Student Membership
All currently enrolled UTEP Students that have paid their Rec Fee may enter and utilize the Student Recreation Center upon presentation of their valid UTEP Miner Gold Card. Access begins on the first day of classes and continues until classes begin for the next semester. Certain Students (Online, Executive MBA, Fast Track Programs and others) are not assessed the Rec Fee for the semester that they are enrolled. These students will need to pay the Rec Fee in order to utilize the Student Recreation Center. Enrollment in the Spring Semester is required for purchase of Student Summer Membership. Students who are not enrolled for Summer I, Summer II, or Summer 8 Week Session may pay a Summer Fee to utilize the Student Recreation Center. Students may purchase membership for their spouse and their children (ages 2 - 17). Memberships for student spouse and dependent children are purchased on a per semester basis.
Faculty/Staff Memberships
UTEP Faculty and Staff may purchase membership upon presentation of their UTEP Miner Gold Card and verification of employment. Faculty and Staff with active appointments may choose PAYROLL DEDUCTION (Forms accepted from August 14 through September 14th) as a payment method for Student Recreation Center memberships. Membership applications and Payroll Authorization Forms are available at the Student Recreation Center Membership Office Room 102 B. UTEP Faculty/Staff must have a membership to the Student Recreation Center in order to purchase membership for their spouse or dependents. Memberships offered to Faculty/ Staff, Faculty/Staff Spouse or Faculty/Staff Children shall be withdrawn upon the Faculty/Staff separation from the institution.
Alumni Memberships
Active UTEP Alumni Association members may purchase a SRC membership upon presentation of their current Alumni Association card and photo ID. UTEP Alumni must have a membership to the Student Recreation Center in order to purchase membership for their spouse and dependents (ages 2-17). Memberships offered to Alumni spouse or children (ages 2-17) shall be withdrawn if Alumni main member membership has been cancelled or expires.
Card Replacement
Lost or destroyed membership cards issued by the Student Recreation Center may be replaced at the Membership Office Room 102 for $20.00.
Membership Benefits
Swimming Pools, 1/8 of a Mile Indoor Running Track, Free Weights Area, Cardio Area, Selectorized Machines, Basketball Courts, MAC Court, Climbing Gym, Racquetball Challenge Court during Open Recreation Hours, Fitness Programs (at an additional cost) and Equipment Checkout
Facility Access
Faculty/Staff may use the facility by presenting their active UTEP Miner Gold Card and paying the Daily Single Use Fee.
Alumni may use the facility by presenting their active Alumni Membership Card and paying the Daily Single Use Fee
Friends of Alumni may ONLY use the facility by presenting their active Friends of Alumni Membership Card and paying the Daily Single Use Fee.
Children are considered ages 2-17. Children will have access to swimming pools ONLY. No charge for children under 2 years. Pool use by dependents and guests is for recreational use only. No coaching or loud outbursts please.