Recent Publications
"Isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter", J.A. López, E. Ramírez-Homs, R. González and R. Ravelo, Phys. Rev. C 89, 024611 (2014); see preprint here.
"Simulations of cold matter at subsaturation densities", P.A. Giménez-Molinelli, J.I. Nichols, J.A. López and C.O. Dorso, Nuc. Phys. A, 923, Pp. 31-50, 2014.
- "Topological characterization of neutron star crusts", C.O. Dorso, P. Giménez-Molinelli and J.A. López, published in The Physical Review C86 055805 (2012). Downloadpreprint in the Arxivs.
- "From nuclei to nuclear pasta", C.O. Dorso, P.A. Gíménez-Molinelli and J.A. López, in "Neutron Star Crust", Eds. C.A. Bertulani and J. Piekarewicz, 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.See preprint here.
- "Isoscaling and the nuclear EOS", C.A. Dorso, P.A. Giménez-Molinelli and J.A. López, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 38 (2011) 115101.
- "Searching for the origin of isoscaling: confinement and expansion", C.A. Dorso, P.A. Giménez-Molinelli and J.A. López, Rev. Mex. Fis. S57 (1) 14–17, 2011.
- "Probabilistic aspects of isoscaling", J.A. López, J.A. Muñoz and C.O. Dorso, Rev. Mex. Fis. S56, 85-88, 2010.