Mathematical Sciences
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Bell Hall 124
Monday through Friday 8am-12pm and 1-5pm
Department News
UTEP Mathematical Sciences Dept. Professor Dr. Larry Lesser gave (twice) a presentation on January 15, 2025 on the famous “Birthday Problem” at the National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath) in New York City. The invited talk is part of the monthly Math Encounters series funded by Simons Foundation International and administered by the Simons Foundation’s Science, Society & Culture division. A professional video recording is at
Funding Secured to Develop Disease Projection Tools
Dr. Anass Bouchnita received three subawards from the CSTE and the CDC, funded through the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Georgia to develop predictive models and tools for projecting seasonal influenza, COVID-19, and RSV hospitalizations while incorporating immunological dynamics, and to enhance communication and engagement with public health officials.
UTEP Awarded $5M to Research Climate Change Mitigations
Grant PI Dr. Son-Young Yi, alongside Co-PIs Drs.James Kubicki and Zhengtao Gan, will create computational models, using machine learning algorithms, that can help the clean energy industry reduce carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere and create a reliable means of accessing geothermal energy.
The Fall 2024 Edition of Maxima is now Online
Junior Faculty Meet wtih Dr. Frank Hsu
Drs. Anass Bouchnita, Abhijit Mandal, Asim Kumer Dey, Jonathon Mohl, and Ritwik Bhattacharya received great food for thought from Dr. Frank Hsu (UTEP Gold Nugget and Clavius Distinguished Professor of Science at Fordham University in New York) at a mentoring lunch sponsored in April 2023 by the College of Science Dean and organized by Dr. Mariani.
Department Well Represented in Regional Meetings
Department faculty, students and alumni played major roles in this April 2023 annual conference of The Southwestern Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), held this year in El Paso in conjunction with the New Mexico Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (NMMATYC). Read more about these conferences (and more!) on the Fall 2023 issue of Maxima.
Dr. Granville Sewell marks 39 years of dedicated service.
Dr. Granville Sewell, recently named Professor Emeritus, bid farewell to an illustrious career in January 2023. His impact went well beyond UTEP because he has also had notable semester- or year-long academic engagements at many other institutions. Read more about Dr. Sewell's career on the Fall 2023 issue of Maxima.
Data Science Ph.D. Program Thrives
UTEP’s first Ph.D. program housed in our department has been thriving since its January 2021 launch, with 8 doctoral students advancing to candidacy within 2.5 years and its first three graduates in December 2023: Md Easin Hasan, Jazmin Quezada and Clarissa Reyes. For more information, visit the program's webpage.
Math Alumni, Faculty Help Launch El Paso Science Festival
The inaugural El Paso Science Festival will be held April 6-7, 2024 at the El Paso Convention Center. This free event aims to let the general public delve into the realms of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), transforming learning into an engaging and in- teractive hands-on adventure.
Grants Obtained by Faculty from 2022 to present
American Mathematical Society meeting held on campus
The AMS (American Mathematical Society) held its first-ever meeting on our campus with the Fall Central Sectional Meeting on September 17-18, 2022. The meeting’s approximately 300 attendees from multiple states and countries included many UTEP faculty who gave presentations and/or organized sessions as well as 11 UTEP students who gave research presentations.
Dr. Nancy Marcus Celebrates 42 Years of Service
Dr. Nancy Marcus was honored at a May 11, 2022 retirement reception hosted by the College of Science honoring her 42 years of service. In addition to being one of the longest-serving members in department history, she also showed great leadership for the College of Science, serving as its Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Student Success since 2004.
Dr. Lesser Wins Award at Sigma Xi 2022 STEM Art and Film Festival
Dr. Lesser placed second in the Performing Arts and Film categories of the 2022 STEM Art and Film Festival held by Sigma Xi as part of its International Forum on Research Excellence. The latter entry showcased his recent NSF grant on interactive statistics songs.
UTEP Collaborates in Consortium to Train Students in Public Health Informatics and Technology
UTEP is part of the Gaining Equity in Training for Public Health Informatics and Technology (GET PHIT) Consortium, which plans to train undergraduate students from underrepresented groups. More information and application materials are found at the GET PHIT website.