Currently GIST courses taught by the Geology department are in Geology 409 and the Socio-Environmental and Geospatial Analysis (SEGA) Lab. Courses taught by other departments are held in a variety of places.
GEOL409: Access to this lab is through the west elevator and stairwell, accessible from the first floor or through the lower door facing University Ave.
SEGA: This room is located in 300 Prospect Hall.
Both computer labs are equipped with cutting-edge technologies that provide synergistic and interdisciplinary environments for Geospatial Information Science and Technology (GIST) education and research at UTEP. Licensed software such as ArcGIS Pro and Agisoft Metashape are currently installed and available under concurrent and individual use modes so students can easily access them in the labs or from home. Non-license software such as Python, R, QGIS, and similar are also installed at the Labs.