Graduate Admissions
Refer to the current UTEP Graduate Catalog for:
- Instructions and online application
- Send the application
- Applicable fees
- Transcripts
- GRE scores directly to the Graduate School
The Office of Graduate Student Services reviews the application packet and forwards it to the Kinesiology Graduate Coordinator, who reviews the application and recommends unconditional or conditional admission, or denies admission to the Kinesiology Program. You will be notified by e-mail.
Unconditional Admission
An undergraduate degree in kinesiology or a related field from an accredited institution with an overall GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
TOEFL score of at least 213 (computer) or 550 (written) for those students for whom English is a foreign language.
Other evidence of background and experience that may be available.
Conditional Admission
An undergraduate degree from an accredited institution with an overall GPA of at least 2.8 on a 4.0 scale.
At least 12 hours of undergraduate kinesiology core courses approved by the program graduate advisor.
TOEFL score of at least 213 (computer version) or 550 (written version) for those students for whom English is a foreign language.
Other evidence of background and experience that may be available.
Grade Requirements
You must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0. A “D” or “F” will result in a referral to the Kinesiology Graduate Faculty for review. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, this will result in a recommendation to the Graduate School for dismissal from the Kinesiology Graduate Program. A “C” is not considered acceptable graduate level work. One “C” is permitted so long as the overall GPA does not fall below 3.0. A second “C” will result in a referral to the full Kinesiology Graduate Faculty for review. This can also result in dismissal from the program.
Admissions Policy for Students with Undergraduate Majors Other Than Kinesiology
If your undergraduate degree is in a field other than kinesiology, physical education, athletic training or another related field, you must complete at least one class in each of these areas:
- biomechanics (KIN 4313)
- exercise physiology (KIN 4312)
- motor behavior (KIN 3332)
- human anatomy (BIOL 2311 or KIN 3331)
The Kinesiology Graduate Coordinator will evaluate your transcripts and background and determine any area(s) of deficiency. You will receive a written Preliminary Program of Study that includes the courses you are expected to complete.
Admission and Transfer Credit Policy
If you are conditionally admitted, the Graduate Coordinator will advise you regarding tasks and deadlines you must complete for full admission. Generally, you must have a 3.33 GPA with no incompletes, Ws or grade lower than a “B” during your first nine hours of graduate work before you are fully admitted.
You must file a formal program of study with the Office of Graduate Studies immediately after full admission status is granted.
Applications for graduation must be filed with the Office of Admissions and Records during the semester of the anticipated graduation date.
You can transfer up to six units of graduate-level coursework from an accredited institution, subject to the approval of the Department of Kinesiology Graduate Coordinator. Transfer courses can only be used to satisfy elective credit. Courses in which you earned a “C” or lower will not be accepted.
You must complete your degree within six years from the semester you first enrolled. Courses taken more than six years before you complete the degree requirements will not count toward your degree.