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Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals (** students or postdocs)

[30] **Hong Z., Moreno H.A., Li, Alvarez, L. and Hong, Y., 2023. Triple Collocation of Ground-, Satellite- and Land Surface Model-Based Surface Soil Moisture Products in Oklahoma Part II: New Multi-Sensor Soil Moisture (MSSM) Product. Remote Sensing 15(13):3450

[29] **Hong Z., Moreno H.A., Li, Z., Li, S., Greene, J.S, Hong, Y., Alvarez, L.V., 2022. Triple Collocation of Ground-, Satellite- and Land Surface Model-Based Surface Soil Moisture Products in Oklahoma-Part I: Individual Product Assessment. Remote Sensing 14(22):5641

28. **Celis J.A., Moreno H.A., Basara J.B., McPherson R.A., Cosh M., Ochsner T., Xiao X., 2021. From Standard Weather Stations to Virtual Micro-Meteorological Towers in Ungauged Sites: Modeling Tool for Surface Energy Fluxes, Evapotranspiration, Soil Temperature, and Soil Moisture Estimations. Remote Sensing 13(7):1271.

27. ** Forvargue, R., Rezapour S., Rosendahl, D., Wootten, A., Zamanisabzi, H., Moreno H.A., Neeson, T.M., 2021 (in review). Planning for water sustainability in the face of climate uncertainty. Nature Climate Change.

26. Moreno, H.A., Gourley, J.J. Pham, T.G., Spade, D.M.,  2020. Utility of satellite-derived burn severity to study short- and long-term effects of wildfire on streamflow at the basin scale. Journal of Hydrology. 580, 124244

25. **Zamanisabzi H., Moreno, H.A., Fovargue, R., Xue, X., Hong, Y., Neeson, T.M., 2019. Comparison of projected water availability and demand reveals future hotspots of water stress in the Red River basin, USA.  Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 26, 100638.

24. Bayabil, H.K., Fares, A., Sharif, H., Ghebreyesus, D., Moreno, H.A., 2019. Effects of spatial and temporal data aggregation on the performance of the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor System. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 1-13,

23. **Zamanisabzi, H., Rezapour, S, Fovargue, Moreno, H.A., Neeson, T., 2019. Strategic allocation of water conservation incentives to balance environmental flows and societal outcomes. Ecological Engineering, 127, 160-169,

22. **Hong, Z., Moreno, H.A., Hong, Y., 2018. Spatio-temporal assessment of induced seismicity in Oklahoma: Foreaseeable fewer earthquakes for sustainable oil and gas extraction limits?. Geosciences, 8(12), 436,

21. Alvarez, L.V., Moreno, H.A., Segales, A.R., Pham, T.G., Pillar-Little, E.A., Chilson, P.B. , 2018. Merging Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Imagery and Echo Soundings with an Adaptive Sampling Technique for Bathymetric Surveys. Remote Sensing 10, 1362, doi:0.3390/rs10091362

20. Moreno, H.A., Ogden, F.L, Alvarez, L.V., 2018. Unstructured-Mesh Terrain Analysis and Incident Solar Radiation for Continuous Hydrologic Modeling in Mountain Watersheds. Water, 10(4), 398, doi:10.3390/w10040398. 

19. Moreno, H.A., Gupta, H.V., White, D.D., Sampson, D.A. 2016. Modeling the Distributed Effects of Forest Thinning on the Long-Term Water Balance and Stream Flow Extremes for a Semi-Arid Basin in the Southwestern U.S., Hydrology and Earth Systems Science., 20, 1241-1267. doi:10.5194/hess-20-1241-2016.

18. Moreno, H.A., Vivoni, E.R., and Gochis, D.J. 2014. Addressing Uncertainty in Reflectivity-Rainfall Relations in Mountain Watersheds during Summer Convection. Hydrological Processes, 28(3): 688-704.

17. Moreno, H.A., Vivoni, E.R., and Gochis, D.J. 2013. Limits to flood forecasting in the Colorado Front Range for two summer convection periods using radar nowcasting and a distributed hydrologic model. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14, DOI: 1075-1097.0.1175/JHM-D-12-0129.1

16. Moreno, H.A., Vivoni, E.R., and D. Gochis, 2012. Utility of quantitative precipitation estimates for high resolution hydrologic forecasts in mountain watersheds of the Colorado Front Range. Journal of Hydrology, 438-439: 66-83.

15. Vivoni, E. R., H. A. Moreno, G. Mascaro, J. C. Rodriguez, C. J. Watts, J. Garatuza-Payan, and R. L. Scott, 2008. Observed relation between evapotranspiration and soil moisture in the North American monsoon region. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L22403, doi:10.1029/2008GL036001

14. Ruiz, D., Moreno, H.A., Gutierrez, M and P. Zapata, 2008. Changing climate and endangered high mountain ecosystems in Colombia. Science of the Total Environment, 398(1-3),122-132. doi:10.1016/j.scitoenvv.2008.02.038

13. Moreno, H.A., 2008. Annual and diurnal cycles of the inverse relationship between plant transpiration and carbon sequestration. Revista EIA (ISSN 1794-1237) 9, 53-68.

12. Moreno, H.A., Velez, J.I., Poveda, G., Guzman, J.V., Roldan, P.A., Arango, J.E., 2007. Rainwater Harvesting for sustainable supply in rural homes of Colombia (in spanish). Ingenieria Hidraulica en Mexico (ISSN 01864076) 22(2), 107-112.

11. **Giraldo, L., Perez. D., Moreno H.A. and D. Ruiz, 2006. Stochastic modeling for the estimation of the long term water supply in the Source-Matelas River, Haiti (in spanish). Revista EIA (ISSN 1794-1237) 6, 21-31.

10. Moreno, H.A., Velez, M., Montoya, J. y R. Rhenals, 2006. Precipitation and landslides in Antioquia-Colombia. Analysis of their occurrence at inter-annual, annual and diurnal scales (in spanish). Revista EIA (ISSN 1794-1237) 5, 59-69.

9. Poveda, G., Mesa, O., Salazar, Luis., Arias, P., Moreno, H.A., Vieira, S., Agudelo, P., Toro, V., and F. Alvarez, 2005. The diurnal cycle of precipitation in the tropical Andes of Colombia. Monthly Weather Review, 133, 228-240.

8. **Roldan, P., Arango, J., Moreno, H.A., Velez J., Guzman, J. y G. Poveda, 2005. Optimum unit storage volume for rainwater supply in rural homes (in spanish). Revista Avances en Recursos Hidraulicos (ISSN 0121-5701) 12, 21-31.

7. **Marin, L., Jimenez J., Moreno, H.A., Velez, J.,Guzman J. y G. Poveda, 2005. Spatial distribution and diurnal cycle of air and dew point temperatures in a region of the Colombian tropical Andes (in spanish). Revista Avances en Recursos Hidraulicos (ISSN 0121-5701) 12, 149-158.

6. Poveda, G., Mesa, O. J., Toro, V. G., Agudelo P. A., Alvarez J. F., Arias P. A., Moreno, H. A., Salazar, L. F., Vieira, S. C., 2002. Effects of the annual cycle and ENSO on the maximum rainfall intensity of events with duration between 1 and 24 hours, in the Colombian Andes (in spanish). Revista Meteorologia Colombiana (ISSN 0124-6984) 5, 67-74.

5. Poveda, G., Mesa, O. J., Agudelo P. A., Alvarez J. F., Arias P. A., Moreno, H. A., Salazar, L. F., Toro, V. G., Vieira, S. C., 2002. Influence of ENSO, Madden-Julian oscillation, easterly waves, hurricanes and moon phases on the diurnal cycle of the precipitation in the tropical Andes of Colombia (in spanish). Revista Meteorologia Colombiana (ISSN 0124-6984) 5, 3-12.

4. Poveda, G., Mesa, O.J., Agudelo, P.A., Alvarez, J.F., Arias, P.A., Moreno, H.A, Salazar, L.F., Toro, V.G, Vieira, S.C., Jaramillo, A., Guzman, O., 20002. The diurnal cycle of precipitation in the tropical andes of Colombia (in spanish). Revista Meteorologia Colombiana (ISSN 0124-6984) 5, 23-30.

Publications in Refereed Proceedings

3. Hendrickx, J.M.H., Molina, A., Grasmueck, M., Moreno, H.A , Hernandez, R.D., 2008. Humanitarian IED clearance in Colombia. Proc. International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE 6953 doi: 10.1117/12.782303.

2. Kleissl, J., H.A. Moreno, J.M.H. Hendrickx and J. Simunek, 2007. Hydrus simulations of soil surface temperatures. Proc. International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE 6553. DOI: 10.1117/12.719445

1. Hendrickx J.M.H., J. Kleissl, J. Gomez, S. Hong, J.R. Fabrega, D.Vega, H.A. Moreno and F.L. Ogden, 2007. Scintillometer networks for calibration and validation of energy balance and soil moisture remote sensing algorithms. Proc. International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE. 6565. 10.1117/12.718124

Conference Presentations and Posters (** students, ~ invited)

77 Moreno, H.A., 2023. Fundamentals of Machine Learning and Its Applications to Earth Science. NOAA Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies, NY.

76 Moreno, H.A., 2023. Earth Science Machine Learning Examples. Department of Earth, Environmental and Resource Sciences Seminar Series, El Paso, TX

75 Monsalve, A., Moreno, H.A., 2023. Alternative Ways to Validating Satellite-Based Precipitation Measurements from Environmental Variables HydroML Symposium, Berkeley, CA.

74 Mayo, J., Moreno, H.A., 2023. Using Ensemble Supervised Classification Methods to Learn and Improve the Soil Texture Particle Size Database from SSURGO in a Dryland Ecosystem HydroML Symposium 2023, Berkeley, CA.

73 Suaza-Sierra, I., Moreno, H.A., 2023. Evaluating and Improving a Physics-Guided Neural Network for Lake Temperature Modeling: A Case Study of Lake Texoma. HydroML Symposium, Berkeley, CA.

72 Marquez, S., Moreno, H.A., 2023. Learning and Ranking the Drivers of Subpixel Surface Soil Moisture in the Chihuahuan Desert. HydroML Symposium, Berkeley, CA.

71 Moreno, H.A., 2023. Learning the Drivers of the Partitioning of ET in Arid Environments. HydroML Symposium, Berkeley, CA.

70 Monsalve, A., Goldenstern, E., Kummerow, C and Moreno, H.A., 2022. Cloud-height parallax correction of GPROF rainfall product improves general accuracy of retrievals over CONUS. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

69 Howlider, H, Moreno, H.A., 2022. Eliciting the drivers of ecosystem evapotranspiration (ET) partitioning and its links to carbon sequestration in a semiarid ecosystem of the US Southwest. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

68 Hoyos, S, Moreno, H.A., Marquez, S. 2022. Microwave emission model parameter tunning for surface soil moisture retrievals using UAV mounted dual polarization L-band radiometer. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

67 Marquez, S, Moreno, H.A., Hoyos, S., Zhan, X., Yin, J., 2022. Multi-scale intercomparison of surface soil moisture in the Chihuahuan Desert using orbital, sub-orbital and ground-based measurements. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

66 Mayo, J., Moreno, H.A., 2022. Hyper-resolution Distributed Hydrological Simulations of Soil Moisture and the Partitioning of Evapotranspiration in the Jornada Experimental Range, Southwestern US. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

65 Marquez, S., Moreno, H.A., Hoyos, S., Cruz, R. 2022. Intercomparison of orbital, suborbital, and ground-based measurements of surface soil moisture during the summer Monsoon of 2022 in the Chihuahuan desert. NOAA-CoRP meeting Fort Collins

64 Cruz, R., Alvarez, L. and Moreno, H.A., 2022. Development of small unmanned aerial systems for subpixel vegetation acticity monitoring. NOAA-CoRP meeting Fort Collins

63 Monsalve, A., Goldenstern, E., Kummerow, C and Moreno, H.A., 2022. A regimedependent validation framework for satellite precipitation. NOAA-CoRP meeting Fort Collins

62 Moreno, H.A. 2022. Merging Multi-platform Sensors, Models and Artificial Intelligence for Advanced Hydrometerological Understanding and Prediction. NOAA CoRP Science Symposium. Fort Collins. July of 2022.

61 Rottblath, M. and ∼ Moreno, H.A. 2022. Development of a Portable Lysimeter to Validate Evapotranspiration Using Remote Sensing Technologies. Tenth Biennial NOAA EPP/MSI Education and Science Forum at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, FL

60 Cruz, R., Alvarez, L and ∼ Moreno, H.A. 2022. Development of small unmanned aerial systm for subpixel vegetation activity monitoring. Tenth Biennial NOAA EPP/MSI Education and Science Forum at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, FL

59 Moreno, H.A. 2021. Merging multi-platform sensors, models and artificial intelligence for advanced hydrologic prediction. NOAA Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies, Seminar Series. New York. February of 2021. Recorded presentation available here:

58 Hong, Z., Moreno, H.A., Li, Z., Hong, Y. 2021. Cross-evaluation of Ground-based, Satellite and Land Surface Model Soil Moisture Products Through the Triple Collocation Method Across Oklahoma. American Meteorological Society Spring Meeting, Virtual Mode.

57 Celis, J. A., Moreno, H. A., Basara, J. B., Cosh, M. H., Ochsner, T. E., Xiao, X., 2020. Foot-print Scale Real-time Modeling Tool of Surface Energy Fluxes, Evapotranspiration, Soil Moisture, and Soil Temperature: Application in the the Southern Great Plains. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Virtual Mode.

56 Moreno, H.A. 2020. Innovations in Hydrology and Water Sustainability through Distributed Hydrologic Modeling, Machine Learning and Multi-Sensor Observations. Colloquim Speaker. Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas, El Paso, February 6 of 2020.

55 Moreno, H.A., Gourley, J.J., Pham, T.G., 2019. The utility of remote sensing imagery to study transient shifts in streamflow from the event to the interannual scale. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

54 **Pham T.G., Moreno, H.A., Vogel, J, Ocshner T.E., 2019. Effects of vegetation gradual and abrupt change on soil moisture and surface energy fluxes. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

53 Moreno, H.A. 2019. Innovations in Hydrologic Science through the Use of Process-Based, Distributed Hydrologic Modeling, Multi-Sensor Observations and Intelligent Systems. Shell Series Colloquium. School of Geosciences, University of Oklahoma, Norman, October 2019. 

52 Moreno, H.A. 2019. Improvements in Water Resources Engineering through the Use of Process-Based, Distributed Hydrologic Modeling and Multi-Sensor Observations. Brown bag seminar series. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, February 2019. 

51 Moreno, H.A., Gourley, J.J. and Pham, T., 2019. Utility of Satellite-based Burn Indices to Investigate Acute and Chronic Effects of Wildfire on Streamflow at the Scale of the Basin. CIMMS Post-Wildfire Hydrology Workshop. NOAA National Weather Center, October 2 and 3 of 2019. Norman, Oklahoma.

50 **Hong, Z., Moreno, H.A., Hong, Y., 2018. Spatio-temporal assessment of induced seismicity: Foreseeable fewer earthquakes while reaching sustainable extraction limits in Oklahoma?. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans.

49 **Zamani-Sabzi H., Fovargue, R., Moreno, H.A., Neeson, T., 2018. Strategic distribution of water conservation incentives under drought-prone conditions: a case study in the Red River Basin U.S. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC.

48 **Forvargue, R., Zamani-Sabzi, H., Rezapour, S., Moreno, H.A., Neeson, T., 2018. Balancing conflicting water usages under a changing climate by optimizing a network of reservoirs in the Red River Basin of the South, USA. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC.

47 **Pham, T., Moreno, H.A., Vogel, J., and Celis J. 2018. On the importance of studying the time variability of the eddy flux footprint for hyper-resolution hydrological modeling. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC.

46 **Celis, J., Moreno, H.A., Vogel, J., and Pham T., 2018. Process-based modeling of soil moisture, soil temperature and surface energy fluxes in the US southern plains. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC.

45 Moreno, H.A., Gourley, J.J. and Pham T., 2018. Transient streamflow changes after wildfire in a forested catchment. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC.

44 Neeson, T., Moreno, H.A., Zamani-Sabzi, H., Fovarge R., 2018. Balancing societal water needs and ecosystem outcomes using conservation incentives in the Red River. Oklahoma Governor’s Water Conference and Research Symposium, Midwest City, OK.

43 **Zamani-Sabzi, H.,Moreno, H.A., Neeson, T., Fovarge, R., 2018. Identifying hotspots for water conservation in views of drought and water use projections: a case study in the Red River basin. Oklahoma Governor’s Water Conference and Research Symposium, Midwest City, OK.

42 **Hong, Z., Moreno, H.A., Hong, Y. 2018. Comprehensive assessment of the spatio- temporal occurrence of earthquakes and waste water injection for oil and gas industry. Oklahoma Governor’s Water Conference and Research Symposium, Midwest City, OK.

41 **Pham, T., Moreno, H.A., Vogel, J., and Celis J. 2018. On the importance of studying the time variability of the eddy flux footprint for hyper-resolution hydrological modeling. Oklahoma Governor’s Water Conference and Research Symposium, Midwest City, OK.

40 **Celis, J., Moreno, H.A., Vogel, J., and Pham T., 2018. Process-based modeling of soil moisture, soil temperature and surface energy fluxes in the US southern plains. Oklahoma Governor’s Water Conference and Research Symposium, Midwest City, OK.

39 ∼ Moreno, H.A. 2018. Hyper-resolution modeling to improve understanding of the water cycle. OU Water Day. Oklahoma water survey. University of Oklahoma Fred Jones Museum.

38 ∼ Moreno, H.A. 2018. Combining high resolution, physically-based, distributed models with on-site data and UAS Imagery for increasing the utility of satellite and land surface model schemes. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center TWC Seminar Invited Speaker. Greenbelt, Maryland.

37. Moreno, H.A., Basara, J., Thompson, E., Bertrand, D., Johnston, C. 2017. Understanding SMAP-L4 soil moisture estimation skill and their dependence with topography, precipitation and vegetation type using Mesonet and Micronet networks. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans LA.

36. **Zamani Sabzi, H., Moreno, H.A., Neeson, T., Rosendahl, D., Bertrand, D, Xue, Y., Hong, Y., Kellog, W., McPherson, R., Hudson, J., Austin, B. 2017. Climate change impacts on water availability in the Red River Basin and critical areas for future water conservation. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans LA.

35. **Maples, B., Alvarez, L.V., Moreno, H.A., Chilson, P., Segales, A. 2017. Combining Cluster Analysis and Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) for Accurate and Low-cost Bathymetric Surveying. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans LA.

34. **Hong, Z., Moreno, H.A., Hong, Y., 2017. Comprehensive assessment of the spatio-temporal correlation between wastewater injection and earthquakes. Will we see more earthquakes in Oklahoma?. GIS day, University of Oklahoma.

33. **Spade, D.M., Moreno, H.A., Gourley, J.J., 2016. Identifying streamflow shifts induced by wildfires in mountain basins under summer precipitation. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA.

32. Moreno, H.A., Ogden, F.L., Alvarez, L.V. 2016. Irregular-mesh terrain analysis and incident solar radiation for continuous hydrologic modeling in mountain watersheds. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA.

31. ~ Moreno, H.A., 2016. Improving Watershed Science Through High Resolution Observations and Modeling (invited). DGES-OU Colloquim Series April 29th, Norman Campus CA.

30. Ogden, F.L., Moreno, H.A. 2015. DEM based modeling: Grid or TIN? The answer depends. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

29. Moreno, H.A., Ogden, F.L., Steinke, R.C., Alvarez, L.V., 2015. A vectorial model to compute terrain parameters, local and remote sheltering, scattering and albedo using TIN domains for Hydrologic Modeling. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

28. Alvarez, L., Schmeeckle, M., Grams, P., Moreno, H.A., 2015. A model for turbulence, sediment transport and morphondynamics of lateral separation zones in canyon rivers using detached eddy simulation technique. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

27. ~ Moreno, H.A., Ogden , F.L., Steinke, R.C., Pureza, L., 2015. Performance evaluation of ADHydro preliminary results at a seasonal time scale. 3rd CUAHSI conference of hydroinformatics. July 15-17, University of Alabama & National Water Center, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

26. Lai, Wencong, Ogden, F.L., Steinke, R.C., Moreno, H.A., Frazier, N., Pureza, L., 2015. The ADHydro model and its suitability for high performance water resources modeling. 3rd CUAHSI conference of hydroinformatics. July 15-17, University of Alabama & National Water Center, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

25. ~ Moreno, H.A., Ogden, F.L., Steinke, R.C., Frazier, N., 2015. A vectorial model to compute terrain parameters, local and remote sheltering and scattering from a TIN domain for hydrological modeling. 3rd CUAHSI conference of hydroinformatics. July 15-17, University of Alabama & National Water Center, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

24. Moreno H.A., Goncalvez-Pureza, L., Ogden, F.L and R.C Steinke 2014. Coupling of NOAA-MP and fhe high resolution CI-Water ADHydro model hydrological model. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 7-15, San Francisco.

23. Steinke, R.C., Ogden, F.L., Lai, W., Moreno H.A. and L. Goncalvez-Pureza 2014. ADHydro: a parallel implementation of large scale, high resolution, multiphysics, distributed, water resources model using the Charm++ runtime system. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 7-15, San Francisco.

22. **Ketchum, T. N. and H. A. Moreno 2014. Non-stationarity signals from the long-term hydrologic time series in water-supply, semi-arid basins of Arizona. Poster presented at the Water Resources Research Center 2014 Annual Conference: Closing the Gap Between Water Supply and Demand, April 8, 2014, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

21. ~ Moreno, H. A., D. D. White, H. V. Gupta, E. R. Vivoni and D. A. Sampson 2014. Predicting the long term hydrologic effects of the four forest restoration project at Tonto Creek Basin, Arizona. Poster presented at the 16th Annual CAP LTER Poster Symposium and All Scientists Meeting, January 17, 2014, Skysong, Scottsdale, AZ

20. Moreno , H.A. , White, D.D., Gupta, Hoshin Vijai, Vivoni, E.R., Sampson, D.A. 2013. Scaling up the hydrologic effects of forest thinning in semi-arid basins of Arizona. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco , CA.

19. ~ Moreno, H.A., 2013. The limits of flood forecasting in mountain basins. Invited speaker at the Water Resources Research Seminar Series, April 3, 2013, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ.

18. Moreno, H.A., Vivoni, E.R. and Gochis, D.J. 2012. Exploring the limits of flood forecasting in mountain basis during summer convection. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

17. Hawkings, G.A., Vivoni, E.R., Mahmood, T.M. and Moreno, H.A., 2011. Distributed hydrologic modeling of the Beaver Creek watershed: a platfotm for landcover and climate change assesment. 24th Annual Simposium, Arizona Hydrological Society, Flaggstaff, AZ.

16. Moreno, H.A., Vivoni, E.R. and Gochis, D.J. 2011. Hydrological Intercomparison of Quantitative Precipitation Estimates in the Colorado Front Range. 91st Annual American Meteorological Society Meeting, Seatle, WA.

15. Moreno, H.A., Vivoni, E.R. and Gochis, D.J. 2010. Comparison of multiple quantitative precipitation estimates for warm-season flood forecasting in the Colorado Front Range. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

14. Moreno, H.A. and E. Vivoni, 2009. Distributed flood forecasting for two different precipitation products in the Colorado Front Range. American Meteorological Society 89th annual conference, Phoenix, AZ.

13. Vivoni, E.R., Moreno, H.A., Mascaro, G., Rodriguez, J.C., Watts, C.J., Garatuza-Payan, J. and Scott, R.L. 2008. Effects of vegetation dynamics on the relations between ET and soil moisture in the North American monsoon: Comparison of regional observations and reanalysis products. Climate Prediction Program for the Americas Meeting, Silver Springs, MD.

12. Moreno, H.A. and Vivoni, E.R. 2008. Groundwater depth and air temperature effects on discharge and runoff generation in the Colorado Front Range. NM Water Research Conference, Socorro, NM.

11. **Giraldo L., Perez, D., Moreno H.A. and D. Ruiz, 2006. Estimation of the long term water balance in an ungauged basin of Source Matelas River, Haiti (in spanish). National Conference of Civil Engineering. CUC, Barranquilla, Colombia.

10. **Gutierrez, M., Zapata P., Moreno, H.A. and D. Ruiz, 2006. Toward an understanding of the climate change signals and climate variability in mountain basins: preliminary activities (in spanish). National Conference of Mountain Ecosystems, Tunja, Colombia.

9. Velez, S., Nunez, C., Moreno H.A. and D. Ruiz, 2006. Increases in the vectorial capacity of Aedes Aegypti due to climate variability in a Colombian andean region (in spanish). Meeting of the Colombian Entomological Society, Manizales, Colombia.

8. Velez, M., Moreno, H.A., Montoya, J. and Rhenals, R, 2006. Study of the antecedent rainfall as a triggering factor of landslides in Antioquia-Colombia (in spanish). National meeting of hidrogeology, Bucaramanga, Colombia.

7. Velez J.I., Guzman J.V., Poveda G., Rami­rez C.J., Moreno H. A., Roldan P. A., Arango J.E, 2004. Quantification of rainwater for human consumption. Application to Antioquia's central region (in spanish). Latin-American Congress of Hydraulics, Sao Pedro, Brasil.

6. Moreno, H.A and G. Poveda, 2004. Fat tails in the probabilistic analysis of rainfall and the Hurst exponent during the ENSO phases (in spanish). National seminar of hydraulics and hydrology, Armenia, Colombia.

5. **Marin, L., Poveda, G., Moreno, H.A, 2004. Analysis of the diurnal cycle of relative humidity in 17 Colombian airports (in spanish). National seminar of hydraulics and hydrology, Armenia, Colombia.

4. **Jimenez, J., Marin, L., Moreno, H.A., Velez, J., Guzman, J., Poveda, G, 2004. Spatial distribution and diurnal cycle of air temperature and dew point in a Colombian tropical Andes region (in spanish). National seminar of hydraulics and hydrology, Armenia, Colombia.

3. Velez, J.I., Poveda G., Mesa O.J., Agudelo P.A., Arias P.A., Cardona Y.M., Moreno, H. A., Salazar L.F. , 2002. Long term water balances in Antioquia-Colombia (in spanish). Latin American conference of hydraulics, UNAICC, La Habana, Cuba.

2. Velez, M. V., Montoya J.D., Moreno, H. A., Rhenals R.L., Polanco C., 2002. Rainfall and its influence on mass movements and landslides in Antioquia-Colombia (in spanish). Latin American congress of hydraulics, UNAICC, La Habana, Cuba.

1. Poveda G., Moreno H. A., Vieira S.C., Agudelo P., Arias P.A., Salazar L.F., Mesa O.J, Alvarez F., Toro V., Jaramillo A., Guzman O, 2001. The diurnal cycle of precipitation in the tropical andes of Colombia. Latin American congress of meteorology, Buenos Aires, Argentina.