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The Fund for Ethical Practices of Transborder Art

November 12 – February 25, 2022
Project Space

The Fund for Ethical Practices of Transborder Art emerged out of Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s Border Tuner | Sintonizador Fronterizo in 2019. The Fund was created in response to the need to give voice and visibility to transborder projects that emerge on the border and are produced by artists living in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua and El Paso, Texas. This exhibition features the six projects currently supported by the Fund, with work-in progress videos highlighting the artists’ voices as they talk about their experience creating work on the MX-US border during the global pandemic, which has greatly limited the cross-border movement of fronterizos.





The videos are produced by Juarez-based Limite Norte (except where otherwise noted) and feature the following artists and projects:


C U R R E N T   E X H I B I T I O N S