Recent Experiments
ENAM – Eastern North American Margin Experiment.
Publications: (Pending)
SUGAR – SUwanee Suture and GA Rift Basin Experiment.
Website links: SUGAR 1 SUGAR 2 SUGAR 3Publications: (Pending)
IMUSH – Imaging Magma Under St. Helens.
Website links: IMUSH 1 IMUSH 2 IMUSH 3
- Kiser, E., I. Palomeras, A. Levander, C. Zelt, B. Schmandt, S. Hansen, K. Creager, C. Ulberg, 2016, Magma reservoirs from the upper crust to the Moho inferred from high-resolution Vp and Vs models beneath Mount St. Helens, Geology, 44, 411-414, doi:10.1130/G35791.1.
- Hansen, SM, B. Schmandt, A. Levander, E. Kiser, J. Vidale, G. Abers, K. Creager, 2016, Seismic evidence for a cold serpentinized mantle wedge beneath Mount St. Helens, Nature Communications, 7, 13432.
SeisORZ – Geophysical Studies of Incipient Continental Rifting in the Okavango Rift, Botswana.
Website links: SeisORZ 1
Publications: (Pending)