Other Leave Programs
To provide eligible employees the ability and process to use other approved paid leave programs.
This policy provides for administration of other paid leave benefits for eligible employees of The University of Texas at El Paso.
Bereavement Leave:
Employees wishing to use bereavement leave must request and receive approval with their respective supervisor upon notification of an immediate family member's death. Leave may not be granted for more than three (3) work days.
In the event an employee requires additional time to attend to funeral/burial matters, the employee can request additional leave using their accrued vacation time.
The employee must submit a leave request form indicating the period of bereavement leave.
An employee of The University of Texas at El Paso who is appointed to work at least twenty (20) hours per week for a period of four and one-half months or more in a position that does not require student status as a condition of employment will be granted bereavement leave for a death in the employee’s family.
Jury Duty and Witness Service:
In the event an employee is notified for jury service, an employee should notify the supervisor as soon as notice of jury service is received. The employee must furnish documentary proof of service to the immediate supervisor.
The employee must submit a leave request form indicating the period of jury duty leave. If you are not selected or your service was canceled the day of, you must return to work and provide your supervisor with the documentation provided by the court. Leave requests must have the supporting court documentation upon completion of service.
Leave Without Pay:
With the interest of the University being given first consideration and for good cause, leaves of absence without pay may be granted for a period within the term of appointment of a member of the faculty or staff. All accumulated paid leave must be exhausted before a leave of absence without pay is granted unless otherwise provided by or authorized pursuant to law.
The maximum period for which a leave of absence without pay will be granted is the end of the fiscal year in which the leave begins.
The employee must submit an approved leave request form indicating the period of leave without pay.
Military Leave:
Employees will receive full pay for a maximum of fifteen (15) work days in any fiscal year for duty in the National Guard or Reserve Units of the United States Armed Forces. A copy of the orders must be provided to the Office of Human Resources to arrange the leave of absence in advance.
The employee must submit a leave request form indicating the period of military leave.
Parental Leave:
The University of Texas at El Paso provides up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid parental leave for those employees who are ineligible for family and medical leave coverage for the birth of a natural child or for the adoption or foster care placement of children under three (3) years of age.
The employee must submit a leave request form indicating the period of parental leave to the Office of Human Resources prior to meeting with a Benefits Representative.
Educational Activities:
An employee may use up to eight (8) hours of sick leave each fiscal year to attend educational activities of the employee's child(ren).
The employee must submit a leave request form indicating the period of educational activities.
Veterans Health Leave:
Each fiscal year, a veteran may be granted 120 hours (prorate by FTE) of leave without a deduction in salary or loss of vacation, sick, overtime, or compensatory leave to obtain medical or mental health care administered by the Veterans Health Administration of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, including physical rehabilitation.
All regular full-time and part-time (at least .5 FTE/20 hours per week) benefit eligible employees who served in the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, or Texas National Guard and who are eligible for health benefits under a program administered by the Veterans Health Administration of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs are eligible for Veterans Health Leave.
All Classified and A&P Employees
Employee’s family - is defined for these purposes as the employee's spouse, or the parent, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, or child of the employee or the employee's spouse.
Responsible Party
Associate Vice President, Office of Human Resources
Last Updated: March 11, 2020