X-Ray Core Facility
The College of Science X-Ray Core Facility is located in the Chemistry & Computer Science Building Rm G.0701

Bruker D8 Venture
Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction

- Fast and highly accurate 3D molecular structure determination
- Measurement of unit cell dimensions, bond-lengths, bond-angles, and atomic ordering
- Advanced IμS 3.0 Microfocus source for the diffraction of very small single crystals (10μm)
- Variable temperature data collection (100-300k)
- Small molecule and macromolecular crystallography
- Oxford cryosystem
- X-Ray source for dual wavelength (high intensity Copper and Molybdenum sources).
- Highly accurate, highly precise, Kappa four-circle goniometer (Sample-positioning freedom)
- Revolutionary air-cooled PHOTON II CPAD detector (superior accuracy and sensitivity)
Four work stations are equipped with the BRUKER Apex3 Suite crystallographic software and The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (CCDC).
Funding: Instrument funded by the NSF MRI Program Award No. CHE-1827875
Bruker D8 QUEST
Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction

- Highly accurate 3D molecular structure determination
- Measurement of unit cell dimensions, bond-lengths, bond-angles, and atomic ordering
- Variable temperature data collection (200-300k)
- Small molecule crystallography
- LIquid helium gas stream
- Sealed tube Mo x-ray source
- CPAD Photon II detector
Four work stations are equipped with the BRUKER Apex3 Suite crystallographic software and The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (CCDC).
Funding: Instrument funded by the College of Science
p-XRD Empyrean 2
Power X-Ray Diffraction

- Crystal structure determination
- Phase identification and quantification (impurity detection)
- Particle size determination
- In situ studies of material's phase changes
- Non-ambient analysis
- X-Ray diffraction
- Air sensitive x-ray diffraction
- Small angle x-ray scattering - wide angle x-ray scattering (SAXS-waxs, transmission mode)
- Non-ambient x-ray analysis at high temperature and pressure
Four work stations are equipped with the BRUKER Apex3 Suite crystallographic software and The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (CCDC).
Funding: Instrument funded by the Department of Defense (DoD) Grant No. 64705CHREP
Information and Scheduling
Dr. Alejandro Metta
(915) 747-8788