Carl Hertzog Award Winners, Runners-up and Honorable Mentions for the period of 1991 - 2018
We present to you the Carl Hertzog Award winners, runners-up, and honorable mentions. These remarkably well-designed books have been added to the Carl Hertzog Collection of UTEP Library's C. L. Sonnichsen Special Collections Department for examination and study. All the winners for that particular year were announced at the Hertzog Award ceremonies, in that respective year, and also exhibited with the winner for two months after the award ceremonies. The First Carl Hertzog Book Design Award was given to Gerald W. Lange, USC Fine Arts Press in 1991.
Winners, Runners-Up, Honorable Mentions 1991-2018 (click to download)
Adkins, Margie | Linden, James |
Argetsinger, Mark | Magaril, Mikkail |
Armstrong, Randy | Mark, Enid |
Baris, Bob | Martin, Emily |
Beletsky, Misha | McCamant, Robert |
Belloff, Mindy | Merker, K. K. |
Black Rock Press | Miller-Brown, Andrew |
Breeding, Julie | Nathan, Arlyn |
Bruggeman, Inge | O’Connell, Bonnie |
Bryan, J. B. | O’Nale, George |
Buchert, Robert | O’Nale, Jan |
Campbell, Carolee | |
Chamlee, Rebecca | Pastotnik, Chad |
Curtis, Bill (William) | Peavy, Asa |
Dissette, James | Price, Robin |
Eckersley, Richard | Rappoport, Lisa |
Frederickson, Kathy | Reagh, Patrick |
Gerry, Vance | Ritchie, Ward |
Hobson, Charles | Robertson, James |
Holman, David | Robertson, Carolyn |
Horrigan, Terry | Sauers, Sara T. |
Hoyem, Andrew | Shanilec, Gaylord |
Jenkins & Page | Spitler, Priscilla |
Kelly, Jerry | studio blue |
Koch, Peter | Tauber, Robert |
Kornblum, Allan | Taylor, W. Thomas |
Kramer, Kay Michael | Thompson Norman, Bonnie |
Lange, Gerald W. | Weese, Cheryl Towler |
Langworthy, Sara | Whitehead |
Laws, George | Zeitz, Gray |
Leech, Tom | |
Linden, James |