Missing Student Information
Our students are busy and it can often be difficult to get them to call home! If you have not been able to reach your son or daughter by text message, e-mail or telephone for a significant period of time, it may be sign of a more serious problem. If you believe your son or daughter is missing or in distress, please contact the UTEP Police Department at 915-747-5611 immediately. We will try to contact your student and coordinate helpful resources.
If the Student Resides on-campus in Student Housing
If a member of the University community has reason to believe that a student who resides in on‐campus housing is missing, he or she should immediately notify The University of Texas at El Paso Police Department (UTEP PD) at 915-747-5611. UTEP PD will generate a missing person report and initiate an investigation. After investigating the missing person report, should UTEP PD determine that the student is missing and has been missing for more than 24 hours, UTEP will notify the El Paso Police Department and the student’s emergency contact no later than 24 hours after the student is determined missing. If the missing student is under the age of 18 and is not an emancipated individual, UTEP officials will notify the student’s legal parent or guardian immediately after the UTEP PD has determined that the student is missing.
In addition to registering an emergency contact, students residing in on‐campus housing have the option to select a confidential contact person to be contacted by UTEP in the event the student is determined to be missing for more than 24 hours. If a student has selected a confidential contact person, UTEP will notify that person no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing. Students who wish to identify and select a confidential contact can do so through the UTEP Department of Resident Life at 747-5352. The contact information is confidential and this information will be accessible only to authorized campus officials and law enforcement and will not be disclosed except for the missing person investigation.