and are shelved according to the Library of Congress classification.
Located along the border with Mexico, the UTEP Library has a distinct advantage when it comes to collecting unique materials from the area. The collection contains Mexican and U.S.
Much, though not all, of the government document
To search for Government Documents in MinerQuest you may perform a keyword search and modify the results using the facets on the left, select Library Locations, and one or more of the Government Documents locations.
If you have questions contact:
Joy Urbina
(915) 747-5066