Performance Evaluations
The purpose of a performance evaluation is to give employees candid feedback on performance to assist them in their career development and growth. Performance is formally evaluated annually, however best practice is for management to have ongoing conversations with employees on a regular basis, not just once a year. Supporting documentation must be used to support all evaluation ratings and comments. Management is to foster an environment of teamwork and open communication between supervisors and subordinates. Management is also to insure that the employee's effort is being directed toward the accomplishment of the University’s
Department goals and objectives to obtain employee commitment. Management will obtain employee feedback regarding their work environment and any concerns impacting their performance.
The Office of Human Resources is responsible for administering the University’s employee performance evaluation program. Supervisors will be responsible for the consistent application of the employee performance evaluation program for each staff member.
It is best practice for supervisors to provide feedback and evaluate newly appointed employees during their first 180 days (6-months) of employment. All classified employees adhere to a 6-month evaluation time period with a required evaluation. It is also best practice for supervisors to conduct a three (3) month evaluation at time of hire to provide employee feedback on work performance and/or conduct, giving the employee a sense of where he/she is on the learning spectrum of the goals, objectives, and culture of the University and department
A formal evaluation will be conducted as of the sixtieth (60) day of employment or sooner, if the employee is not performing satisfactorily. These evaluations will assist the supervisor in objectively addressing any job related issues or concerns about the employee’s performance and serves as a tool to help address issues that may exist.
The rating period encompasses the previous calendar year, January 1 to December 31. Written staff performance evaluations will be completed on forms or within provided electronic systems approved and managed by the Office of Human Resources. All employees shall receive a copy of their completed performance evaluation, participate in a performance evaluation discussion with their immediate supervisor, and have the opportunity to respond to their performance evaluation. Supervisors are responsible for adhering to this policy and conducting timely and consistent performance evaluations.
The procedures outlined below is for the administration of the performance evaluation for Classified and Administrative and Professional (A&P) employees:
- Annual performance evaluations or work plans (for some senior-level executives) are required for Classified and Administrative and Professional (A&P) staff employed during the review period (January 1 to December 31), in a full-time or part-time position. All evaluations and work plans are due to the Office of Human Resources no later than the 31st day of March in order to be considered for a potential merit increase.
- Newly hired or promoted Classified staff must receive a three (3) month and six (6) month evaluation, conducted to determine if employment will continue beyond the probationary period. If the employee is hired anytime during the previous year, documentation must be provided for the period of time the employee was in the role to be considered for any kind of merit.
- If an employee has transferred to a new department or promoted up to a new role with a new supervisor, the receiving supervisor will coordinate with the former supervisor on assessing performance during the time the employee was in the former role/department. The receiving supervisor of staff who have been promoted or transferred to another department within the same calendar year will be responsible for completing the annual performance evaluation.
- All original copies of performance evaluations must be on file with the Office of Human Resources on or before the 31st of March.
- The original evaluation will be provided to the Office of Human Resources once completed with all appropriate signatures and copies will be retained by the employee and department.
- When a performance evaluation is rated less than a “meets” expectations for Classified staff, a performance improvement plan (PIP) is required to be implemented by the supervisor in conjunction with the Office of Human Resources.
Staff Performance Evaluation Appeals
Staff employees who disagree with their performance evaluation may appeal in accordance with the process and procedures described within the Handbook of Operating Procedures in Section V, Chapter 7, under Policy and Procedure for Grievance. The written response must be provided to the employee's supervisor and to the Office of Human Resources. The response should articulate specifically why the employee is in disagreement with the evaluation and provide any supporting documentation to substantiate such rebuttal. The appeal documentation shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file along with the original performance evaluation.
The supervisor shall consider the employee's written response and shall modify the performance evaluation as the supervisor deems appropriate, with a copy of any modification provided to the Office of Human Resources. The Office of Human Resources is available to provide guidance and discuss the appeal documentation with either party.
Resources for Completing Annual Performance Evaluations
Performance evaluation training is provided by the Office of Human Resources. New supervisors are required to complete the Performance Management training prior to conducting any performance evaluation at UTEP. All supervisors are encouraged to attend training periodically to maintain current knowledge and best practices in Performance Management. In support of a productive and interactive dialogue between employees and supervisors, employees in non-supervisory roles are also encouraged to complete training courses offering assistance and guidance on the review process.
Responsible Party
Associate Vice President, Office of Human Resources
Last Updated: July 9, 2016