Emergency Purchases
This procedure is issued to provide University departments with guidance when an emergency need for goods or services of, $15,000 or greater arises, in which routine compliance with procurement practice is impractical and not in the university's best interest. An emergency purchase may be warranted to prevent a hazard to life, health, safety, welfare, or property, or to avoid undue additional cost to the university.
This procedure is issued in accordance with The University of Texas at El Paso Procurement Operating Procedures.
- If competition is not sought for a purchase of $15,000 or greater, and the situation is deemed an emergency, please complete an electronic Exclusive Acquisition - Emergency Requisition Form, available in Miner Mall. When requesting an Emergency Purchase, consider the following:
- The reason for the emergency purchase; explain what the emergency is and/or what caused the emergency situation.
- The financial or operational damage/risk that will occur if needs are not satisfied immediately.
- Why the needs were not or could not be anticipated so that products/services could not have been purchased following standard procedures.
- The reason and process used for selecting the supplier.
- To process an emergency purchase:
- Complete the electronic Exclusive Acquisition Emergency Requisition Form available in Miner Mall.
- Submit the Electronic Form so that it may route to the appropriate Department Approvers.
- Form will then route electronically to the Purchasing Department for final approval.
- If you have any questions regarding the use of this form, please contact your purchasing representative or call ext. 5601. To contact your Buyer, please see "Who's My Buyer?" https://www.utep.edu/vpba/minermall/who-is-my-buyer/index.html
This administrative procedure applies to all University departments.
Competitive Bid - The process of inviting and obtaining bids from competing sources in response to advertised competitive specifications, by which an award is made to the lowest and best bidder meeting the specifications. The process contemplates giving potential bidders a reasonable opportunity to bid, and requires that all bidders be placed on the same plane of equality. Each bidder must bid on the same advertised specifications, terms, and conditions in all the items and parts of a contract. The purpose of competitive bidding is to stimulate competition, prevent favoritism, and secure the best goods and services at the lowest practicable price, for the benefit of the State. Competitive bidding cannot occur where contract specifications, terms, or conditions prevent or unduly restrict competition, favor a particular vendor, or increase the cost of goods or services without providing a corresponding benefit to the state.
Emergency Purchase - Emergencies occurs as the result of an unforeseen circumstance that requires an immediate response to prevent financial or operational damage to the university. If a situation arises ini which routine compliance with procurement practice is impractical and not in the university's best interest, an emergency purchase may be warranted to prevent a hazard to life, health, safety, welfare, or property, or to avoid undue additional cost to the university. Emergency purchases of goods or services are performed to restore a system to its original intended functionality and must not exceed the scope or duration of the emergency. The Purchasing Office will establish that the selection meets this criteria.
Responsible Party
Associate Vice President, Purchasing & General Services
Last Updated: March 11, 2020